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Everything posted by SeminNV
I am also curious. Just want to add I guess we will get more enthusiasts as soon as I show some stuff. I am currently working
Hi, che so we are now connected in facebook. My gf already asks who is that "guy". She was even more amased when I told her you are also a macross geek. Anyway, I see you have several destroyds here http://www.macrossaria.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56&Itemid=64 Could you lend me one? I need the rifleman. Nothing is for nothing of course. I can give you anything you like from what I have in return.
well guys common, use a bit of imagination. Pick up any landing gear design like from american YF-22 or russian SU-47. I am pretty sure in this "reference" the artist did the same thing.
It is not just the link. It is me who is cool by default
looks like you are right.
Cloud be, but this is his own design. So he can in principle sell it.
Does anyone by chance has a good destroid model? I found some stuff here though: http://www.mechforce.de/1/sonstiges/meshsheet_is.php#mech I need for the first gameplay demo that will come out around end of october.
hey check this channel R...tech You got a competitor...from the enemy camp
Small graphical update: Demo
I guess it would sound a bit rude if I ask why are you doing all these? I think beside disk preservation you may consider some energy preservation as well. You know, if we run out of energy on Earth we will not be able to watch macross. This might be a good proejct too
check his youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/chillyche
freaking awesome! How many rendered minutes do you have in total?
looks nice. How many polys? If you want it (now or later) I can easily put in the demo I just did, add animation controller. Though right now I have no gardian/battloid controls. But it will fly.
I saw your model. Not a bad start. Would be nice to see its finished. I think you are doing it for that strategy this is where the poly count limitation comes from I guess. For unity3d (or more specifically TPS/sim type of game) you can make models up to maybe 20,000k tris and several materials with different textures. This lower poly model with one texture that you are making I may use as a LOD for a higher poly version. Actually, nowadays it is not the pure poly count that matters, it is the materials count and their complexity. So 5k or 20k is more or less the same now as long as you do not use 20+ materials. As I said before, it is all about finished models, means textured and preferably also rigged and a bit animated. Honestly, I am not a big fan of MF, so not sure I would ever make VF-25 (I am quite happy with my SV-51). What I would suggest you is maybe rework this vf-25 model (there are 3 modes) I just used from here (google warehouse -> macross) http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/search?q=macross&styp=m&btnG=Search together with Starscream guy. Together you will draw good textures much faster. And textures are the most important for the look. Also I contacted the author of the model, and maybe he would do it. We will see. It took me some time to export it properly in collada. So in case you have problem I can send it to you in a appropriate format.
So somebody from here wanted VF-25? Rather heavy VF-25 demo out. It needs a good PC, because the model + the scene are very high poly, around 1.2M in total. The VF-25 model is around 150,000 tris and also has like 20 materials, so it is not game ready. First install unity 3d webplayer: http://unity3d.com/webplayer/ The demo http://www.creativecodingstudios.com/Unity/index.php?show=MacrossRobotechGame/VF-25Demo I am looking forward to artists who can help the game get good quality game models
Good news, though I am by no means a pro. So 3ds max is a bit too big for me. This is why I like blender, just 30 mb or so and quite fast.
Ok, ok. But you should have said smth like "Bullshit, you can be mine!". As I said maybe better stick to Macross Plus stuff. Make VF11 unwrap as soon as possbile. Somebody for here can help you drawing texture. As I suggested long ago try to make control bones for armatures, they help sighnificantly in animation. Soon we will need it a lot. Do not worry. I am working on the engine much more efficiently than previously. Keep you posted by email. Thanks, even at exil I was always following your project. Sure, thanks for the tip. PM sent. Formats of the engine - it imports all commom formats of textures and images. I work mostly in blender. But i can export in .fbx, .3ds , .dae. So there should be no problem.
Yes, Sir! You know it is always hard replying your posts. I am not sure who you are addressing actually. So I will say something that is currently on my mind, do not know why though: " !"VF-25/27 - up to you, though I am not a big fan of MF. I think you are already having enough of work managing Macross Plus aircrafts.
Hello, I publish version 1.0 of the free 3d macross models viewer. It may be still buggy, check please. To zoom scroll MOUSE WHEEL To rotate - move MOUSE while holding MOUSE WHEEL Here is demo video Please install unity3d webplayer from here (available for different platfroms) http://unity3d.com/webplayer/ The viewer is here http://www.creativecodingstudios.com/Unity/index.php?show=MacrossRobotechGame/ModelViewer P.S. if anybody wants to put it into your website - PM me. P.S.2. if you have a model to share and it is within 65k verteces (otherwise the engine not gonna load it easily) - contact me. P.S.3. I am thinking to add loading texture option. For those who like drawing color schemes. I am trying to figure out how right now ScreenShot
I will recheck anyway today's evening. There are lots of stuff over the web, but usually not game-ready I would say. So if you want to see a particular VF in the game , please supply me with the model. Previously since I was almost alone, I tried to do everything at the same time. The quality level suffered from it. Now I want to focus on programming mostly. Would be nice if other help me with good quality 3d models, then both VFs and the game will be good for sure.
I will send a bit later VF-21 and YF-19, they are already unwrapped and textured. But you can draw your color schemes, no problem. In fact, they are really good already, but missing normal and specular maps. For the second question, please go here: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/search?q=macross&styp=m&btnG=Search. Download google sketch up, download the model of VF-25, export it to .dae format. I think you should be able to import it in 3ds max. The model is not bad, but kinda too high poly. Around 150k from what I saw. This is not a big problem, I can still put it in the engine for the next showcase demo, but for the long term it is not good. The statement is that if there are 2 well done VF models in the same class (low poly here), they will look almost the same. This is not your model, though I had yours somewhere. This one was done by Sakura S... from here. It is ready for rigging and texturing. Yours was kinda far from that afair. I can say I do not buy what toys makers or anime magic tells us. If you somehow put a pilot in all cockpits, you will see that indeed SV-51 is the biggest. Scale is not important at this stage at all. It can be fixed in 1 sec. I want to have in the game all well know transformable airplanes. This is why for brevity it includes robotech as well. I do not want to trash talking about robotech vs. macross issues here. I just do not give a damn. I like VFs only, this is it. Wow. I love your models. Yeas this type of quality would be awesome. I do recommend painting normals, because indeed it is a way faster. But since there is no big hurry or deadlines if somebody wants to bake - why not? For AO not sure, so far it was not very helpfull for the look. But there is SSAO in the engine, it helps. Also I add detail textures (not in the video except SV-51). I guess your models should be in .3ds or maya formats, so I can put them in unity without problems. I promise not to share them with anybody. Also in the builds, epsecially webplayer one, it will be impossible to recover them.
Hello, I used to follow your previous thread for a while. Obviously non of you is a prof artist, but I must say with practicing you did develop some good skills, at least for VFs. Why do you stick to 2D all the time? I have a bunch of 3D models here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33809 Here is my offer: I give you ready to texture models, it means they are unwrapped with a texture layout done. You can just paint directly and see the result. In turn, I would like you to make one standard texture for the models, namely most popular and well-known color shcemes like VF-1S for VF-1 that I have. You can then go on and do whatever you want with the models. Also it needs to be mentioned they are animated and transformable. I can help you to start with blender for instance, so you can make render with your custom textures form there. What would ya say?
Rather heavy VF-25 demo out. It needs a good PC, because the model + the scene are very high poly, around 1.2M in total. The VF-25 model has also like 20 materials, so it is not game ready. First install unity 3d webplayer: http://unity3d.com/webplayer/ The demo http://www.creativecodingstudios.com/Unity/index.php?show=MacrossRobotechGame/VF-25Demo ---------------------ORIGINAL POSTT OK, I am back after a while to give here another try. The project needs artists as always. To be specific: there are about 10 models of VFs in different stages of completeness: Uploaded with <a target='_blank' href='http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us</a> Would be nice if somebody could help me to push to modern graphical level. See as SV-51 an example of how it should be more or less: Also you can help with athor models, but VFs have the priority at the moment. Requirements: 10-20k tris, fully rigged and a bit animated. At least transformation. also diffuse-normal-specular textures. In case you do not know - you do not need to really bake normals. You can just generate them with a bit map. Then maybe draw a bit. It works ok for airplanes. Optionally if you want you can make cockpit separately (as a separate model). In the model the cockpit should be just basic. so from distance it looks ok. Here is current project build video: UNITY 3D TEST And screens: Old stuff: Here is a bit old attemt in another game engine video Planned gameplay features: - Full airplane simulation including leanding gears with suspension, landing/take off, reasonable flight model - Advanced damage model for VF. It means it will be possible to shot off some parts like arms - Multiplayer. Almost the first point at the list - 3 in 1. Reasonably detailed simulation of all transformation stages - Inverse Kinematic for walking over different landscape. Bone controls for aiming - Slow motion for shooting - Customizable VFs. Different behavior for each. Graphics - Clouds system - Day/Night cycle - Water with reflection/refraction/waves - Modern models (diffuse-normal-specular textuers support) - Dynamic shadows Contacts Here or PM for the start
At last, the models park we have now. No doubt, it is still a big WIP. This big project to have finally mostly all VFs modelled started around fall 2008. Gradually it is getting to a completion. Model park. YF-19 SV-51 VF-0D VF-A VF-4 VF1S, VF21, VFB, VF11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In case anyone is interested in the curret status here is my youtube channel. I upload new videos there from time to time http://www.youtube.com/user/Nikolay116 Other website, where the progress is reported and people do care about it. http://rdfhqcommunicationscenter.yuku.com/...otech-Game.html http://gerwalk.net/modules/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=124 http://www.gameblender.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=551 http://www.gamedev.ru/projects/forum/?id=88837 http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=142922 Again, I thank people who did pay interest to the project. If you want to help - please, write to my email directly: semin_nikolay + gmail + com (remove _) Don't bother answering to this post, because I don't have any intensions tobreak my word and post again. 2Mods: in principle, you can close the thread.