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Everything posted by Javabean

  1. On comparing, I actually prefer dark gray colour than the greenish black fm the linearts or actual animation colours.
  2. Great pics guys! I definately love the black heatshield on the 1S Max at least its different fm the 1A DYRL version. Good to know the improvement & difference on the pin diameter & we will see how it can stand the stress later on.
  3. Javabean

    yamato's next move

    Finally Graham cfmd there will be a VF-OD next year. And he is keeping mum on the other VF-....wonder it can be a VF-17...
  4. VF-22 looks great & irresistible that I placed my preorder wth my local store THe 2 VF-19 are definately a pass for me .
  5. ff95gj Are the shoulder pins now different & smaller in diameter?
  6. Not forgetting VF-11B & Defender OD is releasing same time. That's hyper ultra broke
  7. I prefer the 1S boxart than 1A.
  8. Just like the 1S Max being pushed back fm Mar to Apr, i guess Yamato needs more times to produce the new smaller pins & may not be able to supply on time for the 1A Max. Anyway, its good for my wallet as well!
  9. I belong to the 1st group but will keep the packagings of all my Macross, some of my transformers like MP & Encore series, in case I need to sell them in future. I don't sell for profit, just need to recover some costs back as much possible. In the case of the recent sale of all my 1/48s, the purpose is to make way for storage space & to help finance for the new v2. 1/60 line. To me, toys are meant to be opened, played & enjoyed. Otherwise I hate the agony of seeing the toys inside packaging & not able to touch or handle it. I wud love to keep a 2nd set as spare but obviously finance is a prblm for me, esp for pricey Macross
  10. We will find out soon about the new pin on the coming 1S Max release.
  11. And I thought only Max wears the blue helmet?? Finally another must-have Valk to get! My guess shud be a August release after VT-1 in July.
  12. I'm getting 1S, 1A TV & 1A DYRL
  13. Yeah! One week countdown fm now!
  14. Finally got my Michel & Luka last weekend after much probing & consideration (Alto also on preorder fm HLJ). Love the fighter mode very much but really put off by the upward pointed wings. Any ways to straighten them down? Otherwise it looks even greater!
  15. Yes, we need Graham's highly anticipated reviews!
  16. Javabean

    yamato's next move

    Indeed still no news for a 1/60 VF-0D even though many folks here incldg myself, hv wished for it. Perhaps Graham can throw some little lights for us on this?
  17. NIce works there, Rabidweezil! You don't need buy any exclusive weathered Valk fm Yamato. This is as good as it gets!.
  18. Yes me Grimlock wants to munch more metals...esp. delicious egg pods!
  19. Help! Grimmy on the loose! Hmmm....me Grimlock wants to munch Valkie.... yum yum!
  20. As I mentioned earlier, think I might mostly display it on fighter mode, as I'm accustomed to seeing it in fighter, like you say. Furthermore I don't quite like the face with a head scarve hanging out...hahaha
  21. Definately a must-get order! I see myself displaying it mostly in fighter mode! I guess we might see VE-1 in Aug then?
  22. Good to know the new shoulder pin will start on next 1S Max as we still hv more vf-1 coming soon. Is it becos of these changes that we just heard the 1S Max will delay till April?
  23. My Roy (1st edition) hv a crack line on left hinge & a small broken piece off the right hinge. Same as Mon5t3r, my prblm did not extend all the way on entire hinge, so both hinges still functioning well, tough guy! Anyway getting the replacements fm Overdrive just in case.
  24. Another possible reason is they want to focus & promote sales fm upcoming 1/60 TV Max. Why need to crash both scales on regular release.
  25. I once said I won't part with my last 1/48 1A CF but eventually juz got it sold off, to make ways for the new 1/60s. Like most folks here, I too want all my valks to be on same scale line. Also like many, display & storage space is a prblm for 1/48.
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