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Everything posted by Cypher

  1. Ah, so I see. Thanks for the heads-up on that. But is the Arcadia one 1/48 compatible?
  2. I’m looking to part with my measly collection and would rather “keep it in the family” by selling here to those that appreciate it. I’ve got the following: Popbox/Toynami Hikaru figure Popbox/Toynami Hikaru SDCC Flight Suit Exclusive (lights up) Yamato 1/48 Hikaru VF-1A Yamato 1/48 Super Strike parts Yamato ‘Movie Color’ display stand I have already done the decal work and most of the panel lining in pencil. So a new owner could accept them, remove them, or cover them up. Comments and pictures can be seen here and in subsequent posts: The Hikaru figures I presume are worth no more than what I paid. Just the pre-stickered/mostly detailed Valk is my sticking point. BTW, I have all the original boxes, packaging, etc. Not looking to fleece anyone here, just get an idea of value here. Also, search my user name to see the threads I’ve commented on about all these I’ve collected. Thanks
  3. I hafta get me one of those....
  4. I sent away for that video. Believe I still have it too.
  5. Well after posting about this TWO YEARS AGO I'm sad to see how something with such promise has drug on and on, the price increases, etc.
  6. No, guys, I didn't. And that was the only button I didn't poke. Thanks to both of you!
  7. Do you have to register in order to see this? I just get the same twenty-some titles. The app is terribly constructed for finding this info yourself. The most verbose thing is the TOS.
  8. I nabbed a R2 copy of the Crusher Joe box set for a steal last summer. The OOP AnimEgo discs go for an INSANE amount considering it's just 3 vids. I remember the east coast sci-fi cons in the 80's would have an entire rooms selling anime kits, and there were always plenty of Crusher Joe models at every price. Wish I would have bought more than just the 1/60 hovercars....
  9. I'm elated at the news, but I'm confused as to how I'll get to see the rest of them. As it has been mentioned, when there's enough digital 'pages' to make a 'book', I may be able to pick them up again. Albeit slowly. But, I wouldn't mind it if there were a ComicWalker app for the U.S. and I could keep up with it digitally. As well as nab the 5 books already published. I'm sure someone here would be happy to receive my copies if I decided to part with them.
  10. I really wish he/they would stop using the photo(s) of a Yamato helmet to represent the finished product.
  11. There's a lot of half-finished scratch built stuff on that page. I can relate. I would love to see that Garland kit come to life and have the opportunity to score one. Then never get around to building it....
  12. In my experience, buying the Blu-rays for a friend who desperately wanted to see the series in HD, Amazon Japan was the best deal even with the steep shipping. I dunno how YesAsia, CDJapan or any others stack up, but Amazon Japan has them on sale (or at least below listed retail) at an average of $56 a piece + $6.40 shipping each (total shipping was $32.00±) when I bought discs 1-5 a few weeks ago. Obviously the exchange rate is the variable. Just running discs 6 & 7 through the cart, they come out to around $68 a piece shipped. That's not too bad! *Edit: Those shipping quotes are International Express to the U.S.
  13. Figures, I just picked up the 5-pack of books and here I find out that may be the end of it.
  14. Rise, RISE thread! I say, RIIISE! I have an old video tape of the first two (?) episodes squirreled away with some others. Went looking for it on DVD, thinking "oh, I'll have NO problem finding this" and was surprised to discover the opposite. If I had known, I would have ripped it to DVD years ago when I had the equipment....
  15. Closer to Intellivision, actually. Those controllers are almost exactly the same as the original version from Mattel. If I remember correctly, you could actually order the discs with the joystick on them.
  16. @Dynaman: Respectfully, I don't know that it makes more "sense." Because why build a story around a ship that can warp great distances, then throw that object in over half way through and 1/4 of the way into the round trip? Because of poor pacing. It worked without it just in the first version of the series (if I remember correctly). I should ask my friend, who's better versed in the Yamato lexicon than I, if this was ever a thing before. Otherwise, MacGuffin. Look, I dig this as much as the original. Even more so with the updated animation. I got them for a friend (he paid me back), he's tickled pink and I'm getting to enjoy the spoils with him. But I'm glad I didn't drop several hundred for the blu-rays of this series, because I'd be disappointed in myself at this point over watching something this slow. Now, I'm sure the las 8 remaining episodes are going to be fabulous and I look forward to seeing the conclusion of the new saga.
  17. *psst* I know, I saw the original one on TV when I was a kid. This one drags on too much and the MacGuffin of the ruins it.
  18. I picked up the 5 Blu-rays for a friend off Amazon Japan and we've been watching them off and on over the past few weeks. The visuals are incredible, but the pacing is really poor. Considering they take over half the episodes to go less than 100 days and do a lot of off-beat character stories, I can only imagine how crammed the remainder of the two discs will be to try and wrap up. Then, watching the commercials for the Blu-Ray release of the original series, they look like animated storyboards of 2199 by comparison!
  19. Found this out on the wild plains of the Internet. Didn't know which forum this belonged in, but Fan Works seemed appropriate. Did a search and it seems this hasn't been posted, best I can determine. Costumer's name is Sean of SMP Designs. He came up with a Macross flight suit from the TV series, but put an original design twist on it based on real flight suits. He shares his How It Was Made on his website. http://goo.gl/pL6nj I attached some photos from his gallery that are really great. Enjoy!
  20. The information was sent to me via an iOS screenshot from Facebook. You can probably find out more there.
  21. It seems so. And for $149 shipped worldwide, I'd jump on this like a hound dog because I missed out on the Yamato release, due to the pricepoint. The final production pics I was sent via text were of the original Yamato release in '03. I cried bullshit that those were examples of Masei's helmet, until I was sent what was quoted above. Then I scoured the internet for the pics posted.
  22. NECROPOST! Figured I'd tack this on to the end of this thread instead of starting a new one. I got a text from a friend today about Masei motorcycle helmets doing a limited, 100 unit run of DOT approved Macross DYRL helmets. I'm sure they're walking all over Yamato's IP & copyrights.
  23. "No, no, it's A Pimp Named Slickback. Like A Tribe Called Quest, you say the whole thing. A Pimp Named Slickback!" Mr. Reagan
  24. I can feel the carpal tunnel relief already! Mr. Reagan
  25. That would be A Pimp Named Slickback from The Boondocks. Mr. Reagan
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