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Everything posted by VenomMacbeth

  1. You talking to me? I has no PM...
  2. I really, really want to get a VF-25, preferably an Alto or Michel custom. I've considered the following options, with pros and cons for each: Bandai 1/60 : nice, but too friggin expensive. There's no way I can drop $100-$200 on a toy, especially when it's not perfect (I've read reviews for these.) VF-100s : They look good, but I already have nightmares about the parts-forming and I don't even own the thing. Robot-Damashii (sp?) : Not transformable, blech, but they make a Queadluun-Rea that's to scale with it, so I dunno. Model Kits : They look pretty good, but they seem pretty expensive & I don't know how skilled I am with model kits (I mean, I put together zoids and a few gundam kits.) Ideally, I would like a transforming VF-25 that looks relatively decent, for a good price. (say, $60-$70 shipped?) What do you guys think I should do?
  3. Revoltech ought to make a VF-25, a Vajra, and a Queadluun and just put this project behind them. I am so sorely disappointed with the quality of these things. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so bloody loose.
  4. Got mine today. Wow, what a shitty figure.
  5. How much are those supposed to cost?
  6. I'm extremely disappointed that these aren't smaller. They should have made something small to compete with the Banpresto valks, rather than Toynami's 1/100s. I almost regret preordering one, now. -.- What the hell were you thinking, Kaiyodo!? On a side note, I see that the hands are roughly the same size...maybe they'll be interchangeable with the smaller revo valks? That way we can get a hand with an actual trigger finger (why the f&*k wasn't it there in the first place!?!) GRRRR!!!!
  7. It's a 1/144 "20th Anniversary" Gundam. It says "GD-16" on it. It is pretty sweet; has a lot of accessories & it's highly articulated (it's no revoltech, but it's nice.) Even has a bit of diecast in it, too.
  8. I just got a Popy Chogokin (sp) RX-78 Gundam...are these worth anything?
  9. If you haven't read the "who's waiting on a package" thread, I've preordered the VF-1S. Anybody else here preorder one?
  10. I'm waiting on a WAVE SDF-1 Movie Color Edition, and I've pre-ordered a Revoltech Perfect Transformation VF-1S!
  11. You know what I just noticed? It doesn't have a trigger-finger hand....just a fist holding a gun...
  12. I'm looking for something like the Action Replay, only for the PS/PS1. Is there such a thing?
  13. I should be recieving a Takatoku 1/55 VF-1J Hikaru soon.
  14. Aww, crap! I may not get one of these, then...if they're the same/similar size as a Toynami 1/100, then there's no point in getting one when the Toynami looks much better. I thought they were smaller, like the normal Revo VFs...which would excuse those horrible ball joints.
  15. Anybody have both of these? If so, can somebody take a comparison photo?
  16. oooh, really? I'd like to see a scan! Please tell me they aren't comparable in size to the Toynami 1/100s -.-;
  17. You know, I just got a Revoltech VF-1S and now I'm questioning on whether I should get one of these. I have no desire to own the DYRL VF-1A, but now I've got a 1S. Doesn't it seem a bit odd to have two Revoltech 1S Valkyries? Guh! I should have waited x_x
  18. Dude, no offense, but seriously...you would get a better reaction out of people here if you learned to post eloquently, IE with correct punctuation and grammar. Not only does it better convey your point, it also makes you look less like a noob.
  19. I got really bored last night, so I made this quiz. Some of you might enjoy it. http://apps.facebook.com/what-sdf-macro-wnhmr/
  20. is the 1J a custom or is it scheduled to be released, too?
  21. I know the toys of which you speak, and that's not what I mean. I'm talking perfect transformation.
  22. Waiting on a Revoltech VF-1S right now! ^-^
  23. I don't hate yamato. I think the toys look really cool, I just wish I could afford them! In fact, I've been considering getting a GNU VF-1A Max figure. What I REALLY want to see are some mini MINI valkyries! Like the "Smallest Transformers" series. They could make them similar to the Chunky Monkeys, only they would be tiny! PS- As for Transformers sucking balls, I have personally never had my balls sucked by a Transformer nor have I ever witnessed a Transformer in the act of sucking one's balls. Just my experience.
  24. I don't think Yamato should make valkyries like transformers. Although they are expensive and "line art accurate" (I personally believe it's impossible to make a real "toy" accurate to the line art, considering the engineering involved) they seem to sell very well & keep Yamato in business, so I think they should stick with it. However, a company should make valkyries that aren't ridiculously fragile & expensive, but still nice (a la transformers.) Although, Hasbro's QC has gone to an all-time low recently, so I think some other company should do it.
  25. I am planning on going as Hikaru Ichijo for IchibanCon in NC. However, I can't find any decent pictures of Hikaru's normal outfit (not the flight suit, the other jacket that all the officers wear.) If anybody has any pics, I would really appreciate it!
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