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Everything posted by SeminNV

  1. it is a good topic If one starts 3d modeling of macross valkyries, he would see scaling problems immidiately. I have similat issue with SV-51, it should be bigger by 10-20% overall or the cockpit, otherwise the figure of Roy from VF-1S won't fit in it.
  2. Quite original I must say, could make a video of the animation?
  3. I am aware of it, and consider it as a poke to the people who like to trash about marcross vs. robotech stuff.
  4. Eat this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fp8hhXaMfQ, macross freaks, and envy Robotech witnesses!
  5. could make an account on p3d.in and post here 3D models? That's the WHOLE point of this thread
  6. This is great! Just make account on the website and do not forget to sign up for beta account (it is free still) to get 2.5 Gb of space. The rest is pretty straight forward Of course, you may email the models to me if you wish:
  7. In case some of you dream to have 3d collection or embed it somewhere, your dream came true! (IT takes some to to load the textures) Macross Plus YF-19 (View in 3D) Macross Plus YF-21 (View in 3D) Macross Zero VF-0S Roy Fokker (View in 3D) Macross Zero SV-51 Nora (View in 3D)
  8. SeminNV


    Good point! This was just a test scene, I guess I will make new movie with more sunshine...when opportunity comes...it is winter time
  9. SeminNV


    I played a bit with the new rendering engine, what do you think guys? Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  10. SeminNV


    thanks for feedback! that was just a quick and dirty test next time I just blur more ) yea, lighting is not my strong point, that's the key to realism This video impressed me:
  11. SeminNV


    I woke up on saturday and saw this in the window...
  12. not bad. Keep it up!
  13. ok guys I read all posts, I will decide after a while what to do
  14. SeminNV

    3D thread

    ok this time no macross, but close I will redo this one with macross planes later Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  15. ok guys lets start the discussion. First off to prove my prof skills in the gamedev, here is "almost" completed commercial game I made recently https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14167855/Mech%20Smoke/MechSmoke_016.html I state that right now I am pretty much capable of making games. Of course within reasonable men-hours My problem now is that after these almost 4 years of gamedev as a hobby starting from 2007, I no longer find games fun at all . Seems like because of this view of an insider. You know, like that of a seasoned gynecologist who no longer wants woman sexually.I just do not play them. And because of it I am not quite sure anymore what would be fun for a small public like macross / robotech fans. My original concept was something like Ace Combat for the fighter mode and Max Payne or Gears of War if you like for the robot mode. As I already said, this does no longer sound fun to me. I would not play this myself now. My main partner in this endevour, Sakura Subjiguy from here, also never told me what she wants except an ability to replace a texture and visually customize the airplanes like cars in Need for speed series. This is very much possible, but I doubt it can me in the heart of a game. It is just a way easier to mod HAWX or microsoft flight sim or even GTA series from what I saw on youtube.
  16. Thanks! Right now the main bottle neck for the project is me. I am not quite sure what to do. Another clone of Ace Combat or HAWXs does not make much sense to me. I need to figure out the concept of the game more firmly, I have few ideas. Once this is done I will go back and aks for help one more time. And I hope that would be the last one till the game is done. THanks for all support. The project is and will be continued.
  17. SeminNV

    3D thread

    This wallpaper is called: "There are no points for second place". Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  18. You are getting it right now. The main demo I am working on is about a proper 3d person mech shooter. For the first time among all existing macross games. The flight demo is separated from it now, and iteratively it will converge to a reasonable simulation. It is not hard at all to add a cockpit view, but somebody should be involved in a cockpit devellopment. It means making a 3d model and all gauges, then I can programm it straightforwardly.
  19. I understand, that's a good point. I guess flight model is a long term thingy. From time to time I go back to it and improve it. It just needs several iterations. As for graphics, my arguements were simple from the start: there is already YFlight, so if I do not make good graphics from the start, there is no point in this project. And besides, I just like it. Anyway, my main concern at the moment is 3d person controls and robot mode handling.
  20. weekly update. Basically, the main macross-zeroish scene is done: volumetric clouds, atmospheric scatterring, god rays and ocean airplane has working landing gears, not retracting at the moment, and all control surfaces: ailerons, flaps, elevators, etc Video
  21. thanks for the info. Basically I am already implementing same control points idea. I guess Starscream and me just need the meshes only. The rest I will try to do manually: adding collision mesh,riging and placing controls point. Also the models will need a set of textures. @Starscreem The project already has lots of more or less ready models: YF19, VF21, SV51, VF25/27, VF0S, VFA Still WIP: VF4, VF11, VF0D, VF1S, VFB So we definitely do not need all from the YFlight PS. I already made movable ailerons, rudders and elevators. The script also supports brakes. I will add same for the nozzles later: orientation and shape:
  22. Just show off two awesome models the project got: video
  23. Chop chop, people, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby This is basically just a test. I have more stuff to show, but it is less neaty looking, though has more functionality Demo: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14167855/AirplaneAttemps/ocean_VF25_002.html
  24. that's funny
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