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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Master Dex

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine is out of customs as of yesterday but didn't make it to me today. Hopefully I'll see it tomorrow.
  2. I recall on this forum specifically, before the identity was known we kept calling it the WTF-1 due to the nature of the reveal lol.
  3. Master Dex

    Hi-Metal R

    Also got shipping notice from CDJapan. Now the wait begins!
  4. While I don't want to be hypocritical about my statement ignoring Bellisario's Maxim from another thread in this forum.. when it comes to the clone talk recently.. I feel like that maybe sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
  5. It would only merit a call out in the first list. He probably just forgot it though. It was a double feature with the Macross 7 movie if I recall, so that's when it came out. He also left out FB7, presumably because he couldn't handle the BEAUTY of VHS stock footage.
  6. Master Dex

    Hi-Metal R

    I think so, I also went with CDJ. Back during the VF-31A release I swear I waited an extra week compared to others (well... Except for the NY people of course).
  7. Hydraulics are largely replaced with electromagnetic linear actuators now. The 5th gen did the most with this to the point where transformation time is so fast due to parts literally separating and reforming in fractions of a second. That said hydraulics always will have serious power in some applications.. just perhaps not VFs. As for the engines, that's easy.. they still use intake air when flying in atmosphere. The Thermonuclear engines super heat intake air into a plasma which becomes the exhaust. This is so fuel efficient a VF can fly in atmosphere for months non stop. In space the thrust is the ramped up fusion plasma from the reaction itself and is very inefficient... but power is cheap in the future and this is why FAST packs exist until later 4th and 5th gen engines allow for reasonable space sortie times (though still very limited compared to atmospheric).
  8. Master Dex

    Hi-Metal R

    Now to just wait on the CDJapan billing and shipping... I heard it could be as late at the 23rd.
  9. The topic is fair game for the kind of stuff we normally gather here to discuss. Seto's eagerness to respond in detail should be consistent proof of that. I would have too by now if not for my work schedule. The logic in your statement, while it has an element of truth to it as the non-internalized reason for things like the original poster's curiosity is basically just a conformation of tropes... but that's ultimately not the point I think. We're here because we're fans of Macross and more to the point, huge frakking nerds. We love this stuff. To avoid this over some of the other overly detailed chats we've had in this forum alone suggests any endeavor discussing internal elements of the story is pointless. I'd prefer the so called heartache to the safety of Bellisario's Maxim. I sincerely do believe you are trying to be helpful though, so I do not mean any ill will toward you in my counter-argument. This may count indeed, though I think the SV-51 monitor turret was uniquely designed with that ability too, as most VF heads can't do all the same motions. This whole thing keeps making me think.. while Battroid is constrained a lot to humanoid movement, largely as Seto notes due to human mental blocks, the mode for the most inventive movement is the very one that isn't of any natural form: Gerwalk. It's just a halfway stage, but it's uses are rather broad and despite being somewhat bird-like it is best used for those situations where a plane is too much but a humanoid form just doesn't quite cut it. That's in all honesty, not an answer to Pontus' curiosity. It's merely a cross-observation that the more the battroid is made to do less human-like movement, the closer it may incidentally be to just doing stuff the Gerwalk already can. Food for thought perhaps.
  10. The second document is almost too old to be relevant anymore, not to mention now that the technology is commonplace no one says uninhabited. I'd treat it as a suggestion made nearly 20 years ago before the technology was proven that was ignored in favor of a more standardized title now that the technology is a norm. That first link is amusing, but also a tad dated, and may itself be entirely specific to a subset of officers. It is true that officers in professional settings likely don't want to use the word drone, especially now that there are civilian grade drones (that said, off duty, or among the rank and file, drone will be heard far more often). RPV is a limiting term though that doesn't account for autonomous action like what Seto mentioned can be done with the Reaper (and others, but the Reaper tends to be the poster child for UAV and UCAVs). It can be entirely correct in some instances, but should not be a blanket term for all unmanned vehicles. UAV works great for a blanket term, and UCAV is certainly used commonly for those loaded with ordinance.
  11. So, former air force here. Drones is a more common term but UAV is in no way despised and is the correct term. Pilots hate the technology in general but that's just an ego thing.
  12. Watch it turns out to be the South Ataria version of RC cola.
  13. We're kinda splitting hairs here. You aren't wrong (in fact you are entirely correct) but I don't think that makes my terminology incorrect either, especially as we can't call it magnetic confinement when it isn't. Yeah it isn't the inertial confinement we know of in reality but the principle ends up closer to that I feel in a basic physics sense even if the mechanics are different.
  14. Key phrase there is "working." Also VF engines are using a gravity-induced inertial confinement fusion method instead of magnetic field confinement. So it is more like what the National Ignition Facility in California is doing but without all the lasers. If you are asking if the fission jet engine attempts are more like either of those.. they were tested on large planes, not fighter jets. They were tested partly out at Edwards Air Force Base in the 50s, which had a runway leading to a dry lake bed going against the prevailing winds just in case something crashed there... it wouldn't harm anyone. The end result was they technically worked.. but were way too heavy to be usable, and posed a certain risk that made them impractical. But there is nothing dumb about Project Orion... that is still one of the most realistic and plausible concepts for interplanetary space travel... so much so that the Air Force legit designed a space battleship around it, which scared Kennedy so much he put the kibosh on the whole thing... and then later Nuclear treaties with Russia forbid the use of nukes in space so the system could never be built anyway. The math worked though, and it was something that could have easily expanded space travel really fast. On the subject of launching though, most rational people agreed Orion was best as a space propulsion system once already in orbit.. not for ground launch.. and anything would be launched conventionally using it.
  15. Master Dex

    Hi-Metal R

    Haven't been watching thread much since VF-4 preorders.. any news on the official release date or is it still just sometime in March? Looking to get an idea of when CDJ is gonna bill me.
  16. No it doesn't. Cosmetically, it looks like a VF-25 but with delta wings instead of variable geometry wings. Internally there is a lot of differences though, things we don't know all that much about though. YF-30 introduced the idea of the interchangeable weapon container, and it was technically an offshoot of the YF-24 lineage. Though it is a bigger change than most offshoots.
  17. Hope springs eternal I guess. That's fair to say for sure. Basara only contributed in the very end in helping the whales by what Frontier would describe as achieving fold resonance which apparently helps them breed... I guess... But last that Basara is just around for the ride (and Gamlin is only there to find him for Mylene, who has a rather distinct and questionable b plot). Still, it's probably the best Walkure 2: Protoculture Boogaloo can hope to achieve.
  18. I actually like Dynamite 7... But it also has better developed characters and a story I at least thought was interesting (and way better music), moreso in the implications than the delivery I suppose. I don't expect this next Walkure movie to do anything as decent.
  19. That's believable for sure. They forced him to change his plans for Delta, I can see his hopes for newer ideas being held hostage too.
  20. Well.. He's done direct continuations like the multiple Frontier movies. He just doesn't go back to older stories later. I honestly suspect the big wigs here are telling him to do more Delta cause Walkure makes money. If SK actually wants this then he really has sold out.
  21. The beauty of stock footage! I won't defend it overall but I do associate some songs. Axia is no doubt Kaname's song for the Messer death scene. I also associate Giraffe Blues with the moment Freyja stands up to and wakes up Larazzabal in episode 8. Admittedly the last song is so overused it isn't tied to that but that's what I think of when I hear it (incidentally I prefer Freyja singing it to Mikumo). I also associate Ikenai Borderline to Mikumo though the only moment of worth is the first episode and only cause it was new. Largely past those, I agree with you, not as much to connect to compare to Frontier. Most of the songs are just there.
  22. I'd be down for a show like that with some power metal vibe like Babymetal or Galneryus.
  23. I never considered that there was master files for other mecha... Books for FMP mecha would be awesome... I mean I'm still a long way from being able to read Japanese but even so..
  24. This is probably not news beyond me but I heard recently we're getting a VF-11 master file. Now we wait to find out if it is a proper effort or a half assed version like some recent ones have been I guess.
  25. To be fair the show treats that action with the appropriate amount of consequence since it upset the balance of how war in that world worked, plus it took quite a bit of effort and engineering know how to find such unique ways of destroying those monster machines, so most were unsure if it was dumb luck for a bit... until they kept doing it.
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