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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Pop quiz: Does any one know-off hand in which episode we see the top hatch of the Graub (shock trooper) opened?
  2. I'm hoping that the delays are for improving the mold based on feedback. It will be intetesting to see if Riobot beat Evolution to market.
  3. Could be something like this: I don't know if they are just fan art though.
  4. They were going to import Yamato Valks but Toynami threatened to refuse supply of their goods if they did. I heard a rumor that the Beagle Stick wouldn't have been released without Toynami's involvement. There were delays prior to the release, so...
  5. You got his contact details... right? So strange that in the age of email, Facebook and Twitter we are on this forum spitballing. That Figma picture from last winter's Wonderfest also has FREEing on it. They are the guys doing the new EX Garland.
  6. Head sculpts and branding aside, I think the Toynami release was actually better. There were mild QC problems with the Beagle Stick head neck joint and the missile gauntlets being loose. I think the Toynami release fixed those. I think the flaking fabric was universal though.
  7. I said it was "more accurate" in that, yeah, the rider is 'clam-shelled' by the bike transforming. It's a pity they couldn't get the tank moving from underneath as per the animation chart, but it is a re-designed MOSPEADA anyway. :0 The only thing I really dislike is the wheel-guard being only on the left shoulder. So I wonder if it's removable.
  8. It was a bit of a trial the first time. After that it makes sense and I don't think it would take more than 5 to 10 to transform it now. It was always fiddly though, as you really had to remove the rider from the bike to transform it and then 'wrap' the bike around him from behind. The new transformation is more accurate to the anime.
  9. I was pondering this as well, and it is possible given what happened with Beagle and Megahouse (didn't they shove a sticker on the Megahouse boxes?). The missing piece is that it hasn't shown up on any Robotech promos yet, or their official store. From memory the US price for the Beagle was better than the Japanese price by about 20%, but I don't remember what the exchange rate was back then.
  10. Beagle, yes.
  11. AWESOME! Thanks. Releasing in January too, I wasn't expecting it that soon.
  12. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    November 30 according and Amazon Japan.
  13. The 1/10 Beagle was 24000 JPY. I'm hoping Riobot's 1/12 is less than 30000. Any word on what the September 29 date means? I'm guessing release date and pricing. Looks like the Evolution Toys 1/60 Legioss has been delayed again until next month.
  14. Good Smile E-X-GARLAND 29,800 JPY. Maybe other shops will have it for less. Feb 2018 Release Also says it's 1/20 scale.
  15. MOSPEADA and a Motoslave were included amongst figma's "planned releases" at Winter Wonderfest 6 months ago. There was no sign of them at Summer Wonderfest a few weeks ago, that I know of.
  16. Agreed. It's strange, although she did train with the Hound, and she was practicing with every chance she got. She may have been able to take Brianne by surprise once, or maybe twice, but not repeatedly. Even Eddard said that you shouldn't show your enemies your moves, which is why he didn't compete in tournaments. I was intrigued with Sansa's line about how seeing Arya would stop Jon's heart... What, again? Possible foreshadowing. I didn't think that the Stark children would ever be reunited either. Now they're together they seem vulnerable. It's just when you are most comfortable that GoT will stick you with the pointy end. I did think that the Kingslayer, almost Queenslayer, would end up toast. That would have been most bittersweet for Tyrion. (He doesn't have the resentment he has in the book.)
  17. 'Perfect transformation' is an ovrrated concept/gimmick to me now. The Beagle elbowps just prove the point to me. The Beagle could stand without support if the hips were pushed forward. Or very carefully posed. I'm optimistic for more ride armors fron Sentinel, but beyong Rey's, I don't think there is any official artwork for them.
  18. And Reactive Armor.
  19. Yep! MOSPEDA's back again!!
  20. Wonderfest Summer 2017 pics from Decultureshock.com [/url]
  21. It gets a bit tricky. The Beagle is an interpretation of the classic MOSPEADA Ride Armors. The transformation is different from the cartoon in that the transforming armor wraps around the soldier from behind, instead of partially comin up from the front (which makes more sense). The width of the bike is somewhat thinner and the leg armor is much less bulky. The Riobot version is based on the front and back cover of the MOSPEADA Complete Art Works book, which I think is done by Aramaki himself. So I'm not sure where it fits into canon as such... It looks like the dimensions are similar to the Beagle version though. The cover of the Transforming Bikes book also has a more modern take on a MOSPEADA Ride Armor too. I found this while searching for MOSPEADA reference a while ago, I don't know the source.
  22. The Beagle was 1/10, Riobot is 1/12 scale. Mechanically they look quite similar, but the transformation is different - Riobot's cowling comes up from the front, which is more anime accurate. Materials look the same too - POM, ABS, cloth and maybe some diecast. I expect Riobot's to cost about twice as much. The Beagle was 24000 JPY.
  23. Nothing from Max Factory Figma?
  24. Looks much the same to me, just smaller.
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