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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    You mean, like, use a proxy service to buy it for you?
  2. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    One hour 'till server crashes.
  3. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Which is pretty much standard. Hopefully HLJ have unf*cked their cart system. I ended up having to go with Amiami for the VF-4.
  4. Great price. Were they second-hand? That Iota looks pretty good, but it's the Dark Legioss I'm actually looking forward to.
  5. Evolution Toys Iota Legioss just landed in my Private Warehouse. I guess it will stay there until the end of the year when the Bandai VF-1J joins it.
  6. Their Battle 7 kit was released about six months ago, so they could well still have the Macross 7 license in some form at least.
  7. Capt is working on a dropship from Southern Cross currently. So there is interest (and capital) from somewhere...
  8. That is beautiful! The head is a bit strange though. As if it's looking down. It should be in a fixed position.
  9. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Did anyone get an order in at HLJ? Their site has been f*cking up like this for the last few days.
  10. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

  11. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks jvmacross! Countdown Timer.
  12. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Has the date of madness been set? I only saw that March is the release month.
  13. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Not if it's the 1D.
  14. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, but Phalanx and Nousjadeul-ger first, please.
  15. And/or the Dark Legioss!
  16. Eta was delayed three months. Zeta was delayed one month. So it seems likely Iota will release roughly on time this month, or next.
  17. Nope. Thanks!
  18. Thanks Seto Kaiba! But someone out there must have those images...
  19. Okay, thanks. I have the Robotech Art books and they aren't in there or the Palladium RPG books. The hunt continues...
  20. Are you able to upload high res scans of all of the Bioroids? Otherwise is that magazine easily found anymore?
  21. Does anyone know where I might find higher res pics of these Bioroid isometrics, or the source they came from?
  22. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    So, beyond the VF-2SS Nexx in November, there's no new Macross Hi-Metals..?
  23. The overall proportions ang general playability. Revoltech Griffin was just more fun.
  24. ^ Beautiful work all-round.
  25. Pre-orders are up for December release. https://hlj.com/product/HSGCW-15
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