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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. I actually like MGS, but I am fully aware of it's problems and won't go out of my way to defend it (especially MGS4 after a lot of hindsight and realizations over the years). It certainly is not undeserving of that spiel though, heh. Enough of that topic though, it is not meant for this forum or thread. I merely meant to joke at the suprisingly complexity that arises in Macross lore when you factor in the non-show material, a good portion of which I sadly cannot enjoy due to not speaking or understanding full Japanese as of yet (I have taken steps to begin learning it but I can tell I will not reach anywhere near the ability to enjoy something of this nature without subtitles or translations for a long long time.. even if I keep up on my learning). I do own Macross 30 but have played a pathetically small amount of it because even with guides online I have the most difficult time figuring out what I'm supposed to do to actually enjoy the game, much less that since I can't understand the dialogue I'm missing the story no matter what. I actually did play VF-X2 on an emulator some time ago and was able to even beat it... but I never once knew what was going on.1 I'd love to enjoy the manga and novels but since no localization will ever likely exist for them (for the usual reasons when it comes to Macross), kinda SOL there. To this end it is very fortunate we have as much as we do in people like Sketchley and yourself Seto who can at least give us these cliff notes versions of certain things I'd otherwise never know. Especially the last few posts with dossiers on these VF-X2 characters. I'd heard bits and pieces before in various threads but I still feel like I don't know everything. I'd do to get a full on run down of the VF-X and VF-X2 games some day but I would never ask you to put yourself through that of course. I also know the gist of what happens in Macross 30 as well but only due to the bits I've scavenged reading stuff here in the same way. 1. I also played the PS2 Macross game that follows both the TV and movie events of the story up till the Love Drifts Away/Do You Remember Love? final battles. I didn't have the ability to follow the dialogue there either but the game was easy to play and since I have watched the show and movie with full subtitles before.. obviously I wasn't at all lost on that one, heh. As such I got the most enjoyment out of that game compared to any other Macross game I've tried.
  2. Reading descriptions like that makes me realize that if you only watch the shows Macross is largely standard fare. If you follow all extended lore materials it is quickly clear Macross is about a complex as Metal Gear Solid at times, lol.
  3. Pretty much everything seen that is not existing in our world today is because of overtechnology developed based on what was found in the ASS-1 wreckage. And it is a lot. A lot. I'm sure others here can give a better listing of it all, but it goes really deep.
  4. No, VF-31 Siegfried customs have just fold wave, not the Fold Dimensional Resonance system, that is only on the YF-30. The Sv-262 has a fold reheat system, like a poor man's Fold Wave system and only affects engine output instead of all systems. The VF-31A Kairos has none of these. The VF-31A at least is mass produceable. The VF-31 Siegfrieds are custom made and probably a bit on the expensive side honestly, you wouldn't mass produce them. Fold Wave systems are expensive. The tech on the YF-30 is largely proprietary SMS tech and was never intended to be made for production (despite the legal cheating SMS did naming it a YF to avoid disclosing tech data when the craft is actually a tech demonstrator). Base YF-30 specs were eventually made public, likely due to NUNS slapping SMS on the wrist for their shenanigans. That is how Surya Aerospace was able to design a YF-31 and eventually the VF. To answer your question though, the YF-30 is not designed to support idols (though arguably it did do this in Macross 30 as the singing of every main series idol pre-Delta as well as Mina Forte enabled the Fold Dimensional Resonance system to break through the fold faults and defeat Havamal). It isn't made to do what the Siegfrieds do in any case.
  5. Certainly so, but my statement was not meant to condemn the looks of the YF-30, I love it in fact. I have both a YF-30 DX and a VF-31F DX on my shelf because I like the style of both. I have a VF-31A on order as well. Clearly I'm not taking sides there, lol.
  6. He has compared them, and largely the YF-30 far outperforms either version of the VF-31. The VF-31A Kairos is pretty stock model despite being the most beautiful version, and the Seigfried customs are basically overtuned versions of the Kairos modified for Walkure assistance and the addition of Fold Wave systems. The YF-30 on the other hand has better engines, even more missiles than the Kairos (the Siegfried doesn't have many or any due to it's drone system), a more powerful beam gunpod, and the Fold Dimensional Resonance system which is a proprietary SMS upgrade to the Fold Wave system. The main thing the VF-31 has over the YF-30 is it looks even prettier and it is more mass produce-able. Seto can give you the numbers to back that up though... well as much as he can since the VF-31 doesn't have a lot of hard data as it is...
  7. The show outright says it, Berger is there on Windermere working on the ship. There is likely more details in ancillary media, but... it was pretty clear to me just from watching.
  8. Could be either honestly knowing their holography powers. That said the VF-1 on the top of Mihoshi Academy is apparently flight capable.. at least according to one manga....
  9. I thought the YF-21 was Sturmvogel actually but I am fully willing to be wrong.
  10. Considering how it works, I think it is possible in atmosphere, but being closer to the gravity well is more of a problem than the atmosphere. After all... the third* fold shown in SDF:Macross was the Macross itself folding from within Earth's atmosphere just above Macross City and ending up around Pluto... with half the island now in space. It is unclear if their proximity to Earth had something to do with the fold screw up or if it was just their inexperience using the system (that was definitely a large part of it) but likely they decided from then on to play it safer. *The first was the ASS-1 defolding and crashing to Earth in 1999, the second was Britai's fleet defolding to find Earth and the Macross. Humanity say a prior fold event with the Bird Human, but I'm not counting that cause we didn't see it on screen until 2002. Though point of interest, the Bird Human also folding within atmosphere just fine (though it is Protoculture tech, so it can do whatever it wants, same for the Vajra Queen that... might have been in atmosphere, hard to tell.
  11. Can't be sure of the specific Japanese, but to my rememberance MDE means mini-dimension eater (as opposed to the full scale dimension eater bomb first deployed on Gallia 4 that ate up about a quarter of the planet). It stands to reason even missile based warheads like what was dropped on Carlyse are considered mini cause they only destroy an entire city instead of part of the planet, heh. It's clear to me how these work in warheads and even in bullets (the effect dissipates faster per smaller amount of fold quartz I'd guess) but the beam version that shoots a line of micro super dimension black holes just sounds a bit... silly to me.. it's the only MDE weapon I don't quite get, heh.
  12. Though she flew a pink VF-19 though. I suspect she wouldn't even be in the movie anyway.
  13. Pity there is no info, I kinda like it. Still it is rare to see almost anything in this franchise not be meticulously covered by some source lol. We may be getting spoiled heh.
  14. I have a good question, and I even checked M3 first just to be sure, but I don't think anyone has ever covered anything on this craft in my attached images. It appears in the 5th episode of Frontier at the end as a ship that has barely escaped the Macross Galaxy fleet after the Vajra attack it. It appears to be acting as a messenger since the fold faults were disrupting communication between the fleets. It doesn't look like a variable fighter, and it clearly has a canopy that sizes the craft to a one or two person vehicle, and it has no folding ability of its own since a fold booster can be seen attached to it. So anyone know anything?
  15. Pretty accurate, that is the best way to watch it, and how I did it. Some shows don't fit the Netflix era style of binge watching. I remember the first time I tried watching 7 I got to episode 5 and just gave up because nothing drew me in. Second attempt I did about 1 or 2 episodes a day, often in free moments outside of work and I was able to get through the repetition just as Seto says. It really does take until 10 or so episodes in to start enjoying bits of it, and halfway in they start actually moving the plot along for once. When said and done I can say I really do like it, but yeah that doesn't change that it is hard to watch, lol. I've even done a full series rewatch when I was deployed to the Middle East last year (I didn't have that much off time obviously so 1 or 2 episodes a day was pretty easy to keep to). Keep at it, because unlike Delta, 7 has some actual worth in it's story.
  16. Such laziness. Sad part is people will still buy it even if they have the VF-19 Advance.
  17. It's not impossible.. and since Bandai is now expanding their product line to include an M+ era YF-19 figure (hopefully not just a retool of the VF-19 Advance since there are differences) and a larger VF-1J figure (purportedly 1/48 scale like the old Yamato figures, but actual scale is not yet confirmed), there is now precedent for them to make a VF-22 since it does cameo in Delta, or even just to make an M+ YF-21 since they are already doing a YF-19. However that is just speculative thinking.
  18. Inflatable? That aside... I think the VF-25 was stated that it could use the super parts in atmosphere... though this was never shown and the show goes out of its way to show them not doing this multiple times. It could be it is just a case of overkill and unnecessary maybe. Aerodynamics matters but the power available to these planes is ridiculous so they can manage. Can't say for the VF-31, it's super parts aren't as streamlined as the 25, specifically the wing boosters.
  19. The real sad thing about that is.. they could have fit it in... the back half of the show had 2 or 3 pointless exposition episodes, one of which was basically a history of Macross and why music was powerful discussion by a side character who barely was relevant to the plot. If they had instead decided to toss in a Windermere history episode.. it could have forgiven a lot.
  20. Or we take a page from the Physica and spend an entire episode developing him and his desire to get back to his wife and kid so he can then be tragically killed off before revealing his wife moved on already anyway and his kid likely will not remember him. Macross 7 could be harsh at times lol.
  21. So far as it can be seen, the VF-31 did not have the Fold Dimensional Resonance system that was the entire point of the YF-30, so potentially no it cannot do the same thing. The VF-31 Siegfrieds do have Fold Wave systems, the slightly less advanced but still notably powerful system that the YF-29 introduced, but that is more designed to boost the mechs performance via fold energy generated with.. music and magic and stuff (Seto will explain it properly, lol). So far I don't think the tech from the YF-30 has gone on to any other VF. Also the VF-31A/B Kairos does not have the Fold Wave system either as that's the mass production model and that crap's expensive (requires chunks of fold quartz).
  22. Yeah I said as much, I know the Protoculture revered the Vajra to an almost unhealthy level, heh. I meant other threats or maybe even run ins after the Protodeviln invasion. All speculation in any case so it matters little. Well yeah... developing that level of tech on their own would just take a much much longer time. Less useful for storytelling. Also conflict drives innovation more often than not. As for it being cheating... well it is not like advancement and progress has a scoreboard in reality. If you have the means to learn and grow knowledge and there is reason enough to do it without violating some moral or ethical line (if society has a thing about that at the time) then it's fair game.
  23. If I could manipulate gravity and create spatial warping with it... I could get over my space drive being located in my rear I think.
  24. I'd guess they could have done it faster than any other species considering their evolutionary capabilities... but they probably took their time if they weren't in any danger. I suspect once they evolved into a form similar to what we know and they could utilize fold travel it happened rather quickly in comparison to how we do things. Using biological fold waves they might even be able to sense where other star systems are and send scouts which immediately update everyone in real time. They can do this to multiple stars simultaneously with one scout at each. Except for raw material consumption they tend to be rather non-invasive by the looks and it is not like they need to set up outposts (not including when hives take root in asteroids/ship hulls/planets/etc) or are really doing classical science like we do. One hive figures something out in their travels, communicates to the rest, then everyone starts doing something new. The ships likely were an evolutionary upgrade to make bulk travel easier and once they realized there is danger in the galaxy (from whatever source that might be... the Protoculture seemed to revere them but for all we know the Vajra tactical power could have come about after a hive crossed paths with a Protodeviln or Supervision Army fleet). My point is they all learn everything all at once so they pick up on things fast. Humanity moves at a plodding pace by comparison and the fact we had Zentradi help is the only reason they have done so well in Macross' timeline. That being said, the Vajra have been around for millions of years and are in no hurry to do anything fast unless they needed to in order to survive.
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