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Everything posted by Tober

  1. I figured it was the guy who took his crossbow and bike... Surely the big bad truck and Abe finding the RPG isn't a coincidence either.
  2. What issues were there with the VF-0A? I was thinking of getting one if it was heavily discounted and I have the VF-0S on pre-order...
  3. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Amiami was really sluggish but I got through. Thanks Treatment and all.
  4. Wow! I didn't think we would see it. I wonder how this will hurt the 3rd party Shockwaves...
  5. So no Tread? Dang! What will you do for frustration? Marriage and kids..?
  6. Best Transformers series since Beast Wars.
  7. Sweet! Looks to be1/24 judging from the Shogo figure...
  8. I'll probably be going with the XTB Galvatron. I think Toyworld's Devestator looks better than Gravity Builder, which I passed on because I thought the bots and combined mode were too squat looking. Toyworld's looks to be based on the Studio OX design and is about 20" tall
  9. Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Good to hear. When would payment be required?
  10. Put me down for one. Why aren;t you using your 1/32 design? Wont it work at a smaller scale?
  11. Yep, I used to have that comic as well. Someone did a homage to it with Binaltech Laserwave several years ago, which I thought was cool.
  12. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    In at Amiami.
  13. From what I remember, Cersei substituted Lancel for Jaime when he was away at Riverrun, then captured by Robb. This was after Robert's death. 'Fornication' could just mean sex outside of marriage tho. SHAME! She managed to dodge the regicide and incest with Jaime charges. And how are there two Jaqen H'ghar faces..?
  14. Yeah, I was really bummed about Jon too. Guess Samwell won't be heading back in a hurry... How did that dead faceless man have Arya's face..? How was Cersei guilty of fornication if Robert was already dead? It was good to be seeing more of Cersei tho.
  15. More information from MP Ironhide designers has been released. The hip panels can rotate around to the back. The extra piece is seperate and does not form part of the van.
  16. You're right, just checked, it is a mini SD. Such a great figure too, I used to take it everywhere when traveling.
  17. Hasbro removed the electronics from Soundwave and Blaster for their G1 release. They both had a working radio with headphones. Blaster's headphones could be stored in his gun which is why it has that hole in it. The Device Label Soundwaves could play MP3 files through a micro SD card. Ravage was my first Transformer. I got Soundwave shortly after to go with him.
  18. G1 Ravage. My brother got the Frenzy/Rumble he came with.
  19. Knights of Sidonia: Tsugumori is up for pre-order I still haven't seen this anime. I keep hearing good things about it tho.
  20. Yeah, woke up at midday just to order one. Their Facebook says they are looking at doing another run of Synthetic Humans.
  21. '3rd qtr shipping ( august is the window )' - but they are almost always late. I pre-ordered yesterday, now I have to decide what to do with Big REX...
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