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Everything posted by Javabean

  1. With this 1/48 release, I can smell v.2 1/60 TV Kakizaki will be coming soon
  2. Javabean


    Just collected both my Q-Raus today. Damn big boxes!. Tks gdness I previously bought the individual Millia figure.
  3. We all hv lost our angel wings & devil hv grown horns onto our head, hahaha YF-21 is a great toy & it does come with a similar display stand as the SV-51s but in white transparent colour.
  4. Yeah, that's my fav fight scene in DYRL too. Its kinda fair competition where each of them took turns getting hit at, unlike in TV version where only Max hving the upper hand.
  5. The Defender looks good on OD. Is this prelude to the Spartan to come?
  6. Here are the shoulder joint comparison btwn 0A CF & 0S Focker. Can't tell the difference in material wise. The only noticable thing is there is a black rubber material inside the shoulder ball joints, possibly to prevent the arm fm floppy down. This is also found on my 0A Shin but not on the 0A CF. Front view of the 0S head shield. The skull seems to be slightly off to the right side but this is fine by me
  7. Most of the joints are indeed tight, esp the cockpit. In fact I broke the instrument panel when trying to push it back! (I recalled later a member hv the same experience & Graham advised to push the pilot instead) Anyway some dabs of superglue solved the broken part. Even the wings are tight to swivel about as compared to my 0As. As for shoulder joints, i cud not tell the difference fm 0As. They look & feel about the same. I hv the shoulder joints picture taken side by side with the 0A which I will post it later. Overall the 0S in battroid is awesome. Glad I bought it! I will report back with pictures back home today.
  8. Rembr what Graham said recently of many VF-1 variations coming in future. I hope one of these wud be TV style VF-1S Focker/Hikaru.
  9. I'm in for one if ever it is made. Strange the pilot hv to fire off all the misslies first before able to fold the stabilizer to transform to Gerwalk or Battroid
  10. Graham, you mentioned that the next destroid is Phalanx. Any chance for a Spartan release after that? I'm sure many folks here is expecting this one.
  11. Hey Graham, we just love the 'bland' looking TV Max 1A! What a year to start off with these coming ver 2 1/60.
  12. Think its a good idea to start a separate thread to discuss on Max's valk.
  13. Great! TV Max on the way! Guess it will be a April onwards release after DYRL 1S Max in March. HOpe TV Kakizaki on the card too! So many good things coming this year. Look like DYRL 1S Max is going to hv blue heatshield afterall & not black.
  14. Hey man! You too noticed the green arrow marking on the FP. So I'm not alone Correct me if I'm wrong. If you look further on the still pic posted by 505thairborne above, this CF seem to spot the same Kakizaki green/black stripes on the chest shoulder. Also notice the head is white in colour. So many subtle differences btwn TV & DYRL CF that I hope we can see it on the v.2 1/60 release soon.
  15. Me transformed all my 3 valks this week & they are still in 1 piece.
  16. There is also a scene at the SDF-1 hanger, prior to climatic battle, showing FPs being attached onto VF-1A. I like that!
  17. Not yet, pray not I'm still halfway applying stickers first. Kinda scare after reading so many reports of breakage. Will take extra precautions handling it.
  18. The fighter does feel tight & no floppiness at this moment. But I hv to wait & see after I hv made 1 transformation back to fighter mode again to tell the difference. On closer look, the skull does look a bit off to the right. Its hardly noticeable if you hv not asked me to chk. But I'm perfectly fine with it I'll go back chk the skulls on the tailfin.
  19. Got my 0S on Sat! Now busy applying stickers & will be trying out the transformation. Shall report the outcome later on. Here are 2 pics on day of arrival. Notice Yamato uses bubbles & soft cardboard to protect the tail fins, after several reports of breakage on first 0S release. I don't see such cushions used on my 2 OAs.
  20. Yes Graham hv told us (after Yamato finally answered him) that there will be several VF-1 variants coming, I hope one of them is Roy TV VF-1S.
  21. Finally I get to see a proper Vermillon squadron. Great works there & nice subtle weathering you hv there. I'm planning to order some flexi-stands. What sizes did you use here, is it 2.5" or 4"?
  22. I just love the simplicity or "bland" looking valk !
  23. Yeah, my sentiments exactly, will do just that. I seem to like the TV FP colours better than DYRL version. I wonder Yamato will just release the GBP parts by itself (like the 1/48) or will it come together with another 1J?
  24. I did use the TV FP fm my 1J Hikky set to fix on the 1S. Look great but pilot is still a Roy DYRL version.
  25. I want a more accurate DYRL Cannon Fodder which i notice to hv some different paint markings & FP logo fm TV version.
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