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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. I don't know why he plopped the logo in there but that isn't what the poster was referring to, there actually was an announcement about a new Sheryl project. That said it is unlikely to be directly related to the new show.
  2. All I heard was part of the 35th anniversary was revealed to be a new Sheryl project. I don't think it was supposed to be related to the new show.
  3. I also have it going to PW, since I also have the VF-31F from HLJ... Waiting a whole month to get the Draken sounds rough.. but getting both at the same time for one shipping charge... it's probably worth it. It makes sense the rivals would come together I think too.
  4. It is likely not a formal thing. Keep in mind Skull Squadron isn't seen anywhere in UNS/NUNS outside of SDFM/DYRL. We can surmise Earth, and UNS/NUNS Command at Macross City will always have a Skull Squadron... but we don't really know. More importantly, and the real answer... SMS has a Skull Squadron probably just because they wanted to have one. They're a private business, they can do that. It is likely seen as an homage to the Space War 1 heroes though.
  5. There is no specific date, but it likely happened in the late 2040s, post Dynamite 7. Some people claim the events of VFX and VFX2 were the spark for it (not the cause though), and those were into the early 2050s if I recall.
  6. Don't have time right this moment to get a screen, but I think that was episode 6 during the space battle. One of the only times we saw the 31s with super parts on as well.
  7. I try to raise awareness every so often but naturally not everyone sees it, but the "104 valk" is actually called the Sv-154 Svard. To date though no proof has been shown that it transforms... though I'd bet on it still.
  8. I didn't because the Frontier Fleet didn't build that, Havamal did, with NUNS funding. They could afford it.
  9. On the subject of the YF-24 (inb4 Seto.. but he'll likely give his whole spiel anyway. and better than me, lol) and whether it is better than the VF-25. We know the base YF-24 design created by Federal NUNS is scary powerful, to an extent we aren't entirely clear on because it has had no focus. It is also still a prototype though. Presumanly Federal NUNS (aka Earth) would have then produced a VF-24 from it that is one of the most powerful VFs. However we really don't know anything about that for sure, it is just a smart bet. Now... When NUNS distributes the YF-24 design plans.. they do simplify them on purpose. The Emigrant Fleets and Colonies get a 'monkey model' design which they can use to produce new VFs. Frontier developed the YF-25 from the design, which then then mass produced into the VF-25 (Olympia created a YF-26, which ultimately did not outperform the 25, so it wasn't developed past that, and Galaxy developed the YF-27 and later VF-27 on their own while doing some shady stuff at the same time for the evulz). The refinement of the ISC in the VF-25 from the YF-24 design likely refers to a local improvement on the filtered designs for the 24. It is possible it is still inferior to the Federal version (or maybe not.. hard to say). Frontier later developed the YF-29 which with it's fold wave system is likely on par with a Federal NUNS YF-24... but the YF-29 is so prohibitively expensive they could only afford to make one of them (which Alto went and crashed naturally, nice job breaking it hero). The YF-30 was just a tech demonstrator for the Fold Dimensional Resonance system really, and not actually meant to be a prototype for a VF line. It was termed YF as a sly way for SMS to not have to release all their data if I recall, but they ultimately must have had to since Surya Aerospace was later able to simply it up to develop the VF-31 Kairos (and later the ace custom Seigfried models) without the fancy tech the YF-30 was actually made to showcase. Somewhere there is apparently a VF-30 too, maybe on Uroborous... but we don't know anything about it.
  10. So far as I know, it hasn't been announced. The Messer PO was only just announced the same month Hayate finally released though, and then went on preorder only a few weeks later. So I am thinking we might not have a confirmed preorder date for Mirage (if she is next, which she probably is) until April, likely for a preorder in May and release closer to August.
  11. Probably thinking more of the old 'conehead' Seekers based on the original Seekers molds (Starscream et al), which changed the heads to include the plane nosecones. Not unlike the standard Sv-262 really (though that has been compared to the 21/22 as well).
  12. So it is the blue/black or white/gold dress thing all over again but VF-sized? lol
  13. Kawamori always painstakingly designed every VF though, or had a say in all of them at least. None of them were anime magic really. Unless you specifically mean the animation of them... because yes the traditional cell animation of SDFM through 7 certainly had a habit of fudging proportions at times and other things as a result of having to do a lot of movement animation for action scenes. Typically when still, they got more detailed though and corresponded to the designs. The advent of CGI has enabled VFs to always correspond to design regardless of action or still scenes though. I prefer it now to things constantly shifting in quality though. Macross always tried to be a Real Robot style of anime rather than Super Robot (though sure it did get close to that once or twice) so showcasing them with design accuracy I think is a good thing. YMMV of course.
  14. I don't think I've ever seen this anywhere (of course, never bought a master file book, seeing as I can't read it). I don't suppose you could find a picture.. my attempts to google it weren't very successful.
  15. I'm sure they could get more creative.. but yeah after all the Jenius family is the closest the UNG/NUNG has to royalty if you think about it.
  16. I.. never considered that before... but it is almost obvious really. They look insanely similar. Frontier basically implied the birdman was loosely designed based on the Protoculture's inspiration from the Vajra though. You can kind of see it in the quasi-organic technology that the birdman is made out of as well. I could be messing up the timeline but it is not impossible that the birdman was a precursor or test version of some of the tech that formed the super dimension organs used for the Evil series later (which as we know.. didn't end up working so well.. or really.. was a case of gone horribly right, once interdimensional vampires possessed them anyway). Sometimes it is hard to believe we're talking about science fiction here...
  17. Really by now the Jenius family should have its own emblem or crest that appears on a VF to warn the enemy "Take notice, you are flying against a Jenius... might as well just give up now." Course... this is Mirage we're talking about... but maybe it would boost her confidence some? In that light though, if this is a sequel of some form, I do want to see more focus on Mirage. She got none in Delta... stilted in the love triangle by design almost, given no development in her efforts to become a better pilot amidst the gargantuan expectations her name carries (which IMO was actually a rather cool plot element that went absolutely nowhere). Given she claims in the finale she is done overthinking her flying she might be able to discover her latent Jenius skills now. I'd like to see some of that.
  18. Episode 6 at least... they were all super packed out then. Since that was the only time Messer flew it in space.. and Hayate never did for any notable scenes (and was back in his repainted 31J in the finale)... that was the only time.
  19. I had an idea for a fanfic that would use that as well.. but I have no time to write sadly.
  20. I think that'd be fair. Or a 2 girls one guy but one of the girls is the center choosing between the other girl and the guy. That'd be different. As for 7, it was more of a love dodecahedron I think lol.
  21. I'll drink to that (in a jovial celebratory way, not in a post-Gundam drowning miseries way as you described, lol). Now that you've said that though, I'll give Gundam some minor slack, because while you are pretty much on point there, at least it still isn't as depressing or borderline sanity ripping as Neon Genesis Evangelion. What initially drew me to Macross was the mecha and the action (cause I used The-Show-That-Must-Not-Be-Named as a gateway like many), what kept me with it was the music which was a refreshing difference from most anime, and the uplifting nature of the narrative. Because even when all of humanity is almost destroyed, life force drained, conquered in some way, etc... there is still a happy ending to be found, and a good song to remind us of it.
  22. I think Kawamori's actual description of Plus was something along the lines of 'It's a serious story with a silly plot.' Even he knew it wasn't an award winning narrative (and for the record, I love Macross Plus... but then again I like all the shows in some form, except Macross II which is only cause I haven't really given it a fair chance yet. I'm open to it.) I worry my initial effort to try and curb some negativity about an unreleased show with no details before it even gets made sparked a far worse series of arguments. I wasn't even bothered by people hating on Delta. I'm used to that by now, and it's done at least so people can have their views. I just didn't like the idea that some seemed to be automatically setting their opinions of the new show to negative when we literally only know that something is being made for 2018. We need to get Basara in here to make us listen to his song and somehow solve all our problems even though that doesn't really do anything to address the actual issues... but it'll sound fantastic! Now that is how a Macross show would end this conflict, lol!
  23. *thinks the Frontier movies are a way better overall telling of the story than the show... slinks back into his hiding spot to listen to Fire Bomber* There are times, but I can shrug off negativity luckily. Don't be afraid to say you like something even if others hate it. Delta did have a lot of issues, mostly in the back half, but I didn't hate it. I like it for what it was. A fair and cogent analysis. I'm gonna sum it up as.. cautiously optimistic? Probably the best view to take now. As you imply, they have the capability to do great, we just need to wait and see if they will.
  24. That may be true, and I respect your opinions, you are allowed that for things that exist already (Though I see an overwhelming majority of fans saying they love Frontier, including me, so your comment there is a bit surprising). I'm just saying we don't need to bash something new before even knowing what it is. Also.. if you really are honestly dreading it, and not at all convinced it will be worth your time... then just ignore it, no harm done, but if we're lucky then both of us can be happy. We'll always have the good stuff. BOMBAA!!
  25. I too get annoyed at the press oversimplifying things. By their metric we've found dozens of perfectly habitable Earth-like planets around other stars by now (when really we just keep finding potential candidates for such which we can't prove in the slightest to be habitable, only that they are roughly the same mass/size and at a good distance from their parent star). For atmospheric I can believe it doesn't even need to get super hot, most of the reactor heat is going into the intake air anyway and back out the nozzle, plus as you suggest, the whole atmosphere is there to draw heat away outside the aircraft. In space, I'd bet money on it, as cooling is very important on spacecraft regardless of your super technology. Glad to see I was pretty much on the money that the materials are unobtanium-tough and can handle the temps regardless though.
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