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Everything posted by Tober

  1. I would (and did) buy the Beagle versions. Much more expensive back then too.
  2. Yep, red. Good idea, but that seems like more of a Skywarp thing to do.
  3. All three were released a week or so ago.
  4. I gather you have to email them: igear.toys@gmail.com Apparently price is about $80 + shipping. I'm interested but I would really like to hear a review first. And apparently articulated hands arn't so good for holding weapons.
  5. He isn't actually Nemesis Prime (aka Black Convoy), he's Convoy Black - so he's an black colored Autobot. So he's possibly a clone but not actually evil
  6. There is a video review by collectiondx on Youtube that, I think, shows the full transformation - it's about half an hour long in all. It was of the Beagle Stick version. I'm not sure what their Rey review consisted of. Check near the base of the swingbars (near the kick-stand) - one pulls out further than the other.
  7. I was thinking alot about this too. A conversion kit for the Bartley would be difficult - her cowling is quite different as well as her armour. The Bartley and Blowsperior share the same different engine block but different tail pieces, weapons and helmets. Is that all? (Heads too obviously). You'd have to ask someone with actual product design experience. >EXO< ? . I created a 3D Blowsperior for fun, but it can't be used for 3D output like rapid prototyping. Creating a Blowsperior conversion kit might not be that difficult tho... Otherwise hopefully in the future when 3D printers are more readily available there will be conversion kits available for download, but that could be about 5 years away.
  8. It's called denial and is the first stage of the grieving process.. anger and depression will follow shortly. Told you. .
  9. Didn't stop them ending their MegaHouse line without Rook.
  10. Kind of a bummer it didn't at least go into pre-order to gauge interest They would be re-using most of the molds from the first release again wouldn't they? The Bartley body armour is totally different but most of the bike components are identical. Ultimately if the demand isn't there it isn't going to get made tho.
  11. Thanks for the update Where to order from?
  12. SDCC 09 is about a week away. Hopefully Toynami will have a display and be able to make some sort of statement regarding the delay. But would anyone believe them?
  13. Correct, it can't steer. I was a bit disappointed by that too, but bikes are mostly steered by leaning into the turn anyway. Overdrive has them for $219.99 each link I thought they had sold out of Sticks previously, you might want to be fast. --------------------- Otherwise: BBTS has Stick for $229.99 link which should be a cheaper shipping option if you're in the USA. Angolz has Ley for $235.00 link Robotech.com and BBTS.com have the Toynami versions for $199.99 as well if you prefer their head sculpts.
  14. +1 It looks great. That's if H/TT are able to create a toy from the game's concepts well enough.
  15. No new pics in months, no release date, no pre-orders have opened. I have actual cash put aside for that thing, it was previously expected to be released in the 3rd quater - so pre-orders should have started by now. I only tighter parts I remember are the new weapon plate attachments on the front wheels - nowhere near as loose as Stick's missile launchers. The windshield and main middle connection (near where the seat connects to the fuel tank) seemed tighter than Stick but that could be because I have transformed Stick several times. The ball attachment on the helmeted head was tighter/larger and the cloth seemed to be attached to the rider more efficiently than Stick's was - his was coming loose at the ends all the time, but was easily pushed back.
  16. Not if they are accurate to the line art.
  17. Half an hour long, you might want to download instead.
  18. Be careful of the quality of MP-4 then. It was released here for Au$200 last year and the quality was shockingly bad. They came across as re-released rejects. MP-2 re-release as well apparently. Just picked up Movie Ravage - it's reasonable. Will probably be the only deluxe I get. I'm waiting for the Human Alliance figures as well, hopefully they're as good as the Alternators were. Leader Prime is on sale here too for Au$67. For that price I'm kinda tempted but I just know that the third movie will see a better Leader Prime... so I'll probably pass for now at least.
  19. Very generous of you. But why?
  20. You could use HLJ's parts service - they helped me out when a piece broke. Rand has only just been released so there is still a good chance it can be replaced.
  21. Thanks for that it was great. From what I can see Beagle fixed the loose helmeted head ball, gave the cloth a better fit (this one doesn't feel as loose but it wasn't a big concern of mine) and gave the front wheel connections a better fit - not as loose as Stig's missile launchers. No other noticeable changes to the bike or figure molds but that wasn't realistically expected. They seem to have addresed the hole in the side of the neck with Fluke's release. So maybe they did use the feedback provided. Would have been better if you got an actual reply from Beagle tho. I heard that they were struggling with numbers. Hopefully MegaHouse's lack of a Fluke means more people will buy the Beagles instead. You could change your name to Save_Beagle
  22. No probs Totoro242 posted it in the line art thread here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=747398
  23. A Hasbro release of Masterpiece Grimlock is scheduled for late 2010 if you can wait that long.
  24. Excerpy from Griffin's Botcon report on OzFormers LINK
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