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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. It's his type of song combined with the seidzonal (sp?) in people's bodies from the ruin water and Windermerian apple combo. Song's fold waves trigger the chemical to cause Var, and how Heinz sings can apparently be used to ensure control. Freyja likely could use that amplifier to free everyone if she had it.
  2. This makes sense to me, and also I feel fits with the Draken's origins. It is less likely that the Anti-UN types that helped create it (and I'm guessing Epsilon Foundation are directly related to those people) had in depth documentation on Fold Wave systems, which were previously only on the YF-29 developed by Frontier Shinsei/LAI (or the FDRS from the YF-30, which was a particularly unique example and not at all corporate as far as I know, past that SMS Oroborous owns it). As for ISC, I agree the Windermerians might not need a full ISC, but the Draken III could have an IVC instead of simply nothing as well. That being said, that system is likely easier to get design data on.
  3. GG says subs are delayed btw.. because... something about sending someone to In&Out... Which I can't really say I wouldn't do, lol.
  4. Maybe, would be interesting for sure. We'll see.
  5. Agreed, I really like Messer's VF-31F and I personally would still like to get the DX for it if possible (as well as Keith's 262 for combat poses). I am sure somehow we'll see it in action again in the show... just not sure who will be using it.
  6. Mirage's call sign was changed to Delta 02, but there is no time or need to update the physical numbering of her plane, which is still the Delta 04 unit. That doesn't mean she should fly the Delta 02 unit (which is still probably being repaired and retuned anyway), nor does it actually mean she has to have D02 painted on her plane. Call signs are actually a bit nebulous and in the real world are assigned on a mission basis as needed (though it likely happens that someone keeps a familiar one usually unless otherwise needed). Mirage can be assigned the Delta 02 call sign and still officially fly the Delta 04 plane because that is her plane, which she is trained to fly. Granted she probably could fly the 31F with little problem (save for the fact she is missing the skill to fly it like Messer, which I believe is entirely down to a mental block of her thinking she isn't as good as her legacy would suggest), however, she already has a capable unit and her role on the team as tactical support likely hasn't changed (and that would work better with Hayate whether he does fill in more for Messer or not, which I expect both he and Arad will be doing), even if her team rank and position has. That all being said... Bandai has a lot of excuses for special purple VF-31F releases now if they want regardless of if the show does it, lol. There is always the profit angle, lol.
  7. I am also likely to buy this show since it will have official subs (not that I am not collecting fansubs until then), but this whole release 3 episodes in 9 volumes at a time for a rather high price thing makes me prefer to just wait for a series box set as well. Much easier.
  8. Cause your friends don't fly well, and if they don't fly well then they're no friends of mine. Harsher than truth but it fit.
  9. Cause his friends don't dance and if they don't dance well, then they're no friends of mine.
  10. Macross Double Quarter Pounder (or Double Royale w/Cheese for non-Americans).
  11. I just got a YF-29B and I got to say I really like it. I have not owned any other Frontier valks (yes I know the B isn't from Frontier, but it is based on the Durandal, so close enough) but it seems like a solid piece (except for the head lasers, heh). I really like how the 29 is basically a 25 with built in Tornado packs in a way, but I know there is still super parts for the Durandal (as seen in the movie) and I find myself wondering how much it really needs them. Not in the mechanical in universe sense (having more missiles and armor can always be justified) but in the sense of the toy being a complete unit. For the 29B at least, it seems like a pretty complete toy to me as is. Maybe part of it is I don't much care for the extra wing pods the 29 super parts add as well.
  12. I was never a big fan of that move honestly... however it would be a bit more suitable for Michael because then he and Klan are the proper relative sizes and physical ages, heh.
  13. I don't mind that I took too long to decide really. I was in the fence as it was. If I had caught it during the sale price then I definitely would have gone for it.
  14. Well I am at work, lol. I think missiles can make for good kills though, but you aren't wrong at the same time in many ways. Also there does exist MDE missiles I think but they are likely not standard. Micro missiles are just not for precision kills but for target suppression which may or may not cause legitimate damage. This seems true in Macross 30 as I play. I make missile based kills but most of my kills were by gunpod. I use missiles to weaken. So in that Graham is on point.
  15. Guess I just need to decide if I should wait for another sale price or just go ahead and but it at the current regular price.
  16. And now I am hesitant...
  17. Er... well, that's not entirely accurate... but Saruta is right about one thing... finish Macross Plus, because it is one of the best Macross stories hands down. If the attempted rape thing worries you... well without spoiling too much there was an assault in the past, but there is a disconnect with what was happening, who did what, why it happened, and what certain people remember. I'm not going to say it turns out clean and cheery, and they the whole story is somewhat about the ramifications of that, and in the end it feels complete. Plus the final fight sequences are just amazing. I'd recommend watching the movie version, it is more concise and feels somehow better told, though it is only available subbed (but Macross fans should be used to that). Macross Plus OVA does have that rare advantage of having a dub (and a pretty decent one at that.. I mean.. Bryan Cranston plays Isamu.... as in Walter White's Bryan Cranston...).
  18. I'm still calling that Mirage and Hayate form an elite duo to challenge Keith by complimenting their two styles. It also will further that leg of the triangle by getting them working together more.
  19. So I have to decide, quickly I bet, if I really want this before it is gone in general.
  20. Is 27000 the sale price? Also how long will this last? I'd love to have a VF-4 (though mostly for the Fighter so maybe I should just consider a model).
  21. Even now keeping F-16s in service is way easier than building new F-35s for every base (I'm in the AF btw and work on the 16) plus the 16 can still compete since it is less complex than the more complicated 35. More importantly, if this is a story about a NUNS Squadron than they would use the 171. That's their standard. The 19 was designed as a special ops unit. The 22 is a limited build special ops of a different kind. The 25 was designed specially for Frontier fleet using the 24 design, same for 27 and Galaxy fleet (and it only works for cyborgs). The YF-29 and 30 are tech demonstrators and not really meant to be main series units. Too early for 31 but even then it is also kinda a special purpose unit even if it is a production unit. When it comes down to it, until NUNS decides to design an entire new replacement for the 171 that is worth doing more than upgrading the 171,they will keep using it. Also via Delta, we know they still do.
  22. You aren't the first to make that comparison. It is possible SK is throwing a nod to Macross II a bit even though he had nothing to do with it.
  23. Like I posted earlier, GG reported they'd be a day or so late due to traveling. EDIT: Seto... post sniping me.. should have figured someone with that name would screw the rules and be quicker, lol. (That's a YuGiOh Abridged joke btw)
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