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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Yeah, and I heard this a lot, and eventually saw it for myself. It was a good check on my expectations and why sometimes the things you don't consider really matter. I'm trying to carry it forward into my engineering career but until you're in charge of things there are limits.
  2. I can echo his ending sentiment and the entire point as a former Air Force jet engine mechanic who had to deal with a lot of this and I also knew actual aircraft crew chiefs (we often worked together) and let me tell you, the job is rarely fun (still fulfilling though, but I wouldn't go back to it lol). 4 years of it turned me from an idealistic engineer-to-be to something of a pragmatic engineer cause I often think about how this stuff factors a lot more than engineering colleagues in the same age or position as me. I also tend to ignore the more flowery rhetoric tossed around for designers when I know it doesn't often help for the people who actually have to work on the end product. In short it could be the best designed vehicle ever with an amazing legacy, but if it is hell to work on and keep working, is not as great as the poster claims, it just looks good when it needs to.
  3. That's awesome it ended up being an actually good edition instead of the blandness we've been seeing recently. Your little sneak peak at stuff from existing books earlier had me salivating as it was lol.
  4. I call it artistic license. Big West, the company that owns the franchise is Japanese and they unlike Kawamori do care about continuity and apparently try very hard to link all the shows, movies, etc together into a coherent narrative.
  5. You could argue the whole point of training aircraft is that they aren't tuned up above spec.. so that new pilots can learn easier, heh. Then again.. it is for test pilot training and their job is to kinda break stuff...
  6. I'd love to see a metal Macross personally. It's not like there aren't a ton of good examples of Japanese metal bands to draw inspiration from lol.
  7. I dunno... needs more scifi... how about instead of a team it's one VF pilot, but they are stuck in uncontrollable temporal folds due to an experiment malfunctioning... their VF folds into different years where they have to do something to change history for the better, but their own guide is a future colleague manifesting as a fold phantom only the protag can see and hear. So basically they time fold from year to year, putting back what went wrong and hoping their next fold will be the fold... home. I call it, Macross: Quantum Fold. Or the same thing but they are uncontrollably folding to different colonies and not time traveling cause that's probably easier and the former just means people will expect cameos.. they have to solve an issue in each location before they are forced away, their fold booster having a mind of it's own.
  8. Not at the same time, but I have seen Seto in person and I'm preeeeety sure he isn't Kawamori-san. Granted Kawamori could be using his own show's holographic underwear technology... now isn't that a scary thought?
  9. Right, I had a feeling I was forgetting some aspect, including the quote about the actual transmission lag time of 127 minutes. That wouldn't have been nearly as bad but as you say, the fold forecast (it's essentially a form of dimensional weather if you think about it) ensured the travel was bad. Thanks for the clarification.
  10. I don't know any numbers, but Frontier definitely implied transmissions are affected my faults the same as travel, which is why they learned about the revolt on Gallia IV so late that the only way to help was with the super fold booster. Or to put it another way, they couldn't get a message out to ask for a cease fire any quicker, at least not before open conflict escalated. What I am not sure of is if the lagged transmission was subject to the same 172 hour dislocation as Alto and Sheryl's trip. Obviously the fold radio signal is faster than a ship but I feel like it was less than a week after Alto and Sheryl arrived than Frontier heard the news of the uprising.
  11. Not as much as it sounds, cause if they're all production run then the differences are big enough to denote that and the parts and labor to maintain them all have to be handled distinctly. It balloons fast. But for whatever reason Frontier decided they wanted it that way (I know I'm not Seto, but I'll say it's a case of "Screw the rules, I have money" lol)
  12. Oh in this I am fully agreed, as both an aerospace engineer and an Air Force maintainer veteran lol. My job for the latter was to work on one version of the engine used in a specific block of F-16C, and it wasn't the latest block, lol. So having multiple models on top of that would be a nightmare. In my engineer hat I see it much as you. Many of one type is much more preferable to mass production. As for pengbuzz with the pun steal, we can only defer to the future what can do better.
  13. Admittedly I was thinking there was likely reasons beyond that that'd give favor to the 25 but as my statement goes I actually do agree with your reasoning for the 31. I'll tell you one thing, from a pure aesthetic standpoint I like the 31 much more, and the transformation is definitely better. I own DXs of two 31s and the 30 it's derived from and only the 29B on the other side for a reason lol. You sir have defeated me at my own game.
  14. It's probably the most versatile, but I think the 31s hot swappable equipment containers is the better direction. As for 24, just assume everything is at 11, lol.
  15. Budget and time? CG is cheaper probably.
  16. Yeah no worries, lol. I definitely get it, nothing is standard right now. As an engineer myself I can certainly understand those challenges.
  17. *sits in waiting room* My interest was peaked, and you have kept it at a steady high good sir.
  18. Nah his second is cause he has to tear it up to scan it for his terribly mysterious website, lol. Pretty sure he doesn't have any unopened.
  19. I don't know what bothered people back then so much about it to bully you but I think it looks pretty neat. Most people don't go into the kind of detail you did and frankly that's worth a lot. Also if it's for an RPG it just has to be internally consistent anyway. I say be proud of your creation even it others can't be bothered.
  20. You mean penetrate the Earth Defense Grid? With a VF based on a monkey model spec of the YF-24 that Earth has the full specs for molded into a VF-24 that is supposedly more capable than the Uber expensive Vajra-killer YF-29? Also an Earth that has a defense grid designed to protect against their own creation by now and the experience of knowing they have to account for a type of attack exactly like what Isamu did before? It might not be impossible, but it might as well be. Even if the disparity in defensive technology and Earth's way way more powerful VFs compared to the cheap knockoffs Brisingr makes wasn't a factor, Isamu basically did one thing that actually helped Earth, he showed a vulnerability they could patch, and almost certainly have. Basically, he ruined it for any future attackers wanting to infiltrate the planet the same way lol.
  21. In fact, it does not.
  22. Just waiting for 2018 for that new series. I'm sure we'll hear news any day now.
  23. To my knowledge, the Fold Dimensional Resonance system isn't used for superluminal travel, it's basically a better version of the Fold Wave system, and it can also break through fold faults. I suppose that means if used in concert with normal fold travel it could pop on through them... but considering the quality of fold quartz you'd need to use it.. might as well just slap on a super fold booster, which also needs that fold quartz to work, and just do it that way with any craft.
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