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Everything posted by Tober

  1. I'll be happy with Dana/Jeanne and hopefully Zor Prime/Seifriet. Strange to think that if HG didn't pick up Southern Cross chances are this wouldn't exist at all... Cavalry of the Southern Cross wasn't even popular in Japan when it was broadcast.
  2. Hmm, Winter Wonderfest is a week away. So maybe we'll see a Sentinel Hoquet prototype on display. Or some Legioss variants. Or maybe Figma will finally... nah, probably not.
  3. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/38711-mospeada/
  4. Very nice! Now you just need Aisha. :)
  5. Nice. Your work?
  6. Ultimately if a purchase is made through PayPal or a credit card it is their T&Cs that take priority. Part of the reason PayPal and credit cards are so expensive is due to the protection they offer consumers. Down here in Australia, we have the strongest consumer protection laws in the world. When my clothes dryer broke down after 16 months, still under warranty, I contacted the seller, who contacted the manufacturer who sent out a tech to inspect it, and then arranged replacement starting the 2 year warranty again. Out of the dozens of times I have made chargebacks, Mastercard has always sided with me, it's just a matter of having strong enough evidence that the seller is in the wrong. Don't accept store credit if you can help it. Once you do you can no longer make a claim through PP or credit if anything goes wrong.
  7. Yep, it's the retailer's responsibility. If they don't arrange a replacement, tell them you will be talking to your credit card company (assuming you paid with one, PayPal or direct),
  8. Yep, just got payment notice from HLJ, and they have a shipping request from me.
  9. So orders should start processing and shipping tomorrow? I need to prepare my credit card for Reflex Point orbital bombardment...
  10. I believe the magic words are 'delayed delivery goods'. You must make it clear to your credit card company that the order was not for an in-stock items. This is from a post on an Aussie Transformers Forum, but should still largely apply : http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php/24252-Premium-Collectables-(PC)-not-refunding-help-is-here-for-doing-charge-backs?highlight=premium+collectables
  11. I didn't mention it, but a credit card should protect you for about 18 months for 'pre-orders' which are called 'delayed delivery goods' in their terms and conditions. This is using a credit card for PayPal, linking with a bank account doesn't protect you beyond PayPal. This is for Australia, but I think it applies everywhere...
  12. Prepare your bum for a super upsize.
  13. Hikaru's VF-1S is an iconic enough Valk for a reissue. Only questions are when and weather it will include Strike Packs.
  14. Yep, HLJ have 24 hour staff. I'm not sure about any other major retailers tho.
  15. I won't get in your way, but it's Friday, just after 4 AM in japan now.
  16. That's the one!
  17. So... what are the chances the Riobot Legioss will ba able to line up with the Toynami Beta? The connection arm most likely wouldn't be compatible, but creating an adapter shouldn't be too difficult. Matching colors could be a problem though.
  18. When in stock.
  19. Sentinel themselves? No. Mercy Rabbit, who does their artwork, revealed a Legioss and Tread combo pic a while back, but stated that it was just 'fan art'. Maybe there will be a clue on the Legioss box. The Legioss appears to have mounting points for a Tread, so I'd say it's possible depending on sales.
  20. The 404 error? It's been like that since the start.
  21. Yeah, that's a bit worrying.
  22. So the sligyt dip in the wings is intentional, not loose prototype issues...
  23. They will get upset if you cancel. Payment on arrival. Best customer support of ANY Japanese hobby retailer I have used, including HLJ.
  24. I sent them a msg. Will see if it helps...
  25. I'll chip in $5 if it helps securing a pre-order from HLJ or Hobby Search.
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