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Everything posted by Javabean

  1. Anyone got news when the 1J CF will release....seem quiet fm Yamato lately?
  2. Maybe my mistake & thought VT-1 is originally for July. Anyway looking fwd to the CF 1A!
  3. And the VT-1 slated for July is switched over & scheduled for Aug. Anyway, im happy & looking fwd the CF 1A is coming earlier as getting the CF 1J .
  4. I agree & second it I hope to see more variants of the GBP-1, besides just Hikky version.
  5. Thats great! Its matter of time. I hope to get the armour+valk set version so that I can hv separate Hikky 1J with Max & Kaki.
  6. Hey Ruskii I say sell all yr 1/48s & get these ! At last M&M...Oct is a broke month! Will we expect TV Focker in Nov?
  7. The green helmet pilot is great. And the rescue markings are tampo! Look like this VF-1 line is getting better & better!
  8. Yamato may as well add another white stripe across the chest area like M&M version.
  9. Loving it already...i thought the release date is 25 June?
  10. That means it wud reach my shore around end June, payday!
  11. I stand on the side for smaller scale as hopefully it wud be much more affordable....
  12. DYRL 1A Kaki is released! http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10083522
  13. I preorder two 1A CF fm my local store, yeah!
  14. I myself looking forward to it as green is always my fav colour! Futhermore i need DYRL 1A Kaki to complete skull squadron.
  15. Javabean

    Yamato stands

    Overall I'm disappointed with this stands. Can't hold any of the 1/60 fighter mode secure enough. In battroid mode, the wings can't close down if i want to. But the upcoming Fan Racer will definately find good use of it.
  16. You can try ask the shop where you bought yr 1A fm, if they can get the replacement for u?
  17. Not really, count me in
  18. The previous 1J Hikaru also missed the tampo printing. But there are the stickers available to use, so really not a problem for me
  19. How about us who own the 1st VF-25S, wonder we can get the new head replacement?
  20. Look like its quite true that DYRL Kaki will only be out next June, along with 1J CF. I preorder all 3 too & am glad that TV Kaki will be out first!
  21. Look like its quite true that DYRL Kaki will only be out next June, along with 1J CF. I preorder all 3 too but are glad that TV Kaki will be out first!
  22. Look like its quite true that DYRL Kaki will only be out next June, along with 1J CF. I preorder all 3 too & am glad that TV Kaki will be out first!
  23. Is the DYRL 1A Kaki also released at HK as well?
  24. Boxarts of Max DYRL 1A & TV Kakizaki can be found here fm Sgcollect forum. http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?s...5&start=255
  25. I hv to forgo some transformer toys that I like. Hv sold off some old Starwars & tranformer collections. With the new movie toys out soon, its gonna be hard to resist Oh... one more thing...my house toilet bowl seems to be breaking down anytime but I hv to hold off my $$ getting a new one, for sake of Macross toys
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