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Everything posted by SeminNV

  1. Here is the Battle City! 1 2 3 4 and new video VIDEO 5
  2. You are doing great! Keep it up! Really nice VF-25!
  3. My GOD!!!! It is incomplete, how could they do this to you! It is awful, terrible and cruel, man! I am not sure I can stand this! :( :( Use your imagination How about hydraulic pump? super-puper mega thing for no puspose at all? secter repository of Nazi's gold / storage of alcohol for pilots?
  4. dublicated post 11
  5. You are right! We are real fans of Robotech/Macross We are not the ones who just discuss toys and all that crap. Robotech/Macross made us learning new things, thus developing our presonality. You began 3D modeling, and I began 3D graphics programming.
  6. I am finishing environment design in the game This time I tried to do clouds Here is my first experience. Very simple ones 1 2 But I have a demo with rather realistic ones So, next update for the demo will very cool looking I am sure that this thread will soon replace the one with wallpapers )) to Zinjo 1 2 3 Edit: Grammar and Spelling
  7. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DEMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those who are interested Here is the link to the demo version. version 0.25 It has Game.exe and ModelViewer.exe Don't be lazy to post feedback. If you have any ideas on gameplay - you are welcome.
  8. Hope there will be enough episodes to fuel your determination)) Is it VF-25? I am working on my code to improve perfromance. Actually, I can render static geometry up to 100-200k polys. But with skeletal animation - at the moment I cannot figure out how to render it more efficiently. But there is a way. From what I have seen, the most important thing is texture or textures. There is no need to make very detailed model if your textures are good enough. Just look at my VF-1S and Alpha. Both have about 4000 polys, but I textured VF-1S. In my mind, now they are in different leagues. But I am sure, your model will be the best one. P.S. And if you don't mind, I will post new video here, in your thread. Don't wanna bump mine right now New Video EDIT: Grammar and Spelling
  9. hi! If you want, I can send you VF-19 in .max or .3ds just gimme your email
  10. 1. OK! I remembered you! You are the guy with voltron and valkyries. And it seems to me you are a good modeler! Think about my offer - I can make fly your models. I know how to attract you to the project - I will make a beta fighter and put it into the game)) 2. How many polys do your models have approximately (Alpha, VF-1A, Cyclone,..)? What program do you use?
  11. 1. Do you mean sketches? like this one? If yes, - search the forum carefully. There was a topic on MOSPEADS fan art. And I downloaded the pic there too. 2. Would you like to help the project? Is your alpha transformable? If you want I can send you the demo (about 5 mb) SO you could fly alpha there)) I am planing to introduce ground mechas like cyclone later, once I am done with planes. Right now there is VF1S and Alpha I am planning to include in the game 1. Beta fighter 2. VF-21 3. VF-19 4. VF-11 5. VF-4 6. SV-51 7. Logan Well, there is no hurry at all. And I don't have any intentions to speed you up. I really appreciate your help and concern about the project. You don' t need to appology. I am busy at work too, and I can give the project only my free time, so sometimes there are pauses in work too. EDIT:Grammar and Spelling
  12. Jay-Lew How many polygons does the valkyrie have? And what is the size of the texture?
  13. 30 seconds gameplay video! Gameplay Now I going to introduce collision detection, build a simple town and add bullets. If anyone wants to pay the demo - send me a message
  14. New screens from the game! 1 2 3 4
  15. Hi, Ironside and Chillyche For models you'd better go there models archive Plus I have an archive on my hard drive, so I could send them to you. This is YF-19 (not mine). About 22000 vertices and 30000 triangles Most of models are in 3ds, I am sure Blender can import them. I am trying to model myself (modeling, texturing, animation), check this post Robotech/Macross free fan game thread And some people (Darrtallion and AncientAngle) post pics of their models there, too I'd like to ask to think one step further. I started as you did almost one year ago - I just wanted to have 3D fully transformable models of the best Macross/Robotech planes. And I did it. (Look the first post there Robotech/Macross free fan game thread ) Perhaps, my model of VF-1S was not as perfect as yours YF-19, but still I was satisfied with this stage. Just imagine yourself having accomplished what you are up for, what will you want next? I suppose - to fly your plane in a game. That's what I am doing now with the help of some people (Darrtallion, AncientAngle, Luis from gerwealk.net and some other) - the game or simulator. So, what I propose - we could help each other. I am not very good in modeling, but I think you are not very good in programming. I am able to write a simulator (and I have already done smth) and share some of my models with you. From you side- I need models. EDIT:Grammar and spelling
  16. Lin Kyle drank and beated Min Mai, so Lin Kyle is an apeface!
  17. Hi! Nice archive! Do you have tabs/cords/guitar pro files for Macross/Robotech songs? I have searched for them, but I found only 2 tabs. I have found some lyrics here 6. Macross Music/Macross_lyrics.zip, but it seems that there is no Macross SDF openning, right? Thanks!
  18. New update!!! It is almost ready, except few trifles. 1 2 and here is a preliminary transformation video TRANSFORMATION
  19. This guy definitely reminds me of someone check it is plagiarism!
  20. I didn't know and I could never have guessed that it could be transfromed)) I am looking forward to see the pics! And tell me if I am wrong but there are these really different transformable planes from Macross+Mospeada+Souther Cross 1. VF-0/1 2. SV-51 3. YF-21 4. VF-19 5. Aplha fighter 6. Beta fighter 7. VF-4 8. Logan Maybe I forgot smth? And, BTW, I am using Milk Shape 3D too. How did you do these renders with shadows and black back in it?
  21. Darrtallion! Really nice models, and you textured them much better than I would. Hope, I can borrow a couple of your models one day! If you wish, I could give you several mine Here is new update !!!!!!VF-1S!!!!!!!!! 1 2 to compare with (it is not mine) now I am going to add skeleton and do animation
  22. new update! 1 2 3 4 also I have made a skeleton and animation first animation next will be VF-1S!
  23. Thanks! I am not sure I understand right your question. In the game I plan to do there will be best mechs from Robotech. It means Macross + Mospeada(New Generation) + Southern Cross (Robotech Masters) I have already Vf-1s, so I decided to do alpha fighter
  24. Almost ready with modeling
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