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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Don't suppose they gave an actual release date?
  2. I already have the Freeing E=X GARLAND in Feb and the Arcadia Garland in March. The Sentinel Stick MOSPEADA is back up for pre-order at HLJ
  3. Yeah, a month away starting on 18th Feb. MOSPEADA exclusives*? I doubt it. Wonderfest has tight regulations regarding the number of exclusives that can be sold at their event - I think it's 50. I'd say at best we will get better release date info and the (long shot) announcement of more variations of the Sentinel bikes, and hopefully prototypes of the figma/Freeing ride armors. There's a good chance we will see the ZETA and IOTA Legioss from Evolution Toys. Although there was f**k-all on display at Summer Wonderfest... Hopefully Winter is the bigger event. *Wonderfest is all about exclusives. Garage builders can sell their wares with official licenses for the event only. Eg Arcadia do this with the Macross license from Big West.
  4. Put me down for one of each please Capt, but I would need two weeks notice to get the funds together. I'd also be interested in the bioroids afterwards.
  5. Yeah, actually the ETA is back in stock at HLJ. Although it seems there's only one left...
  6. Isn't the Zeta an exclusive or something? ----- I wouldn't count on the ETA being heavily discounted. HLJ and Hobby Search are sold out and Amazon only has 16 left in stock.
  7. Do you have the links? They do tend to be more accurate. I wouldn't be placing a lot of faith in the Sentinel figures coming out on time. Completely happy to be wrong though. ---------- Received my replacement ET Legioss from HLJ . Transformed it a few times and all good... so far.
  8. I emailed Sentinel a few days ago asking about the release date, they weren't a lot of help. Maybe someone with better Japanese language skills could try - I can't find them listed on amazon.co.jp either, they usually have the most up to date info. Only six more weeks until Winter Wonderfest. Hopefully more MOSPEADA news then.
  9. Looks like you got a good one.
  10. Looks like HLJ is out of stock of ET's Legioss ETA.
  11. Tober

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The DX Kairos is an exclusive, so you'll need a proxy seller like NY, Anime Export, etc... https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/22661-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-vf-31a-kairos-regular-limited-edition.html Release date is end of March.
  12. Yeah, hopefully better luck next time. Congrats on your latest acquisition. Here's to the build quality being good and the parts staying tight for a long time.
  13. So far, one arm side has broken at the pegs and can not really be easily repaired. The peg that holds the gun under the wing broke off whilst still stuck in the gun.
  14. I'm returning my ET Legioss to HLJ for a replacement. It transformed to Soldier just fine, but fell apart going back to fighter. I don't think the license for MOSPEADA is all that much. Charging as much as possible for the lowest possible quality = $$$, in the short term.
  15. How well are the ET Legioss selling? It appears they are doing better than the VF-2SS. There will only be large discounts if there is large excess stock - which HLJ is known to carry, but after the VF-2SS... they might not have that much. It's also possible that the Iota will be an exclusive. Just speculating.
  16. Robot Damashii SIDE LABOR Ingram 1 & 2 Parts Set (PATLABOR the Movie) https://hlj.com/product/BANN22576/Act
  17. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Up at HLJ https://hlj.com/product/BANN22566/Act
  18. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    February is the dreaded Chinese New Year holiday period. There might not be much scheduled then.
  19. Thanks for the pics and reviews guys. Looks like I will have to buy it after all. Black Friday is coming up, but HLJ don't usually discount their new items.
  20. Yeah, I would have thought the Japanese bloggers would have put up pics and possible warnings by now.
  21. I reluctantly cancelled my pre-order with HLJ a few hours ago. I just can't afford it right now. Hopefully it's worth the wait.
  22. Mechanically, it doesn't work. The hatch would be clamped down by the 'crane' grabbing it.
  23. So who's kept their pre-orders for the Evo Toys Legioss? According to Amazon Japan, release is in two days. https://www.amazon.co.jp/可変レギオス-エータタイプ-ノンスケール-ダイキャスト-可動フィギュア/dp/B06Y34CHF3/ref=sr_1_1_mimg_1_hobby_display_on_website?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1510729190&sr=8-1&keywords=4582385572632
  24. That's the one, thanks. Hmm... the Graub hatch opener is different to the one in the 'REF Field Guide'...
  25. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    23 November http://tamashii.jp/item/12210/?wovn=en
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