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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. I'll pass on this, and wait for Messer's 31F to go with the Sv-262Hs Keith I've already preordered.
  2. Not that I've seen on the major streaming services.. though Google Play has a surprising amount of Japanese stuff that will show up in a similar to category (but the closest to Fukuyama is probably JAM Project, of which he is a member). Honestly if you want to listen to Fukuyama's work, just look into his several albums. They are all good in different ways, and if you want even more than that you can look up some of Hummingbird's discography (Fukuyama-san's band around the time Macross 7 was being made). They're all easy enough to find online for purchase (they are also easy enough to find other ways but I am not going to tell you where or how of course as doing it that way is for you to decide and figure out).
  3. Mao didn't die on Macross Galaxy, she died on Galia 4 when the Vajra attacked the planet where the 117th research fleet was in the 2040s, before Galaxy even started scheming to use the Vajra for their evil mind control plans. It is implied Grace studied under Mao along with Ranshe (Ranka's mother), thus why Brera ended up being saved by her and taken to Galaxy whereas Ozma got Ranka out to Frontier. I don't really understand why so many people are so keen to believe Mao is alive when it was basically stated plainly she died. I keep hearing the idea and there is basically nothing to suggest it. Someone from Megaroad-1 being Lady M makes more sense to me. At least they might actually still be alive.
  4. That's quite the necro-quote there... plus it is a topic we've all thoroughly debunked in the past 10 months since Azrael made that comment, heh. They are going through zero time fold gates created by the Sigur Valens, thus no need for fold boosters. To date, there has never been any fold engine small enough to fit inside a valkyrie sized craft.... besides.. with all the other space being used for what VFs normally have.. not even sure where you could put it... Even the ISC had some trouble before they could shrink it down to fit anywhere.
  5. Good question, because the movie takes place somewhere between episodes 38 and 40 of the show (it is an estimate based on a couple of the villains that appear), and Encore is often speculated to be between episodes 39 and 42.. so roughly the same time. Encore however is just 3 extra episodes that have nothing to do with the main story so they can literally be viewed whenever (well actually, they have to be before the last episode at least for reasons). The order for encore is fluid, but the release list has Fleet of the Strongest Women first (and imo the best one), followed by On Stage, and Which one do you love? being last. Dynamite 7 is a lot easier as it takes place after the series finale and represents something of a wrap up for the cast. Though it is an entirely new plot with a completely new soundtrack which got its own album (except for the song Angel Voice, which is not on the Dynamite album but has a very important appearance in the OVA).
  6. Welcome to the madhouse, lol. It gets even better in Encore, the movie, and Dynamite. (Some people think Dynamite isn't good, but I love it.... then again some think all of 7 is bad.. it is different yes, but I actually like it). This is amusing cause I just started an M7 rewatch myself to get my by the last month of my deployment. I'm up to episode 19 but I've seen it all. So let me take a stab at your questions. 1. I don't know honestly.. part of it might be the noticeable disparity between Chie Kajiura and Tomo Sakurai's voices. Tomo gives Mylene a rather high pitched and childlike voice that fits her personality and temperment, and age, while Chie's singing suddenly transformers Mylene into a much older and almost (to me) sultry sounding musician. Most of the music was likely pre-recorded... but even if so the reason Basara's probably sounds so natural is likely up to the true masterful work of Yoshiki Fukuyama, of whom I'm quite the fan of thanks to this show. The man is like John Lennon if he were Japanese, and he, along with his various bands over time (including Hummingbird which was still together when M7 was being made) were notable for always making live performances sound as good as studio performances. He might just simply be a natural at it, and it makes Kajiura-san sound less good by comparison. 2. It is hard to decide if the Protodeviln are really experiencing the same human like emotions, but I think Gigil definitely did love Sivil. I don't think Sivil shared that feeling nor even considered such a thing until Basara... erm... awoke within her such feelings. Course at that point Sivil was more obsessed with Basara, but she did seem to acknowledge Gigil in the end. 3. It's Protodeviln.. others are just misspellings. Yeah, it's a weird word. 4. Because it's a Macross show... only the heroes get to do well, lol. Joking aside though, the actual reason is by the time this show takes place, the VF-11C is an outdated model, and already slated for replacement by the VF-19 (a full role out that we know never actually happens since between this and Frontier the UNG is reorganized into the NUNG and NUNS adopts the VF-171 as a cheaper option instead before beginning the decentralized fleet's choice method of VF development). So frankly, the VF-11 pilots are just woefully under armed against the enemy they are fighting (which is something of a trope Macross tends to use, as the same is true of the VF-171 pilots in Frontier when fighting the Vajra early on, except they got upgrades later). Also I assume you meant Diamond and Emerald squads, heh. Bit early for Delta, lol. Hope that helps.
  7. They'd have to recast Mylene though, since her VA just retired. Though maybe they can get someone who sounds a bit closer to how Chie Kajiura sings. I always found that vocal disparity jarring. I figure doing something like you say could use reuse the music (god knows it still holds up). Maybe while they're at it they could throw in extra Fukuyama songs, or even use Re.Fire tracks for added variety. All I know is any reworking of 7 needs one thing above all else: Gamlin Kick!
  8. Like Seto pointed out in the questions thread, fold carbon really isn't anything special, as it has been a thing in Macross since the original series, even if it was never actually labeled back then. Fold carbon is simply the macguffin of the Macross universe that allows technology to interact with super dimension space to do all the amazing things they do. (For comparison, Star Trek has dilithium, and Mass Effect has Element Zero. They all do different things, but they are all some type of material that has special properties that allows special quasi-physics bending stuff to occur, and all relate to their respective series FTL technologies). All fold carbon does is enable manipulation of heavy quantum in SD space so you can do stuff like warping space time (used for folding as well as barriers), shunting heavy quantum into real space so it can be used for beam weapons. Most importantly though, it is used to enhance the process of nuclear fusion so that it is easier to do, and give access to massive amounts of energy. This is why Valkyrie engines, as well as spacecraft engines, work so well in the Macross universe. Fold carbon has been a part of all valkyrie engines, all the way back to the VF-1 (not the VF-0 though, as it used conventional jet engines). So unless the fold carbon in the wing roots is an extra amount intended for something specific, it is nothing particularly special. As for it being crystalline, it would be, simply because carbon typically forms crystalline structures in nature (diamond just being a particularly dense one). Though not every carbon structure is crystalline. That being said, I doubt that fold carbon has any actual carbon and is just called that because it is ubiquitous and simple like carbon is. Similarly fold quartz likely isn't made of any actual quartz (which itself is pretty common and just made of silicon and oxygen). The terms are just a way of indicating their relative similarities I'd bet.
  9. You must trust in the true wind to give you the answer.
  10. And... Confirmation e-mail get! Awesome! Successful pre-order without the madness. Now I just need one VF-31 for a set. Messer's makes the most sense... but that 31A is very sexy.... such decisions...
  11. It is best not to take all of it too literally. As Seto has said, the shows we are seeing are not necessarily the shows they are seeing, or even the true version of events used as history within the narrative. This basically means there may not be a way to rationalize things based solely on what we have seen. Each show or movie is one spectrum of a sliding scale of canonical accuracy and the true canon history lies in some foggy region in the middle. All we have are clues to go on.
  12. Thanks! Quickly processed an order. Awaiting confirmation e-mail but everything went smooth so I'm feeling confident.
  13. I hear ya buddy. Same story.
  14. I've seen it rationalized as a mix of all those things. The boobytrap did damage various systems to the point where that accident was a result, but I've also read that part of it was folding close to a gravity well which is considered dangerous. More than likely when I heard that the crew's inexperience with the fold system was partly to blame, what was really being said was that because they don't know a lot about the technology yet that means they didn't know to anticipate that the boobytrap may have damaged the system and made it very bad to fold so close to ground. Perhaps normally it might not be as dangerous if the system was undamaged (though I'd still avoid it, the spatial distortion would rip up anything nearby, which is basically what happened. The ship taking South Ataria with it may not be part of the accident ultimately and just a mistake they made being so low).
  15. I wish I could, but I heard about it too recently to have planned any leave for that. Not that I could have anyway, your friendly neighborhood engineering graduate turned AF jet engine mechanic here has actually been posting from his 'luxury' military deployment in Afghanistan for the past couple months. I won't be stateside again until sometime in November. But I would totally love to meet some of the people here someday at a future con though (I already got plans for being at the Creation Star Trek convention in Vegas next August though if any of you are also Trekkies, heh).
  16. The fold speakers? They're probably just made to handle it like the rest of the valkyrie. I mean.. a normal aircraft profile isn't exactly efficient for re-entry, the wings especially would tear off in a normal situation at those speeds.. so I attribute almost all of it to the durability and thermal resistance of the hypercarbon.
  17. Folding in atmospheres is a really bad idea. Besides we've seen at least once that folding close to a gravity well can have unpredictable side effects (though part of that was inept handling by a crew that barely understood the technology at the time). Still ghost is on the right track, folding may or may not transfer for previous momentum but it likely does not automatically put you at the right speed you need on exit so you need to use conventional engines to match orbits. Like he said, planets are also moving, and air around them moves too.. if you fold out while orbiting a planet, at orbital velocity, and fold into an atmosphere where things typically don't move that fast you are gonna have a bad time. The rapid wall of air slamming into you will superheat rapidly and you will cause shock waves that could decimate locals areas. Actually, there is an example of this in Macross 7. In the movie, Basara folds in to a planet close to ground and his valkyrie is immediately sent into a tumble as it crashes into the ground and forcibly ejects him from the cockpit (cause Basara is too cool to wear safety gear). He only survives due to the cushioning of snow. To wit the locals who find him right after even yell at him for being stupid enough to fold in so close to the ground. This says it is known that it is a dangerous thing to do even on a small farming world. As I focused on spacecraft design more than anything in my schooling orbital mechanics is something of an enjoyment for me to think about too. Ghost is again right, you don't need orbital speeds to leave the atmosphere. Fly straight up for 100 km on Earth and you are 'officially' in space. Keep it up to about 500 km and you are past the point of any notable atmospheric effects. Problem is you are not in orbit and you will eventually fall back down unless you are constantly thrusting against gravity. Still this topic started on re-entry I believe? We know that valkyrie hypercarbon frames (and likely the older space metal frames of first and second generation VFs) are really resilient and can probably handle the heat stresses just fine. After all, we see it a lot. Perhaps for an added kick of protection since the engines don't need to be thrusting during an aerobreaking maneuver they could instead go full power to ECA even in fighter mode just until you reach the thermometric and barometric equilibrium in an atmosphere (read: you slow down enough within the air pressure to stop super heating). Also the 4th and 5th gen VFs also have pin point barriers but I suspect that isn't really necessary. We know older generations were able to make planet fall long before that was common technology on VFs.
  18. Well the real world reasoning is sloppy writing of course and because Kawamori needed the VF-25 to be the hero valk for the hero characters of SMS. If NUNS had it then it wouldn't be special anymore. The fact that he couldn't give a better reason than it being under testing is the proof of the sloppy writing. The in universe explanation is what alludes us. The idea of there being an issue in a contract or a political blockage that caused thing to happen as they did is not that unrealistic though give how such things can get in the real world when it comes to defense contracts. I'd be willing to accept it as an excuse but I'd like SK or anyone involved in the show to say something of the nature basically just to fill in the discrepancy. As for experience with engines, I suppose I count for that. I was merely just using my knowledge of how engineering design process works to come to that conclusion earlier. That being said, I also work as a jet engine mechanic so I do have first hand knowledge in that respect, heh.
  19. I can't really say whether or not there was an issue with the engine or not because there is nothing to suggest that. Like you said, it is a wild guess. Still, comparing it to the VF-31A is kind of pointless as there is basically no relation between them except that they are both children of the YF-24 design family (actually if you think about it the VF-31 is a grandchild since it is derived further from the YF-24 via the YF-30). The thing is that or the date the 31 was made does not make it inherently better than the 25. It is just a different take from a different local fleet/planet/cluster on the same basic design (well.. the simplified basic design). The VF-31A is not required to be better or more advanced than the VF-25, just at least comparable so no one has to ask the engineering design team why they couldn't design something as good as another fleet. That being said, same engine aside, I think the 31A does have some advantages to the 25, among them looking much sexier, lol. I was merely just making a point, not saying the 31 isn't better necessarily. All about design needs, roles, and mission requirements. VF-25 was made to fight Vajra, which it did well enough. VF-31 probably could, but that's not what it is meant to do. So really that the VF-31A uses that same engine, to me as an engineer, that tells me less that the engine had any issues than it says that that particular engine fit the requirements in the RFP (Request for Proposal) in both fighters when the Frontier and Brisingr NUNS originally put in to have them designed. In another way, the fact that the same engine works well for both designs is more of a testament to how well the engine works. So I think I'm going to go ahead and take the stance that there was no issue with the VF-25 engine. Explaining then why Frontier NUNS still didn't go ahead and produce VF-25s instead of retrofitting the VF-171s might be a far more complicated thing though than any single explanation. For all we know it could be a matter of politics. Maybe some idiot in the Frontier government agreed to a clause in the SMS VF-25 testing contract that as long as SMS was testing the fighter NUNS couldn't move ahead to produce them. Though that would just open up the question of why they didn't repo them like Seto said to void out that contract, or even why the wartime agreement didn't nullify that. Like said, whatever the reason is, it is going to have to be pretty complicated.
  20. True, not like they are hurting for production facilities or capability. Macross 7 fleet could build a whole new Battle 7 in about a year, and they seemed to never run out of VF-11s despite them getting blown up so much the stock footage started making sense. We know not all the pilots could handle 17s and 19s so that is why 7 didn't produce them en masse probably (like you said, the 19 was hard to fly basically for the average pilot). But in Frontier, the 25 was going to be the main line fighter... and it was something average pilots could use with basic training (I mean.. Alto figured it out and he was just a flight student, and Hayate got the hang of a 31 despite having no flight experience). Frontier is also way more massive and built up than 7, so... they could afford to make a bunch of VF-25As at least to give to the NUNS forces. At least you could argue the various Brisingr worlds might not be able to afford churning out VF-31s on their own right away... since they seemed a bit less capable somehow.
  21. Good points, no argument here. I certainly do remember the NUNS kicking some ass here and there, such as the ever popular Machida punch in Frontier (which I consider the spiritual successor to 'Gamlin Kick!' lol). But like you note, there is too much focus on PMCs and in reality PMCs are not that great really (which makes Xaos somewhat more realistic than SMS, heh). SDFM had only its main forces so of course they were the heroes so really the best comparison is Macross 7 where the military was both heroes and punching bags. You had some real pros and aces with Diamond Force and Emerald Force, not to mention sometimes Max and Milia got in there, plus it was made clear the first time Battle 7 transforms and fires its cannon, at 80% charge, that it can still wipe out most of an attacking fleet with ease. Really the only reason they seemed to be doing bad is because the VF-11Cs were being held together by string apparently. However they were an older model, much like the VF-171 in the later shows, so I guess it is kind of the same thing. Those VF-11 pilots aren't incompetent, they just can't match the Varuta fighters (which as far as I can gather, despite being based on the Gen 3 VF-14, are upgraded beyond that level somehow). Luckily the military also had more limited stock of VF-17Ds, VF-19s, and a few VF-22s. Not even mentioning Sound Force because they didn't really fight of course. So if anything, the problem with NUNS representation is that they've given up all of their good stuff to local PMCs just to save money on testing and maybe skirt some safety regulations, heh. My only guess why they didn't repo the VF-25s was because of the contract clause where SMS was basically rolled into NUNS command once the war started. So even though NUNS pilots weren't using them, they still had control over their deployment (while still legally being able to ignore casualties, heh).
  22. Was reading up on this recently about how the Battle class ships are actually 6 ships put together (including the cannon) and can all separate and operate independently. That is a really cool detail... except we've never seen it done. It seems almost an afterthought, and except for the cannon it isn't really obvious. I wonder why decide that if nothing is ever going to be shown of it. This kind of leads me back to the thought that I want a next series or OVA to be once again more focused on the NUNS (colony or Federal, but I'd love to see the modern day Federal forces) where they aren't just the low skilled screw ups the past two shows have implied them to be (or, conversely, all evil and corrupt). I get Kawamori seems to have developed a love affair with PMCs because it is easier for him to the kind of hero characters he wants there than in a proper military organization... but I still want better representation on that side.
  23. I want to go for Messer's if only for the color and the head.. I wanted Keith but my internet went out the day of the PO. On the other hand.. eventually the 31A will happen... that realistic color scheme looks soooo good on it... and I like the YF-30 style delta wings more (though I do have a YF-30 at least).
  24. Oh of course not, I never meant to imply Kawamori developed the idea of that at all. I'm a hardcore Trekkie too, but the idea of any inertial damping, cancelling, or buffering is definitely way older than even that. All I was saying is that the specific term ISC likely started with Frontier, and certainly wasn't in Gundam first.
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