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Everything posted by Tober

  1. To what exrent is Mr K involved with this?
  2. I have all of those as well... Not so sure that's a good thing...
  3. Good thing I'm not that concerned about parts-forming and the paint apps aren't too bad. The hips are a bit loose, but again not terrible. It is priced at about double what is worth imo.
  4. That looks great 505thAirborne. Which visor did you end up using?
  5. I'm kinda liking them. I'm curious as to what the deal is with the Tie Fighter pilot in the third Vader pic on BBTS listing...
  6. 2000 is the Takara Tomy Mall limited quantity. Which is now sold out. The Hasbro Asia number is unknown.
  7. Robot Kingdom have Bluestreak pre-orders up for $60 + shipping. www.robotkingdom.com/tftrmp18b.html
  8. It's Apollyon's shoulder joints, thin waist and huge skirt that are holding me back. There are a few other minor nitpicks as well. If unsponsored reviews are positive I might have to order one.
  9. Correct, but we haven't ween any YF-30 repaints yet - surely they are coming. Will only be available through shops that have proxy services like Anime Export, Nippon-Yassan, Big in Japan... Standard release stores like HLJ, Amiami and Hobby Search won't list them.
  10. Due for release this Saturday 21st (along with Exhaust)
  11. Nice to see Gabriel re-materialise. So clue me in incase I missed it.. Why is Judith the only new-born? In a developing society wouldn't re-population be a priority? Are the infected contracepted!?
  12. Just got this email from Robot Kingdom - ---------------------------------- Dear customer, Thank you for your purchase on Robotkingdom. Regarding the item Takara Transformers Masterpiece MP-23 Decepticon Exhaust We have received official announcement from Hong Kong distributor that the Asia Exclusive MP-23 Coin will be cancelled. Robotkingdom will still honour your order, however, exclusive coin will not be available. You can choose to keep the order or store credit for the item. Option 1: Keep order Option 2: Refund order for store credit. Please reply to confirm your decision. We will start shipping all MP-23 preorders in late March. We sincerely apologize for your inconvenient. Best Regards, Robotkingdom Crew www.robotkingdom.com
  13. MP Tracks with Asia exclusive items -
  14. Yeah, but only one is mine. Well, you know what they say about anything more than a handful being a waste...
  15. Is there anything better to wake up to than some double Ds? HLJ EMS hipping notice late Saturday, arrival Tuesday morning. And yeah, they're dark blue..., really dark blue...
  16. Got one from HLJ. Got cart-jacked at Hobby Search
  17. HLJ and hobbysearch
  18. Surely the molds would have to be revised. Weren't the last batch of Alphas recalled?
  19. Amazon currently has discounts on some Ghibli Blu-rays http://www.reddit.com/r/ghibli/comments/2vzdtd/amazon_is_having_a_small_sale_on_a_bunch_of/ EDIT: Was about to buy Mononoke and Nausicaa then read about how the Mononoke bluray uses the English dub script as subtitles rather than proper translations: http://www.thedigitalbits.com/item/princess-mononoke-bd Pass.
  20. I'm down for 1 this time (so far). Capt, how are you intending to approach this? Will it look like your 1/32 kit?
  21. 1/15. And it kinda sucked in the quality department...
  22. Looks promising. Any details such as scale, release date, price?
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