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Everything posted by Firefox

  1. Got shipping notice from CD Japan. They are quick.
  2. I'm a bit late for this 3rd party Transformers. Can anyone tell me what is the cheapest price for Maketoys Green Giant Type-61 (Devastator) and the website that sells it?
  3. I like the 0A but with limited wallet capabilities I'll have to pass this one for 0S.
  4. It's just an enlarged version of the Bandai/B-Club VF-2SS model.
  5. Lost count. But I have stopped investing as the prices shoot up. Having said that, I'll make exception for the upcoming VF-0S
  6. Good initiation. Finally decided to something about Macross II. The product look like it's made out of Bandai old model. For that price, I would expect more like Bandai DX kind of product if not Arcadia standard.
  7. Bandai releases are harder to get is because their price range still largely fall in many fan's budget. Arcadia on the other hand is getting out of reach for many. You can say one is Merc the other is heading to Rolls Royce territory.
  8. Generally, the Macross toys don't hold their value like the old chunky monkey in the past. If you think it's out of reach, wait for a few years when some new line comes out, members here will dump a few at a relatively affordable price. Or, save up and buy the one you really like.
  9. Anyone has news on this figures? Are they going to bed released and who are the manufacturer, Bandai?
  10. Movie Jetfire is a brick not a jet
  11. Got the SR-71 in jet mode though not too clear. It appears that it is very 'blocky' unlike Leader-1's F-15 jet mode. Original link: http://collectiondx.com/news_item/2615/machine_robo_revenge_cronos_action_toys
  12. Should we starts a new Gobot/Machine Robo series thread instead of tagging on Transformers thread?
  13. YES!!!! Finally Machine Robo Series... The SR-71 or Snoop or MR-45 is a must buy
  14. That is the most beautiful YF-19 ever made, combining play-ability and look. Look at the tampo printing on it. If it prices below the Yamacadia YF-19, Bandai will have truck load of money coming their way...
  15. Firefox

    Hi-Metal R

    Hopefully they'll bring back the unreleased YF-21
  16. Couldn't agree more. All my Yamatos are are either in fighter mode or in box. As for Bandai, I can transform to any other mode whenever I feel like (may be the YF-30 is an exception as you need to swap the hand) Judging from the price of YF-30, my price guess is 24000 because of the super parts. I hope it could be cheaper but I think that is just a wishful thought.
  17. Couldn't agree more. With the upcoming VF-19 ADVANCE from Bandai, it will definitely drain some of the available fund from the collectors. Good luck to the $300+ pricing.
  18. Is it the revival of hi-metal? Look like this one is going to have landing gears. Just not sure if they are stored or removable
  19. They only charge what you are willing to pay after all.
  20. As long as they produce Macross 2 series Valkyries, I'll support.
  21. Didn't know amiami is limiting 1 per account. Great that they are doing it. I shall support them more
  22. Got one from AmiAmi. Glad I wait for it and didn't take the bait from NY (24500yen)
  23. CD Japan has rather good price for YF-25 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-106908
  24. So F-35 is nothing new, it's just the evolution of the dual inlet concept at the bottom... So much for the hype...
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