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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Are there any Macross Hi-Metals announced after the VF-2SS Nexx in November?
  2. The Sentinel Legioss does look strange from the front, but good from other angles. Problem is that front view is important.
  3. Sure, but how many casts per mold? I thought it was 20 to 30, which works out to qbout 160 visors..
  4. Can't you just make another set? With the tools you created etc...
  5. That would be awesome, thanks! :D
  6. Damn, that practically doubles the cost!
  7. Yellow's visor was green. Their visor shapes were also both different to Stick and Rey's.
  8. Awesomw work, Captain! Many thanks, especially for the visor.
  9. Sweet, I think it was a leftover stock rather than reissue, so well done! My Robot Spirits Griffon Labor arrived today. It's a nice figure, but I think I prefer the Revoltech, even though it's smaller.
  10. Well, it looks great so far. Will the visor be available for individual purchase as well? It was an annoyance with a lot of buyers here.
  11. That's some awesome casting decisions you've made there Capt. Very happy to see the visor included. Did you smooth out lines from the underside?
  12. The printer was replaced a few weeks ago as he said it was previously unusable. Maybe ask again.
  13. If what F18LEGIOSS posted is right, it's transformation is non-canon, and possibly ties into the 'neo ride armors'. The seam lines in the Legioss are different to the line art. Any included pilot and ride armor will tell.
  14. The Sentinel Bartley illustration looked similar to the original bike cowling. It was the armor that had changed more. Of course, Yellow and Hoquet also have slightly different visors to Stick and Rey's. And Yellow's is tinted green.
  15. Looking great, Capt! The visor wouldn't be missing because you're doing recasts without us, would it..?
  16. The head and chest of the Legioss might be drooping down as it's only a resin prototype. I'm hoping that's the reason. The cockpit section also appears to be drooping forward a bit too...
  17. So is the 1/24 Patrol Car being restocked? This appeared in my Hobby Search news letter today. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10162086
  18. I'd guess we'll see test shots in six months at Winter Wonderfest and preorders going up not too long after. Hopefully all four ride armors will be out by end of 2019, as well as the first Legioss (and a Tread prototype ).
  19. I would assume it does, but it's unconfirmed. For better or worse, the original promo pic had Freeing associated with it.
  20. That's some nice 'shoppin there no3Ljm. Shouldn't the sabers be white tho?
  21. It will transform. I think what tekering was implying is that it's a resin prototype not capable of achieving transformation eg no diecast frame. If you check out yaco's twitter feed there are pics of the fighter from above that show it barely holding together.
  22. I have a poster of that pic. The WAVE kits' box art was done by Mercy Rabbit as well. Illustrating their too kits even tho they don't transform.
  23. At least CMs finished the line years before going bust.
  24. I just want to know if the Motoslave transforms.
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