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Everything posted by Javabean

  1. Our man Graham said there won't be a weathered releases, rather more variants of the VF-1s. Get the ver 2 Roy man! You won't regret it Besides the TV Max & Kakizaki, i wish for TV Roy or Hikky 1S with the TV style FPs.
  2. Great to know you are back in business with them! We can see one of the coming VF-1 releases that were not made into 1/48, are of course VF-1D & VF-1Max DYRL. Believe TV style VF-1 like Max & Kakizaki won't be far off. Did Yamato mention any non-VF-1 new releases, like VF-0D ?
  3. The missiles came standard in white & black stripes. What I did is to remove the black stripe at the rear end. Next I sprayed the red & additional black stripes for that accurate TV look.
  4. Hv some fun shots with my camera today. Think I need to go for some photography class A valkyrie in hot pursuit of a tranny!
  5. I'm fine with the forward pilot seat & prefer the green or blue tint canopy. I like better posing of the 1/60s, esp the arms. The very playable fighter mode with FPs also captivate me Yes the hip bar in the nose hatch indeed a damn pain in the ass to remove on my 1S Focker. And the hip bar on my 1A Hikky is kinda loose, making the upper torso always dipping down when posing. Why can't Yamato applies the same hip bar system on the 1/48 to the new 1/60? I'm running out of storage space if I keep both 1/48 & 1/60, esp the boxes. At first I'm hesitant to offload the 1/48 unti the 1J Hikky seem to be proving more sturdier than the 2 previous releases, at least IMO. So my hopes are high (cross my fingers!) that I will see even better 1/60s releases now that 1D & even 1S Max are coming next. And so I decided to sell off my 1/48s. I'm only left with 1J Max/Millia (promised my girlfriend to keep them as she paid for Millia ) & also the 1A Canon Fodder. Also I prefer all my mecha in the small scale.
  6. Then I think we should hear the news fm our shops here soon.
  7. The same kind situation in Singapore. Stocks arrived at some shop just after Xmas. Some shops now are saying stocks are either low or zero. Prices are probably high like Hongkong, (reason due to high Yen rate) unless you are on early preorder months ago. Most of the shops are selling the VF-25s in a pair set. So if you just only want to get one piece, say Alto version, its going to cost you sky high. However I wasn't told there will be 2nd stocks expected though. Hopefull the price will be more reasonable then.
  8. Hi Jedimech Yes I'm fm SG, are you too? The shop hving year end clearance is ToysnToys at China Square Central. But sadly the Nora I bought is not a sale item as its under someone consignment . Thought I saw the only Macross items on sale is 25th anniversary VF-1S & YF-19. Not sure if its sold?
  9. Wishing all fellow members a Happy New Year! May the new year brings us more new toys & surprises fm Yamato, Bandai, Takara etc. And may the high Yen rate drop this year for our benefit Surprisely on New Year day today, I received a knock on my door fm a postman who delivered my VF-0A Shin with QF-2200-B Ghost booster, ordered fm Ebay. What a good way to kick off my new year. And just 2 days ago, bought myself a SV-51R Nora fm a local shop year end sale
  10. Javabean

    yamato's next move

    My wishlists for Yamato's next move wud be enemy mecha, TV style Millia Queadlunn, VF-0D, Destroid Spartan & not forgetting all the TV VF-1 valks
  11. You can check the comparision here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...8513&st=420
  12. Finally bought my first SV-51 Ivanov. Just for the fun of it !
  13. I guess the rest of the world will be getting the OS soon in early January, since we hv waited that long.
  14. C'mon Ruskii, show them what you can do. man!
  15. Check out this new VF-1D pics with pilots & markings. Thought I find the nose shape now quite different fm previous pics. Credits to SGcollect forum & Hobbystock blog. http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?s...0&start=120
  16. Hopefully in next coming weeks, we get to see new pics of VF-1S Max in battroid to confirm the heatshield will be black or blue.
  17. Thank for sharing. Look great! Now we need to see some Battroid pics.
  18. I too expecting 1A Max to appear first & and we were just discussing abt possible 1S Max release on the other thread. Anyway its good news for us.
  19. If it says Max VF-1S, that's great, hv been waiting for this release too. I wud prefer it comes in without FP as like in the show. Hopefully the release delays till April, not to crash with VF-11B.
  20. According to Yamato website, the official launch of M&M Queadluun-Raus is 18Dec today & Hikky 1S on 20Dec. With shipping, probably will reach my shore here next week or so. Merry Xmas!
  21. 0S hv also grown on me after wathcing hundred times, so is Shin's 0A
  22. Yeah agree! After hving owned some 1/48s, the 1/60 ver 2 is perfect, IMO
  23. VF-1S Hikky with FP expected to arrive here this Dec too. Glad i sold my 1/48.
  24. I sure hope the UN spacy logo along with other details will be tampo print on actual product.
  25. Javabean


    Anyone own the mass production type? Seems like not many people talk abt this CF. Shud hv better QC quality than previous?
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