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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Figma motoslave prototype is up. Don't suppose there's any sign of their MOSPEADA line?
  2. I thought it looked weird from front on too, but looks great from other angles. The comparitively small head of the ET Legioss annoyed me more. I'd be happy enough to get an updated Sentinel Legioss in the same style as the Sentinel ride armors.
  3. Great news! Mixed feelings about the Bartley and Blowsperior, but happy to see them coming. Legioss looks great, just wish it was 1/60 or 48. Hopefully the Tread has been thought out properly too. Edit: What scale is the Legioss? I thoght it said 1/72 but it says 1/12, which can't be right...
  4. Where did you score the Eta from? The cheapest I saw was 25% off at CD Japan. ---------------------- Wonderfest today. Maybe some pics of the Evolution Toys Dark Legioss. Hopefully they do the Drone too.
  5. Lol, you lightweight! It's 5.47 PM here!
  6. Japan Summer Wonderfest starts tomorrow! Will Arcadia - * show a SV-51 ver 2 * show a YF-21 ver 2 * show a 1/48 VF-1J ver 2 * have an event exclusive fire sale and close shop
  7. https://hlj.com/product/BANS55138/Act
  8. Until Amiami's server crashes...
  9. For some of us - NO! Nippon Yassan is usually cheapest, initially. Their customer service is usually s**t tho. So if you have a problem, you will be fighting them. Similar situation with Anime Export.
  10. Do CD Japan still often list early? I don't use them, but it might be worth preparing an account. Payment is upfront and not always discounted.
  11. Pre-enter all your details or you will be "cart-jacked" for sure. Amiami preorders have literally only last for a few seconds in the past.
  12. Orders should start opening in about an hour.
  13. Wow. Thanks for the warnings then.
  14. As long as I get a warning first, I'll just play innocent.
  15. Wow. I cancel and reorder a few times a month and they've left me alone... I do usually spend about $1000 a month there tho...
  16. HLJ and Hobby Search have the best customer service in case something goes wrong. HLJ don't usually care if you cancel. So if you find cheaper later...
  17. Has it been pre-listed on any sites yet? Like on Amiami saying orders opening soon..
  18. Not sure, I assume it's an original putty sculpt, except maybe the face. It seems he is also working on a Mint (Annie) figure to go with it.
  19. Nothing from SDCC? Not sure I if saw this posted here, so if not: Custom 1:12 Rey figure -
  20. Well, it has been about 18 years since the Yamato 1/48 came out.
  21. I'm down for two Sentinel sets. Thanks Capt!
  22. Cool, I'll add my name. Clear visors would be cool too though. Just saying...
  23. So HLJ just charged me for the ET Zeta Legioss. Their order page says its due for an August release, so maybe a second batch... Hey Captain America, were you looking a doing smooth clear recasts of the Sentinel visors?
  24. They've already teased Yellow's Blowsperior on Rey's box, and the line is doing well enough for a second release of both MOSPEADAs, so I think it's just a question of time. And Winter Wonderfest seems to be the bigger event. Hopefully it's enough encouragement for Freeing and Figma to move ahead with their teases too...
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