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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Sounds like you are both saying an emigrant fleet can handle a Zentradi main fleet be using 5th generation VFs but it also can't due to the numbers... I likely misunderstood something in that last paragraph. It is clear though you are saying anything bigger than a branch fleet, like Chlore's, is a big problem for an emigrant fleet and to be avoided. The Federal forces are likely the ones deployed to near areas with main fleets to either pacify, destroy, or just keep them from making trouble for New UN fleets using their overpowered VF-24s and whatever else they have now. So.... can we PLEASE get a show or OVA about that awesome crap!?
  2. I think Seto is entirely on point. On the subject of Delta basically doing the same thing with the love triangle as Frontier, perhaps even worse really: It was said once Kawamori wanted to drop the love triangle element in this show originally but the studio demanded it so he wrote this one in. It is entirely possible he basically phoned it in as such.
  3. Man, their runes touched and everything.. it was like.. Alien Yaoi, lol. That comparison to Ouran though... it's so spot on.... I can't unseen it.
  4. I actually suspect this is a lot of what Federal NUNS units do with their massively overpowered VF-24s and their alleged tactical short range folding (with fold boosters, that is something the YF-24 design was sold on as a thing it could do). In my head canon, they do have shadow units that do a lot of sooper sekrit stuff both internally and externally.. but they can't be everywhere. That is why NUNS decentralized in the first place after all, lol.
  5. Mostly my point so apologies for the over simplification. I knew at least the idea of it changing during production was wrong.
  6. While you're not wrong that it might have been better that way, it turns out the story that the show was originally planned as a 1 cour and extended after production started was a myth. A movie may have been in mind at some point of the production but official word is that once the show was being made it was already a 2 cour show. Really all that means is that there isn't much defense for the lackluster writing.
  7. This part is especially notable. For all the flack the show gets (and a lot of justifiable). This is basically what Macross 7 did. Diamond Force and Emerald Force were both basically special forces teams that used special equipment and/or state of the art fighters (purpose built VF-17Ds for DF, and the newest VF-19F/S for EF) while the main force was still using the by then horribly outdated VF-11C. This was of course around the time they were realizing that the plans to make the VF-19 the mainstay fighter would become too difficult (which resulted in the cheaper, but still all around improvement over VF-11 that was the VF-171, right as decentralization took place). Even the VF-22s were meant for special forces use.. though in the show it was mainly to give the bosses new and unique things (Though this is Max and Milia, they deserve it, even if they certainly don't need it). Gamlin later gets one too.. but we have no idea if that is a new Diamond Force thing or just him. I rambled but the point is clear.. it has been done but it seems Kawamori wants to go a different route now for nothing other than contrived reasons. He has certainly always implied that "The Man" was a problem in each show, even in SDFM and M7 where is was just command that was problematic, not our heroes.
  8. Wow Saburo, that battroid shot with supers is amazing, for both J and F! It is seriously making me consider getting Messer supers now.. when I wasn't going to because I prefer the 31 without them... but now I feel like Battroid only benefits (fighter looks ok but ultimately looks better naked, but gerwalk still looks best naked to me).
  9. Yikes... a bit higher than I hoped... especially when I'm not interested in the little planes, heh.
  10. Tempted. Though the main reason I haven't ordered is the price, which I wouldn't expect you to lesson since it is new. Also I am not all that interested in the lil'Drakens... I more want the missile packs and the sword. What is the price roughly in USD anyway?
  11. Because Kawamori is a troll, lol. I literally believe that line was just shoved in there to poke fun at the fans constantly asking about those original character which SK constantly tells us he is done with and won't revisit. Why expect him to change things now?
  12. He didn't want a war story, he wanted an air racing competition story. It is many of us that want war stories it seems. I'm ambivalent as long as it is entertaining and well written. Delta got half that at least for me.
  13. I just did my first Gerwalk to Battroid transformation. A lot less crazy than Fighter to Gerwalk, but still a tad challenging to get the backpack to hook on right. I had to play with the wings a lot to get them in the correct position as well. Overall though, not so bad, and it of course looks great. Normally I feel I need to do something with the legs to give the pose some character but this battroid just looks great with a simple straight leg stance due to the design and how regal it looks. I managed to get the gun and the shield set up so that it mimics the first battroid appearance in the show as well. Now that I've had it in all 3 modes, I love battroid as much as I expected, but surprisingly I think Gerwalk ended up looking the best, which is unusual for me and I never considered it much before I saw the toy in gerwalk in person. Fighter is of course great, but those other modes definitely win out for me (in comparison, my 31F is just a show off by looking great in every mode).
  14. Yes, because it is part of the transformation. The wings fold up for battroid mode. Additionally, you don't need master file to confirm it does this for high speed maneuvers, Messer does it in episode 1.
  15. I haven't noticed any asymmetry in my 31F's wings, but I just went to Battroid today for the first time (I wanted to display it in each mode for a while, heh), so I just saw it in Gerwalk with the wings out, they seemed matched. On the note of whether it is correct straight or not, I am not sure how much is correct off hand but I can confirm the wings are clearly supposed to have a slight anhedral structure (that is, a downward inclination). This is common on fighter aircraft as anhedral wings make the craft less stable but way more manuverable. Mirage points out in the show that this fact is purposefully exploited, and we know the VF's computer system works to keep the plane stable in flight where a pilot can have trouble with it manually (this, despite simpler computers, is also done in today's fighter aircraft). Operation lesson aside though, my point is this lends credence to the idea the 'bent' wing is more correct than a fully straight one. Your problem may be the straight one is bending up too far. EDIT: I just remembered, while my 31F looks good, I actually have this kind of issue with my YF-30. One of the tips rests bent slightly downward compared to the other. It is only noticeable when looking directly from the front though. Unlike the 31, I am not sure if the 30 is supposed to have anhedral tilt or not.
  16. Well you can hear what their older singing voices would sound like by listening to the contemporary performances of their singing talents (Sheryl and Ranka likely wouldn't sound too different since it hasn't been that long and May'n and Megumi still sound pretty much the same, Fukuyama's (Basara) voice does sound a bit older though, as I'm sure Mari's does despite that she isn't that old really herself). However I know you want it in the context of a Macross story. I just think such a thing would be too much of a contrived story when the reunion concerts do most of that anyway. I'd prefer continued fresh storytelling (perhaps this time with some effort put into the writing, heh).
  17. It only beat the movie (and only the second one at that). Frontier the show ranked much higher.
  18. It's just... when I hear this.... I know it was a video game so not everyone counts it... but this is basically what Macross 30 was. So I kinda feel like it's been done. Unless you mean a story with all of them at the age they'd be in Delta's time frame (though I can think of several other issues with that). It'd at least be different I guess.
  19. Well he already released the Draken! ... I'll see myself out.
  20. I finally went for the first transformation, fighter to gerwalk. It wasn't the horror story some make it out to be but it was a tad difficult. Though my biggest issue was getting the legs right with respect to the intake covers and after caving and checking Jenius's transformation video I realized it was simply I missed a step with the crotch piece. That solved I think with enough transformations it'll be a lot easier. Gerwalk once done is gorgeous of course. I look forward to putting it in battroid though as that will likely be my favorite.
  21. Typically that information isn't freely shared here due to various rules.. as technically doing so is of a borderline legality( (regardless of how many of us do it). However there are enough resources that finding them isn't that difficult. Various fansub groups have taken the task for Zero and Frontier, so a simple google search should work out well enough. As for Macross the First... good luck. Scanlations and such do exist but only for the first few chapters really, and have not kept up with the release of later ones last I checked (though.. the actual releases have not been that regular from what I hear). I don't think it was, really none of the humans overtaken by the Protodevlin themselves (just Gigil and Gepelnitch really) got named or.. likely.. survived (well Gepelnitch's human form seems to have merged with him).
  22. I have finally received my pretty birdies! They tried to deliver while I was at work naturally so I had to drive out to the FedEx facility to get the package (or wait until Monday, screw that, lol), but I am successful. Got them out of the box and set up in fighter with pilots and looking correct, nothing crazy yet. It is two new valks at once, so.. got to take my time to enjoy them before transformations start. They are both insanely cool looking, but the 31F is definitely drawing my eye the most, as wonderful as the Draken is. I love being all giddy at new stuff like this.
  23. Well my package didn't arrive today... apparently they lie about estimated delivery windows... but I called and they seem convinced it should come tomorrow.
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