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Everything posted by Tober

  1. It would sorta be counter-productive for Daenerys to sail to the North first. Half-way there she would almost sail past King's Landing. Then if she defeated the White Walkers she would have to go back south. Although it was Davos that said to Stannis something like 'Instead of winning the throne to save the kingdom, save the kingdom to win the throne'. Besides Tyrion and Varys, there is the Red Priest to advise her now. As for Sam, yes, there are interesting things happening in Old Town.
  2. Eddard died in Season One. In Season Six he was saved by Howland Reed during Bran's vision of the raid on the Tower of Joy.
  3. "They"? Meera is disposable as far as I know, unless a connection to her father is needed. I sure didn't expect Bran to die there, my gf actually said she though Benjen would be there, although I'm not quite sure how (I guess it doesn't really matter). My point was the way they were saved. Once again a last moment save is used to get a character out of danger - Eddard, Davos, Sansa - and that's just this season. Yeah, Varys does have a direct connection to Illyrio, who would be one of the few Daenerys could trust.
  4. Yeah, was good to see Walder and Edmure again. Benjen too I guess, but I'm getting tired of all of the last second saves. Tyrion might be able to sort Dany out.
  5. Oh, I don't expect any actual answer as far as the magic stuff in GoT goes. But I sorta think the same thing of Jon's parents - wouldn't it be best to leave it unsaid,,,
  6. Mel gets her magic from R'hllor as she gets her visions in the flames through him. It is up to her how to interpret and use them. This is the same for the other Red Priests as well as they back other possible 'princes'.
  7. So the deaths of Joffrey, Robb and Balon were just the work of Mel too? And spawning the demon to kill Renley..? How strong her connection to The God of Light is is ambiguous. The God of Light sure is hedging his bets as far as who the Promised Prince is. Yeah, I saw that interview with the show-runner too. I still don't like it though. How are they fantastic? Almost everything they do falls to bits. They're just nowhere near as inept as they are in the show. If you are a book reader then I think you'd have had different expectations. I quite liked her at first though. And I totally appreciate that the Iron Born have a gruffer look. Euron has an eye-patch in the books and a horn to control dragons... So again, like the Martells, the characters have been simplified. The priest who conducts the drowning of Euron is the third brother of Balon and Euron. Edit: And there's also the brother Victarion.
  8. Stannis' sword had some magic-like attribute in the books. It shone when he met Renley and who said he wanted the sword when Stannis was dead. It shone blindingly brightly at the wall when he drew it there - I think it was the Rattleshirt/Mance execution. I suspect Samwell Tarley would have given the bad news to Bran when they met. Not thrilled about the Hodor time-travel thing either. The only reason the Greyjoys aren't the lamest house in Westeros is the Martells. Every time I see Yara Greyjoy I'm reminded of:
  9. Cool, although I avoid trailers for spoilers. I don't think Lightbringer was even mentioned in the TV series (could well be wrong), but in the book it was a 'magical' sword, but not the genuine Lightbringer. I'm just spit-balling most of the time. And I probably think about GoT way too much, like who is really behind the waif's or Jaqen H'ghar's face...
  10. But Littlefinger shouldn't yet know that Sansa has escaped or that Roose is dead. Jon and Sansa don't need an army to take down the Boltons, they just need a good assassin and House Bolton will crumble without an heir. I hear Arya will soon be available... Speaking of swords, if Brienne really killed Stannis, wouldn't she have taken 'Lightbringer'? And yeah, I'd like to see Tormund try to run off with Brienne over his shoulder.
  11. So Daenerys killed all of the the Kahls without using a weapon, and has thus by rights become the 'grand Kahleesi' herself and united them..? That's how I interpreted it. And Ramsey forgot to demand the return of his Reek!?
  12. I think there is some foreshadowing in what Roose said about Ramsey not having taken on the enemy in a battlefield. In the books Beric Dondarrion breathes his life into Catelyn to resurrect her in his place. The Manderly's were with Roose at Winterfell and plotting against him, but had already sent Davos off to search for Rickon. Excluding the warg aspect from the show has watered down Arya's test and (possibly) Jon's resurrection. Also looks like they will backtrack book 5 with the Kingsmoot as I suspect they may not have enough info from book 6 yet. Good to see Bran and Hodor at least. And couldn't they have found a more attractive Lyanna? Wouldn't you expect her to be absolutely stunning..? Yeah, felt like a bit of a rant...
  13. ISS Symphony - Timelapse of Earth from International Space Station
  14. And I spared a few thoughts for Shane too.
  15. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Countdown Timer for Monster pre-order at 4 PM JST.
  16. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    The Hi-Metal is awesome. It has a large range of motion in the legs, it feels solid and it's not too top-heavy. Posing the Yamato kit is possible but really difficult now. It is a tension assembly kit, so it requires constant maintenance.
  17. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Not if you try to pose it... So I'm going to be stuck at a meeting I have to chair tonight which starts at exactly the same time as the Monster pre-orders open.
  18. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Awww... Look who showed up on the doorstep today. And yeah, I really need to get around to organising those vinyl decals for the Yamato 1/60 now.
  19. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    EDIT: Closed again Regult is back up at HLJ for those that missed out. Order Limit: 1 https://secure.hlj.com/product/BANN01899/Act
  20. I asked HLJ if they would be carrying the 'esclusive' SAP version. They will. I prefer to order from somewhere that will look after things if they go wrong, which rules out Amiami and Anime Export.
  21. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    No, they send a confirmation email first. Shouldn't take too long
  22. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes, web exclusive means the items are sold exclusively through a web store, thus requiring the use of a proxy seller such as Nippon-Yassan or Anime-Export to purchase one and sell it on your behalf, as Macross items are not exported from Japan directly. Web exclusive pre-orders are made on a by-demand basis, so when you pre-order in advance you are assured of your order. Bandai DX and other high-end collectibles sold through retailers are often hard to secure, but tend to cost less as they can reduce the RRP. Web exclusives cost more as there are proxy fees involved. Ninja'ed by mechaninac
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