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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Thanks sh9000. Two weeks from the 11th is about now tho. Just going to have to hang in there...
  2. Awesom! Great news, thanks Capt'!
  3. Awesome! HLJ have it up for perorder but it's already on 'order stop'. https://www.hlj.com/master-file-98-formula-av-ingram-sof6076
  4. Great news, thanks!! Would you consider developing the so-called light blue 'Bioroid Scout' concurrently? The two mostly share the same arms and legs (shoulders, knees and toes are different). I think that would round out all of the Bioroids seen in the anime. There were two other variants that were unseen. I'd obviously be down for one of each.
  5. Nice pose! Although I don't think it could turn it's head in the anime.
  6. Really sorry to hear that. Doubly sorry because that Bioroid was looking good.
  7. So it seems Roy and Jeanne/Dana have had their release dates pushed back another month to June and August respectively...
  8. It was a PayPal option. It could be localised or depend on your account setup...
  9. Yep, pay up front. Even for the oversized Graub. There is the option of four payment installments using PayPal. I think it was over two week periods.
  10. The proportions of those two look much better than the Graub. :O
  11. Yep, there were plenty of times I went with artwork in the anime over the lineart. Ultimately I would prefer something that looks more like a tactical vest and outfit as well. Do you have any experience having CAD models made into action figures?
  12. It's to do with the proportions - anime vs real world. Southern Cross mecha generally have massive feet, and in the case of the Terminator (the armored foot soldier) it's beyond impractical - almost comical. Looking at your 3D you have probably come to the same conclusions. The feet and forearms are impracticably large and the helmet is too small. This is what I ended up with, although I still consider it a WIP:
  13. Interesting stuff. Interesting also that you say being faithful to the source material is utmost important to you, yet your Bioroid Terminator 3D model looks a lot like the one I have and had to be largely altered so as to look more realistic.
  14. I didn't intend to be derogatory towards you or Robotech. The winking emoji at the end of my comment essentially means it's not to be taken too seriously. If you like Southern Cross more than Macross or Mospeada, then more power to you!
  15. Cool! Does it come with the pilot figure pictured?
  16. The Iota is up at HLJ. Looks lite the Eta is being reissued as well.
  17. So preorders start in two hours...
  18. Awesome work, Capt'!
  19. And Dana still expected in July. 2021.
  20. People watched it!?
  21. Is that the foot soldier? There are seven variants if you include the red officer as one. They were posted here by Seto Kaiba. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bioroid Type I (Early Period) Bioroid Type II (Early Period) Bioroid Type I (Middle Period) Bioroid Type II (Middle Period) Bioroid Type I (Late Period) Bioroid Type II (Late Period) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Seifriet's modified Early Period Bioroid Type II with a red paint job
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