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Master Dex

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    Chiou Kage

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    Somewhere between unstable gravity well and firey ball of plasma
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    Anime, mecha, spacecraft, rockets, science and engineering, and of course sci-fi.

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  1. In case it's unclear, that stuff bring cut on the one release was only done because it was packaged with a video game and by Japanese law it had to match the game rating. There was never a reason beyond that for DYRL to be censored for any content beyond that the game was marketed for a younger age group. By this logic all releases with just the movie are basically always going to have everything.
  2. Couldn't tell ya anything. I'm just reporting what I've looked up and others say about that. I'm not an audio expert.
  3. Yeah, so audiophiles will like the Linear PCM option overall, but if you have an actual 5.1 surround system set up, the DTS will be more immersive despite the compression used. I have a 4K TV with a soundbar. It's moot so I used PCM.
  4. So from what I've been told, both versions of the movie on the disc are upscaled and enhanced, the difference is the content, the 1984 doesn't have the Angel Paints concert outro, which is like 2 minutes worth of visuals at best, and the 2016 does. The 2016 cut also has the DTS audio option of course which if you have the right audio set up will be ideal. Most people's average TV set up likely won't notice a big difference either way I think. And just so it's fully out there, the options are the same on each disc, with the UHD disc having everything in the full 4K whereas the Blu-ray disc is just HD.
  5. Well I have yet to watch Frontier on stream actually, I'm still finishing a 7 rewatch. If I remember I'll watch for that.
  6. Like the name or specific lyrics? The name has been official since the song was released on CD and streaming. You can see that almost anywhere because it's almost always displayed in English (as the lyric is sung in English). If you are questioning other lyrics, we might need more specificity.
  7. Similar, I just got my notification from them this morning and they say it's coming today (in CA here). Granted, I picked FedEx shipping it seems so that might be why.
  8. Technically it releases in two days.. well maybe tomorrow in Japan. The international shipping going out is to meet that release time frame likely. My CDJapan order hasn't given shipping confirmation but my order status is "In Shipping Process" so stuff is happening.
  9. I had a feeling that was the case, so you're really just watching them in another country then. Valid if that works for you, but it's not the way to natively do it in the US.
  10. That... Shouldn't be true. It's been shown before that only Disney+ tells you to unlock Hulu shows by paying for Hulu, bundle or not. I'm not sure how that can work unless one forgot they had a subscription to both.
  11. I dunno what I'm doing differently, but I've been watching on Hulu with my Roku TV and have had zero issues with subs and I'm almost 20 episodes into a Macross 7 rewatch. Maybe the others mentioned might still be an issue, I haven't checked yet. It does port it through the TV's CC but Hulu has always done that so that's not new to me as I have watched anime there before. I also customized my TV's CC settings so the lettering is larger and has no black box at all with a proper drop shadow so it tends to look a lot nicer on my end. I don't know if every TV these days can do that but if so, consider it, I think it helps a lot for presentation. I can't offer much for timing as that's usually out of the user's control but at least on 7 I haven't seen any problems yet.
  12. It's more just several apps port subtitles through the CC on smart TVs and Hulu and Disney are both examples of that. Functionally it looks exactly like CC, which on my TV settings I can edit to look different so I have large white drop shadow text CC with no background. That helps a lot.
  13. It is worth reporting we do have it, but episode 2 has been slightly recut. No one is entirely sure who did it, but it seems they decided to remove the admittedly very uncomfortable Mylene scene. You all know the one if you've seen it before. While some have grown worried it's a marker of censorship, I think that is an improvement in all honesty... and so far nothing else has appeared to be edited, including many of the more risque stuff in Frontier et al. Whether that has any bearing on it not being in Hong Kong I can't say.
  14. Yeah I'm aware but they still brand content with it. All anime in the US that Disney licenses has a clear Hulu label on it and you can watch it with just a Hulu subscription if that's all you have. This hasn't changed yet.
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