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Everything posted by Tober

  1. I'm sure Hasbro mentioned it at some panel or investor report but no details were given. Apparently casting began earlier this month. That's about it..
  2. Was I implying that only select lines would be made in Vietnam? Takara handles all of Hasbro's Transformers production as well as their own - last I heard anyway. Given the re-releases of G1 toys since the movies I think that the G1 fanbase has grown, not shrunk. Apparently there is a new Masterpiece mold in the works for 2010. Alternity depends upon the licenses they can aquire. Not focus of Transformers 3..!!?? There is a new cartoon in production now as well as Animated (and toys) being released in Japan.
  3. Thanks allot, PM'ed Interesting, I heard a rumour that the reason that Device Label Blaster was canceled was due to the production cost being too high for the electronic parts. Hopefully moving to a lower cost facility will see it being produced - along with DL Ravage it was one of the few TF toys I was looking forward to this year.
  4. Tober

    HLJ Yamato sale

    Yes, instructions are one their 'our policies' page found on the left side of their home-page. Email them at trouble@hlj.com and include the photo as reference for replacement. You will need to do this within 10 days of receiving it.
  5. anime-export.com have them on back-order. The other places have indeed sold out.
  6. The Titanium 6" came with stands. The Masterpiece seekers also came with stands... I definately want Animated Arcee - which will be a real pita to find down here...
  7. An improved swing-bar like the Elint and Ostrich have would be awesome. Would require alot of parts to be swapped out I know, but while they're at it I would like to see the rotateable torso that the V.1 had - the swing bar would have to be totally redeveloped tho. If they could somehow remove those annoying little swing-bar hole pieces that would be even better but I know that's difficult. I would also like to see a piece that fills the gaps in the top of the battroid chest. It might even be possible to have pieces that reinforce the sholder as well as fill the gaps in the chest and sides - similar to the GBP add-ons. Otherwise I would like to second stronger-sholder locking and for the single cockpit to have the pilot seat further back. And Stampede Armor pieces... <runs>
  8. Angolz has pre-orders up. $27 each. Canopy/head-shield has to be swapped out. Revoltech Yamaguchi 082 Macross Valkyrie VF-1A Revoltech Yamaguchi 083 Macross Valkyrie VF-1S
  9. Yeah, I saw a Hole performance once where Courtney gave away her guitar to "the most f***ed up" audience member. What a class act
  10. How do you mean "pop it"? Yeah, I'm looking down the barrel of messing up a set myself to deconstruct it.
  11. I finally picked up Animated Prowl yesterday. I love this guy! Might look better if I could do crasis' Drossel to Sari mod tho...
  12. Try contacting the supplier to see if they can arrange a replacement for you. If it's not HLJ.com then sometimes they can arrange replacement parts too.
  13. Yeah I'm sure it was Yacolog's site but couldn't find it there either. You wouldn't know how the helmet comes apart would you? Looks like the back piece slides off but I couldn't get it to budge
  14. Does anyone have any links to what a completely dis-assembled Beagle Mospeada looks like? Especially the head with helmet parts. There was a post a while back showing one in bits for painting/weathering but I can't locate it anymore .
  15. If it is a problem with a dynamic IP then perhaps try using the PC of family or friend living close by. Failing that maybe an internet cafe with fixed IPs... and don't forget to log out.
  16. * Best Anime (film/TV series/OAV) - Persepolis/Venture Brothers/Macross Zero * Best Manga - The Pride of Baghdad (comic) * Best (film/TV series) - Old Boy/BSG (or maybe Lost) * Most annoying trend in Anime - Mega Boobs (Anything more than a handful...) * Most annoying trend in SF - Quantum Physics as an exit point to correct plot holes * Best comeback - Batman Begins (maybe Macross: Zero) * Most disappointing comeback - Superman Returns * Best Game of the decade - Unreal Tournament 2003 * Most consistent game developer - Valve * Best Game platform of the decade - Quad Core PC * Which product do you really wish had not turned out to be vapourware? Beagle Mospeada Bartley * Most Unnecessary *Remake - My Sassy Girl (Haven't seen it, don't need to) *Sequel - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen * Greatest addition to your toy/model/DVD collection - 1/48 Varkyrie/Beagle Mospeada/The Orange Box collection * What is the piece of technology that you have now which was not available at the start of the decade that you cannot do without? nothing, my i7 if I have to choose * Best Band/Album/Live performance - Royksopp/Boxer (or 5:55)/Natalie Merchant * What do you think is going to be the most inaccurate SF prediction about life in 2010? - 'Avatar' will change cinema history * Person of the decade (NO politicals) - Steve Irwin * Where do you think you will be at the end of next decade? - long dead * Complete the following sentence. "I will be much happier next decade if..........." it's better than the 80's. + What have you been calling this decade? (The zero-zero's, the noughties, whatever) - "crap" - they were 'nothing' to me... (ok, the 1/48 / 1/60 Valks and the 1/10 Beahle Mospeadas were good).)
  17. HLJ.com, amiami.com, Hobbysearch.co.jp, anime-export.com... Strangely enough Overdrive appear to be one of the few shops not stocking it...
  18. The CMs Mospeada Figure Collection has just started shipping.
  19. I'll try to get something scanned, just to see how feasable it is to reverse engineer it. I have no idea how much it might cost tho.
  20. Tober

    Question re: HLJ

    That's not a write-off then. You will have to write to them and wait for their response.
  21. Tober

    Question re: HLJ

    It depends, but generally if the item is an utter write-off then they would just send out a replacement. You may only need to send a photo as proof. Not much benefit in them getting a broken toy back.
  22. Very interesting topic and thanks for the photos and info tundrayeti. I've been seriously considering doing something like this myself too. I put in an application yesterday to study Product Design with the intention of learning about 3D scanning and printing in the hopes of being able to start a career doing it. The places in the course are very limited and competition is "intense" so I'm not overly optimistic, but we'll see. I've been thinking of sending off a couple of parts to be scanned with the intention of then modifying the data and having it printed out. I'm not quite sure what the cost for the scanning would be tho so if anyone could give me a rough idea I would appreciate it.
  23. Unless those 3 pegs are attached I don't think the white side covers can attach. Those white side covers are fragile at the hinge too so be careful with them and don't try to farce them.
  24. I always get hungry and think of the when anyone mentions Phil Collins. In honor of taksraven's 'The Prisoner' avatar here's Colorbox's 'Just Give 'em Whiskey'. Yeah, best version on YouTube is a 'City Hunter' AMV How I used to love 4AD...
  25. Tober

    SCOOP thread!

    Lynn Minmay Wave Ver. (PVC Figure) Mylene Jenius Wave Ver. (PVC Figure) Not sure which thread this gets posted in as they are not Frontier figures..
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