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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Wow, just when I thought they couldn't look any cheaper - they outdo themselves!
  2. OverDrive have a review up on their site with pics of the box. LINK
  3. I did this with a mass order of Transformer exclusives for Sydney/Adelaide through Overdrive. Someone places the mass order with OD, then collects the individual payments along with the OD shipping charge. Then play the waiting game till the box(es) ship. When it arrives in Sydney domestic shipping charges are calculated on individual basis. Sydney people can pick-up if they prefer.
  4. Us Sydney/Australia people need to get out crud together and start ordering from Overdrive in bulk. The SAL shipping method HLJ uses is not trackable or registered. If the cost of the item is more than ~$150 then EMS is used for insurance reasons. Also if the weight/size of the package goes beyond a certain point EMS is used instead of SAL but at that point the cost between the two methods is sometimes negligable depending on your location. .
  5. Overdrive are located in Japan. I think they still only ship by EMS tho.
  6. Pro photography sure makes a difference - those pictures look great. The crotch still looks a bit weird tho. I'm not sure it can stand by itself - those shots from last week had a support for the backpack, but the prototype shots didn't appear to include a support.
  7. HLJ.com has a service for missing parts if your MegaHouse is incomplete (or maybe broken). Given that MH are doing a second run of the Stick and Rey it should be a sfae bet that they will have parts available. You have to email them at parts@hlj.com with the various details. Complete info is here: http://www.hlj.com/faq/q41.html Even if you didn't order your MH from them you can still order missing parts. The only problem is that you pay shipping costs which is about $5 even if the parts are really tiny because they use a minimal box size only. I haven't had any parts missing from either of my MHs but I have ordered replacement parts for Yamato and Takara toys with no problems.
  8. Easy choice for me - the YF-21 I like the folding wings in fighter mode. I also don't really like the YF-19 all that much - it is one of my least favourite designs. I've never liked the look of inverted wings (on any jet), it just seems wrong to me.
  9. When the pre-order goes up on HLJ.com place an order and you wont get ripped. Beagle haven't done any transforming mecha before, mostly they do (really nice looking) figures, only a few of which have moving parts. There was a pic of the prototype Ride Armour with the Rey Pulse rifle on the front wheel so that would be a safe bet as the next release given the minimal additional modifications needed to create it.
  10. Agreed. But the Beagle still looks great in both modes
  11. I think Beagle news is supposed to go into the "Mostly the Mospeada" thread. Thanks for the gallery, answers some questions about the transformation. October can't get her fast enough. Although I couldn't see any mention of the price...
  12. 1/6 Scale CG13 V.I.S. Kyouryoku Geigeki Butai (Powerful Interceptor Unit)
  13. It's the Japanese release. Essentially the same as the USA Walmart release except the tips of the tail fins are slightly longer and the 'weathering' is slightly lighter, but that varies from toy to toy.
  14. Hot Toys 12" Tereus http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  15. Cool, thanks for that.
  16. Although I liked it too, it was not popular (especially in Japan) so I think it's rather unlikley unless there are MASSIVE sales of other Robotech product to justify an international release.
  17. Nice pics, thanks Shun. I wonder if the visor will ve black tho.
  18. Hot Toys are apparently doing another release of their "limited run" Deunan and Briareos 1/6 figures as well.
  19. You wouldn't have any pics of the back of that Briareos kit would you? Not that I could possibly afford it, I'm just curious.
  20. I had exactly the same thing happen to my account about 6 months ago. I really freaked me out at the time too because I don't use a guessable password either. I went through the eBay live help with no problems - lady there was fast and helpful but would not go into specifics as to how my account was hacked - she just gave me a standard reply like the one in your first post. The eBay notification I got did say that they sent out emails to spammed people explaining that my account was compromised. The only thing I could think of was a key-logger but everything else is fine - hotmail, gmail, home email, amazon, bank accounts, PayPal - I mean surely they would rather have my bank account or PayPal details than eBay. Six months later everything is fine, so I've basically concluded that there's probably a hole in eBay security somewhere that a bot managed to get into.
  21. There was a pic of the prototype with Ray's pulse cannon attached to the front wheel, so his version might not be far behind. +1 point for the working kick-stand too
  22. That head sculpt looks great despite it's nose
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