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Master Dex

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About Master Dex

  • Birthday 04/05/1989

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    Chiou Kage

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere between unstable gravity well and firey ball of plasma
  • Interests
    Anime, mecha, spacecraft, rockets, science and engineering, and of course sci-fi.

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  1. I dunno what I'm doing differently, but I've been watching on Hulu with my Roku TV and have had zero issues with subs and I'm almost 20 episodes into a Macross 7 rewatch. Maybe the others mentioned might still be an issue, I haven't checked yet. It does port it through the TV's CC but Hulu has always done that so that's not new to me as I have watched anime there before. I also customized my TV's CC settings so the lettering is larger and has no black box at all with a proper drop shadow so it tends to look a lot nicer on my end. I don't know if every TV these days can do that but if so, consider it, I think it helps a lot for presentation. I can't offer much for timing as that's usually out of the user's control but at least on 7 I haven't seen any problems yet.
  2. It's more just several apps port subtitles through the CC on smart TVs and Hulu and Disney are both examples of that. Functionally it looks exactly like CC, which on my TV settings I can edit to look different so I have large white drop shadow text CC with no background. That helps a lot.
  3. It is worth reporting we do have it, but episode 2 has been slightly recut. No one is entirely sure who did it, but it seems they decided to remove the admittedly very uncomfortable Mylene scene. You all know the one if you've seen it before. While some have grown worried it's a marker of censorship, I think that is an improvement in all honesty... and so far nothing else has appeared to be edited, including many of the more risque stuff in Frontier et al. Whether that has any bearing on it not being in Hong Kong I can't say.
  4. Yeah I'm aware but they still brand content with it. All anime in the US that Disney licenses has a clear Hulu label on it and you can watch it with just a Hulu subscription if that's all you have. This hasn't changed yet.
  5. It's from Australia. I saw this earlier in a fan group and was immediately suspicious of the date formats plus it had no link to source, just an image. Others looked up the same information for the US and Macross items weren't on that. I highly doubt they'd be on Disney+ directly anyway instead of Hulu. This image is different from the one I saw.. it's been edited but they didn't change the date formats to match, they are all different styles (though I admit 1/1 can be read either way so maybe it is just the Australian one I was told about from a different page) This is where we are now, people willing to fake this stuff or say it's US with no proof just to stir the pot.
  6. This is how I know you never looked at the VF-1 from all angles. The backpack at the top has thrusters in it. The VF-1 relies on that and a mix of foot movement. This is more easily solved than some VF's like the 30/31 series.
  7. Iron had been called star poison as it takes too much energy to fuse that it gets less out, which causes the balance of the star to collapse. Usually it's the core of stars that get into heavier elements in the red giant stage and when it reaches that you're basically at end of life and things are gonna either peter out or get really exciting really fast.
  8. I don't think that's fanon, it does use atmospheric air for propulsion, in atmosphere anyway. In space it doesn't do this of course and switches to what I'd call uneconomic mode and uses full fusion energy for propulsion instead of just to heat the free remass of the air.
  9. Unclear but we know some fleets started launching from Eden as well as seen from the map in Frontier's opening. Though that all likely happened in the 30s and 40s too. There's a point where Earth might have slowed down it's own emigrant move because the expansion machine was self sustaining in a way.
  10. I got charged and received shipping notification from Crunchyroll so they're working their way through the list.
  11. Easy sell for me, hope people share coupon codes like with Plus. I'll get it anyway though. I decided to look at Honey, and I tried CRAFF15 and for about 15% off so use it while it works.
  12. I dunno who said the Delta movies didn't have subs but all Delta releases do have English subs. I have a copy of Zettai Live BD and can confirm that much. As for Frontier, the series never got English subs in a BD release to my knowledge (maybe the most recent, but I don't know). That being said, the subs exist now because I've seen them on the Disney+ streams where they are available in certain countries (such as Canada).
  13. It's listed as region free where I bought it. Besides Japan and US are on the same BD region code (I don't know about every country though).
  14. My avatars aren't especially inspired, here it's often various pics or fan art of Max, especially in his Captain form from Macross 7. It's cause he's my favorite. I'm kinda used to changing my avatar over time though so it's often down to my interest at the time. The name though is a story. Master Dex is the second long running alias I've used on the Internet and it kinda just started as a random pick up based on a self insert character my high school self invented for a Star Wars fanfic. This is funny because I'm not an especially big SW fan lol. So the master refers to Jedi Master, and Dex was the last name in Ivan Dex (not a very SW name admittedly). I never actually wrote the fic though and nothing came of the character but the name sounded nice so I used it for a screen name somewhere one day when I felt like not using my old König alias variation I'd grown out of, and it just stuck. Been using it ever since.
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