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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Are... people unaware Yoko Kanno was involved in Frontier? Because she was. She scored the entire series and had a large part in building Sheryl and Ranka's music. Delta was someone different and it is noticeable but be careful about casually dumping on Frontier while praising Kanno, lol.
  2. 1. The first is essentially how the fold wave system works except in the YF-29 it's a secondary system due to limitations on the super rare fold quartz. But Protoculture stuff effectively did this as a common method I think. The Fold Evils the Protodevlin possessed certainly did this, in a biomechanical sense. 2. Not so sure on waste heat. I kinda don't want fold space to be used as a free get out of physics card like most sci-fi does with their extra dimensional realms. That's why I like the ISC, it does do this at first but it needs to bring the forces back into normal space eventually, it can just spread it out over time. 3. No super dimension space can withstand ego of that magnitude!
  3. It was probably his idea but I don't know for sure. The Ragnans are descendants of the Protoculture just as humans are though. They seeded the planet with genetically alerted life based on their form, which they also did on several Brisignr worlds. It's likely Zola is similar despite being located elsewhere which is also not strange considering Earth is pretty far away as well.
  4. It's specifically the character designs from SDFM and DYRL, so them as they looked in those. Max and Milia from M7 are fine, as is any version of an OG in a later thing that looks different enough. I'm not sure VF-1 and SDF-1 count.. Plus is already getting English releases with the latter, and the other shows are slated for release eventually. There might be reason to question certain shots perhaps but for the most part it's pretty workable.
  5. That's... The opposite of what I said. I was saying there's no reason to use Megaroad 1 at all lol. Just do a new group entirely (which is what I honestly expect to happen).
  6. That logic is good, we can follow an entirely new group of people in a new fleet of ships doing exactly that. Nothing about Megaroad 1 makes it especially suited to anything other than a couple familiar faces who's story was completed. Any other reason to have that ship involved can be accomplished elsewhere. Let's not pretend it's not about nostalgia.
  7. Hardly, lol. I love that moment so much and the franchise certainly is no worse for it. Honestly the best part of that scene, besides that it's just really f-ing cool and fun, is the fact it's an established and named maneuver for the Quarter's crew to perform and they react to the Captain calling for it so nonchalantly that clearly they've done this before. I find that implication so amusing and it says so much about this crew that it breathes life into the setting at the implied existence of other events as crazy as this one. A one off would be silly for sure, but that they made it a repeatable thing just means they are good at crazy stuff and I love that.
  8. No one said that was happening for sure. Though I certainly hoped for it. Alas all their news was stuff we already knew about.
  9. "Those damn Macross fans, they are ruining Macross!"
  10. Yes. With Sara, Shin, and Mao. They did underplay the Mao leg though. She was more into Shin then he really acknowledged her in that way. Sara was about as obvious the answer as Freyja was in Delta.
  11. There's definitely no logical reason to assume anything based on Zero is going to happen. Honestly besides the clear fan interest in an SDF era remake, I don't know why people think it's a possibility. Even if it didn't have legal issues, it's so will documented that Kawamori and Big West aren't interested in going backwards anymore. It's so much easier to keep moving forward. Literally anything is possible that way, with no restrictions or story hampering. Any concerns of the way stories are written today, whether it's Japanese audience interests over Western or just shifts in generational expectations, a prequel or remake isn't going to fix that, if anything a remake would veer into today's sensibilities and just turn the original into something older western fans would dislike lol.
  12. So I happened to be looking into stuff related to the Jenius family anyway and this actually depends on the ending to the game Macross M3. Apparently there is a 'good' and 'bad' ending based on player choices. So assuming the good ending is one most would consider canonical (which of course means nothing because this is Macross), she mostly likely retired right after the game and just went on to live a normal life.
  13. Magic... Or whatever they are calling their made up particle physics in each show. I don't follow too many but I know some literally invented fake physics to excuse certain things.
  14. It's important to recognize what Seto means by amount of time engines can deliver maximum thrust though. In space they do not have to constantly run the engines, they only need bursts of thrusts to change their vectors or accelerate and decelerate, and not always at max power. So a VF-1 could operate longer in space if the pilot is careful. Of course in a battle that can be difficult sometimes. Recall in episode 6 of Macross Delta Hayate in a VF-31J with super parts actually did run out of fuel because he wasn't being efficient or paying attention, but others were still doing alright.
  15. Yeah after this conversation I remembered I used BiginJapan to get the Hayate supers and they had the ghost set for preorder (13k yen before shipping but I expected some upcharge) so I went ahead and used them again.
  16. Thanks @MKT and @PsYcHoDyNaMiX. I think I'd done this before cause I got the AX supers for Hayate but just totally blanked on how I went about it. I think I can figure it out now though.
  17. Well that answers the first part... Now I just gotta figure out where to order it. I couldn't find it on my phone following links from the Tamashii site. I'll try to look again on PC later.
  18. So I'm having some trouble understanding this cause I don't often buy the Tamashi exclusives that don't appear on the usual sites. If I want to get the super ghost set, and I missed the original order time in November, is this saying I can order it again in February or that I can order it now until February? And for either case where and how, cause I certainly can't find it on any of the associated sites referenced on the Tamashi page for the product (if it's not available for order yet that makes sense but I want to be sure).
  19. There's really nothing to worry about. They are a busy company. RightStuf has been putting out anime sets consistently since that announcement and Crunchyroll buying them. It's actually rather common for anime distributors to not be super transparent. There's really nothing to tell us except when the final release date is and that likely will be shortly before that date anyway. We know it's being worked on, the official sub of Macross 7 episode 1 has been played at conventions already. They are a busy company doing more than just Macross stuff, sometimes we just gotta trust things are moving.
  20. While it's technically a Frontier movie, FB7 is basically a Macross 7 clip show being watched (on the beauty of VHS) by the Frontier cast.
  21. I think the Sv-303 is probably not that powerful really. It's good some built in advantages. Being unmanned makes it able to do a lot of things manned systems can't even with the ISC (which it doesn't need, so energy savings) and it clearly has some type of fold wave system installed to interact that is being boosted by the Siren system. We don't know if it's the proper fold wave system the Durandal uses (which doesn't actually require a musical helper to resonate with super dimension space if I recall) or a budget version like Xaos uses (which does need extra help, hence Walkure in part) but the tech regardless improves capability. More importantly... They were fighting Xaos and Windermere who are... Kinda bad at this... We never saw Max having trouble with them cause he's like, ya know, good. Yeah he has a better VF but it's Max he could do this with less. I think the Sv-303 is one of the most advanced Ghost systems to date maybe, but not Uber powered VF-24 level stuff probably.
  22. Nah they're busy with lots of stuff. Macross isn't the only thing they are working on and they didn't promise it this year. I don't expect the sets before next summer at the earliest personally but I'll be glad if it is sooner. It's easy to think things should move faster but really they gave a lot of info up front. There's not much to keep us updated on except when they are releasing, and they probably haven't decided or done the work needed to confirm when the right release window is for them. Aside maybe Delta which had subs already they are doing a lot of work to bring these shows to the west. I think it's perfectly natural to take some time. There is some chance the Crunchyroll acquisition of RightStuf may have affected things too but I don't really think that's worth worrying about. I think it'll get here, just takes some time. We've waited this long already anyway lol.
  23. There isn't a given reason for the crash but orbital dynamics can give us a guess. We know the ship was damaged so likely it's sublight engines were dead already. It likely then defolded into an unstable orbit and gravity did the rest. I'd bet the crew was already dead and the ship has emergency folded right out from a battle with Zentradi.
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