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Everything posted by VenomMacbeth

  1. aaah, I see...but...then why is he...blue??? He should be brown/dark green...
  2. I can't believe there isn't a SINGLE Bolt, Bentwing, or Ace on Ebay. And the only Zero they have that's a reasonable price has the chrome completely worn away on the prop. I'd give my soul for a Bolt right about now...although I think they should have also made a P51 Mustang gobot. that would have been schweet.
  3. er...*small voice* I can has Bentwing and Bolt? 3:
  4. welll...I'd really like a bolt and a bentwing. How might one go about acquiring these two? I don't care if they're mib, they just have to include propellers...
  5. I was browsing tfu.info, when I came to the gobots page. Some of them look really cool! I'm curious as to how much I can expect to pay for each of these: Ace Bentwing Bolt Dive-dive Clutch Cy-kill (any version, I guess, but black would be really cool) Buggyman Dart Flip Top Good Knight Jeeper Creeper Laser Gun Man-O-War Night Fright Night Ranger Res-Q Small-foot Spoons Throttle Twin Spin Tux Warpath Waterwalk (preferably white) Wrong Way Zero I think that's it. Please help me with this, as I'm very unfamiliar with the gobots line. thx! ;D
  6. oh...well, that looks cool and all, but...does the description I gave ring a bell? I would really like something that I don't have to pay $50 for... like I said, it might have been a KO, so...it should be cheaper, right?
  7. Hello! I used to watch Voltron when I was about five, and I remember really liking it. Recently, it's come back on Boomerang. Now I have a craving for the five lions. ^-^ I remember owning a small-ish (probably about 8 inches tall) voltron toy. The lions had little poseable legs, and they'd fit together to form the mecha. I believe it came with the sword and the shield. I think the lions' legs were made out of a slightly rubbery plastic, but it's been so long I can't remember. This might have been a KO. If that's the case, does anybody have any idea where I could get one, or something similar, and at what price? I'm looking for whatever's cheapest.
  8. which valk are you talking about? and thank you! I got some of my inspiration from the Brickshelf member, Zizy2. You should be able to find him easily.
  9. I have made several small lego models of mecha from the macross series. If you would like to see them, then go to the following link. I have made (all in small-scale) a few variable fighters, a variable Konig Monster, Monster MAC-II, Tomahawk, Quel-Quallie, two Queadluun-Rau, as well as three different SDF-1s. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=VenomMacbeth There are some models from other anime such as Zoids and Akira. I appreciate comments! NOTE: Some of the folders are not yet public. However, if you wait until tomorrow or later tonight, most of them should be ready for viewing.
  10. oh, man...I don't really care if the planes are still on sprues and stickers are still applied. Hell, if I could get it for cheap enough, I'd take it with the two valkyries, the lancer, and like 3 or 4 missiles. JESUS CHRISTOPHER $500!? Wow...I need a job XD
  11. well, I wouldn't mind having the Robotech version, either, but it's still about $100 or more. And I don't even know how much just the SDF-1 would cost, especially if springs still work and it comes with the aircraft things.
  12. I'm in the process of getting a reissue cannon fodder from a member here. However, things like...I dunno...Takatoku Tomahawk, Monster, and the big SDF-1 with all the little aircraft things with it...would cost me a fortune, right?
  13. how do you all afford these things!? I'd love to have some of the old Takatoku Valkyries/Destroids/SDF-1, but I could never have that much money!
  14. Skull Leader VF-1S "PINEAPPLE SALAD" special.
  15. oooh, I've been looking for those pencil sharpeners, especially the Monster MKII! And there are 1/200 yamato figs coming out soon? Any teaser pics? ;D
  16. Hi! I was curious...what's the smallest-scale non-SD transformable valkyrie?
  17. Yeah, you'd be invincible! (pretty much.)
  18. do you know how easy it would be to convert that aircraft carrier into a Prometheus? I really wish they were transformable. However...those angel bird VF-1As are very eye-catching...I may end up getting 4 of them!
  19. OMG you have the GP01FB!!! That's...like...my favorite gundam kit ever!! Well, I may end up getting this and giving it a go. It'll be nice to learn how to paint and stuff, anyway.
  20. ooh, I love subtitles! And I think the box I got was animeigo's version. It's the big box set. I hope it doesn't have GI Joe audio...
  21. well, perhaps my problem is I want to build a toy. Not so much to play with, I'd just like a variable valkyrie. I dunno, I always found aircraft model kits to be very boring, and judging by what people have said about the hasegawa-made ones, that's what they sound like. And, as you said, it is nice to have something that looks like it would exist in the world. However, I'd like something that I can hold and manipulate without breaking as well. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd like something in between the Hasegawa and Bandai kits. And as for the yamato valks...as much as I'd so passionately LOVE to own one, they are insanely expensive. Well, maybe not for alot of people on here, but I don't really have a steady income.
  22. bugger. I'm not really into modeling for lots of gluing, painting, and modifying. I'm the kind of guy who builds Gundam and Zoids model kits. They need to make a gundam-style VF-1 Kit that is variable! That would rawk beyond belief.
  23. would you be willing to sell it to me?
  24. these would be extra awesome if they were variable. C'mon, guys! How hard can it be? I mean, TT makes those "world's smallest transformers." Why couldn't they do the same thing for Macross?
  25. thanks! I'll look into it. Curious about a couple other things. Check first post plz!
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