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Everything posted by gamlin
Macross 3 is a ship from the background of game "Macross VF-X 2" (there are not picture). Hmm...same thing about the Macross 4 (colonisation fleet with Timoshie Daldanton and Wilbur Garland).
Macross 3 --> Macross VF-X 2 (in booklet and game itself).
Where can we find Mylene version of Remember 16 (heard in Macross 7 #34)?
Ok thanks.
Diamond Force is a wing, a squadron or a team?
This one.
What is the song of Minmay in the episode "Phantasm" during the scene when Wrlithwai become Kaifun?
Macross Frontier News Thread III *Read 1st post*
gamlin replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
The Zentradi from episode 12: Temjin ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genghis_Khan Ogotai ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96gedei_Khan -
Most of dates of my timeline on wikipedia are official. Some require confirmation (transition between VFX 2-Frontier, valkyrie story) because I don't know the original source and I need help to confirm or not.
About VF-X2, It's just strange that nobody since 1999 was concerned to communicate those dates. For example, the events of the later Macross M3 are well known. Next time I will add dates about Macross 7. It is also very interesting.
Why? Official dates are official. The Macross VF-X 2 chronology: (I need to join scans from the game manual??) events with "*" are not in the manual and needs investigation. 2010 April The miclone Zentradi Timothy Daldanton enters in the UN Forces. 2013 January 5 Gilliam Angreat born. November The second lieutenant Timothy Daldanton is captain of the defense units of the colonization fleet en route to the planet Eden. 2015 November 10 Wilbur Garland born. 2024 October 12 Aegis Focker born. 2026 April 29 Suzie Newtlet born. 2029 April 16 Manfred Brando born. 2030 *On Volcan, the third planet in the Sharma system, end of the process of environment improving for future colonization November Timothy Daldanton is decorated for shooting down over 50 enemy aircraft during the 2nd Battle of Macross city. 2031 *End of the emigration on planet Volcan. Gilliam Angreat graduated from the school of the Air Force of the UN Spacy. Wilbur Garland diplômé du centre d'entraînement des chasseurs nouvelle génération des U.N.Forces. Wilbur Garland graduated from the training center for next generation of UN Forces fighters. (translation not sure) 2032 Gilliam Angreat joins the 28th super-long-distance colonization fleet's defense units. Wilbur Garland was appointed captain of the defense units of the same fleet. 2033 *The Macross 4 colonization fleet ends to change the environment of the fifth planet in the system Laramis, Sephira. Immigration starts with 1 million colonists. 2034 Timothy Daldanton, who is on the very long-distance colonization fleet headed by the New Macross 3 is incorporated into the squadron "Black Ray." Successful migration of the 28th fleet of long-distance colonization. Gilliam Angreat and Wilbur Garland become the parents of the future elite unit VF-X was responsible for recruiting exceptions candidates which they entrust the responsibility to a specific new school « Square Crow ». Turning training very hard, they are transferred to the 727th independant VF-X squadron. 2035 July 23 Shun Tôma born. 2036 Formation of the VF-X Ravens squadron within the 727th independent Wing. 2038 Manfred Brando at the age of nine, receive a special entrance for the USCCM (famous at the end of study). [incomplete translation] 2040 The New Macross 3 reaches the planet Eden 3. Timothy Daldanton reorganizes Ray Black in a special unit. *The planet Volcan receives autonomy of the government of the United Nations. At the end of his stay at the USCCM, Manfred Brando enters in USAC. *Investigations starts on Endebald, third planet in the system York. 2042 Start of an investigation on Eden 3 for a possible emigration. Timothy Daldanton retired from the UN Spacy. What he becomes is uncertain. Wilbur Garland promoted major of the 754th special unit "Black Birds". 2043 Manfred Brando became president of USAC at the end of his studies. Gilliam Angreat promoted to major and captain of the VF-X Ravens. End of investigations on the planet Endebald. 2044 Aegis Focker graduates from military academy (after repeating one year) and is assigned as second lieutenant to the VFF stationed at New Anderson Base. 2045 *Process to improving the environment of Eden 3 starts. Gilliam Angreat refuses his promotion as commander of the sector stellar 1080. Wilbur Garland promoted Colonel until the inauguration of the 1080 stellar sector command center. He is in charge of special units, namely the Black Birds and the Ravens. The planet Endebald passes under jurisdiction of the UN Forces. After the death of his father, Manfred Brando gets a job as managing director to "Critical Path" by his talents. It quickly became the master of the black market. 2046 Timothy Daldanton is part of the "Black Rainbow" Anti-UN terrorist group. Aegis Focker promoted to second lieutenant and captain of the New VFF Anderson base. Suzie Newtlet graduated first in her class from the Military Academy of UNSpacy. 2047 Suzie Newtlet leader of a reconnaissance unit in the direction of the Milky Way. For six months is moved down as leader of flight. Shun Tôma enters in the Academy of UN Spacy via special entry. 2048 Aegis Focker relocates as unit leader of Beneb star system's AVFF (Advance Variable Fighter Force) Angel Wings. Suzie Newtlet mutated as test pilot at the Fleed space base. 2049 Suzie Newtlet ends her test pilot assignment at the same time she relocates Earth's Lagrange 4 space unit. Shun Tôma graduated from UNSpacy and member of the elite unit Rubymess (?). Twice has put at stake the lives of his teammates (translation not sure). 2050 Only a part of Eden 3 is ready for colonization. The planet Sephira is populated by 6 million settlers. The U.N. Forces reassigns Captain Aegis Focker in the 727th Special Independent Command VF-X Ravens. The game: (comments are made by me to describe the missions) April 9 Mission 1 : Codename…Gigant Lullaby Aegis Focker conducts tests on simulator. September 7 Mission 2 : Codename… Wizard of Oz The Black Rainbow Anti-UN group led by Timothy Daldanton attack Hidecity on the planet Sephira. September 23 Mission 3 : Codename…Die Zauberflote The VF-X Ravens must protect the carrier of the U.N Spacy Embaterion from an attack by Critical Path. Aegis Focker meet in combat Manfred Brando. October 4 Mission 4 : Codename…Snow White Recovery of the Magic Mirror communication base from the Vindirance Anti-UN Group on the planet Endebald. Angreat Gilliam is Missing in Action. Aegis Focker appointed captain of the VF-X Ravens. Suzie Newtlet and Shun Tôma integrate the VF-X Ravens. October 14 Mission 5: Codename…Mobydick Destruction by the VF-X Ravens of the admiral destroyer of the Vindirance fleet, the Untamed, a Hatchet class ship. November 1 Mission: Codename…Peter Pan November 14 Mission 6: Codename…Singin’in the rain Attack against the Black Rainbow Forces on planet Never. December 1 Mission 7: Codename…Pinocchio Attack of the Critical Path secret factory on the planet Eden 3. December 26 Mission 8: Codename…King & I The Black Rainbow have hacked a group of laser satellites orbiting the planet Volcan and threaten to fire on the planet. January 16 Mission 9: Codename…Mary Poppins Space Battle Against Vindirance fleet. Return of Angreat Gilliam, passed on the terrorists side. It appears that the commander of VF-X Ravens, Garland Wilbur is the brains of terrorist organizations. 2051 February 2 Mission 10 : Codename…Easter Parade Destruction of the Ceres U.N. Forces base in the asteroid belt of the planet Endebald. February 14 Mission 11 : Codename…My fair lady Attack on Macross City. The VF-X Ravens defend the SDF-1 Macross from an Anti-UN alliance strike. Death of Angreat Gilliam. Wilbur Garland attack in VF-22S Sturmvogel II. Mission 12 : Codename…Remember love The U.N. Forces beats the terrorist group Vindirance. Destruction of New Macross 13 and its of large-scale jamming system. The bad ending: 2050 january 30 Mission 10: Codename…On the town Aegis Focker joined the Anti-U.N camp and learns the development of a large-scale jamming system. Anti-UN groups are assisted in sub-hand by officials of the UN government. Operation to destroy a Vindirance base in a field of asteroids. Mission 11: Love goes away Final fight between Aegis Focker and Gilliam Angreat. Aegis Focker returns to the U. N. Spacy.
I will translate all the dates that are not in the Compendium.
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
gamlin replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
Details are important ^^ -
What do you think of that? What is the source? 2053年 11月 地球統合軍と移民船團との自治權獨立戰爭の停戰條約締結。冷戰狀態となるが,文化交流は存在していく。 2057年 8月 移民惑星と地球統合軍の間で軍事的緊張が再び高まる。 2053 November The U. N.Government Freezes the movement of colonization and accessions to autonomy. He is being a real cold war between worlds but cultural exchanges continue to take place. 2057 August New rising tensions between colonized planets and the Government of the United Nations of the Earth.
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
gamlin replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%96%E3%...%93%E3%82%BF%29 Ok, it's Buran and not Brun. Good tribute. -
If it was just fan creation or confusion, it would also some others valkyries like VF-8, 13, 18, 20...and there is no such inventions. The doubt is permitted. In any case we will have the answer this year with Macross chronicle.
No, the VF-X 2 timeline is very clear, there are just an official alternative version (like Macross Plus movie edition or Frontier Deculture version). For example, the past of the characters is not affected by the events. I'm just surprised the dates are missing in the compendium since 1999... Another point, I found some strange valkyries in the links posted before. Egan Loo doesn't recognize them (he erased my update from the Wikipedia's Valkyrie page) but is he aware? I want to know if these valkyries are reals and officials. I'm looking for opinion of specialists: VF-0 Phoenix (Phoenix designation is unanimously adopted by Japanese websites) Otec VF-X2 VF-X3 'Medusa' (without codename project in Compendium) Otec VF-X4 'Siren' (the previous version of the Lightning III) VF-5000 Star Mirage (Star Mirage is not just a nickname as seen on Compendium, but now it's really the official name. Watch carefully the material from the Remaster Box Of Macross 7, for example...) Northrom VF-5 Stonewell Bellcom VF-1Evo (in the game Macross Since 1983, a non canon game...) Northrom Grumman VF-X-10 General Galaxy VF-X-12
Why is it not in the Compedium? Fake? Chronology of VF-X 2 planets and missions? http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9E%E3%...%E3%82%B9_VF-X2 Characters biography: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9E%E3%...%B8%80%E8%A6%A7 (same informations are on the game manual) Look the dates of the VF's story: http://forums.odysseyweb.idv.tw/index.php?...entry5301 Is it official or not? It seem's doubtful (like VF from Macross since 1983) but: http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~sieg/chronological_table.html The same here: http://www.macross-funclub.com/project/history/ From wikipedia japan, Macross page: 異星人との有事に備え、統合政府の元で旧世界の軍事組織を統合・再編して生まれた軍隊。作中では「統合軍」と呼ばれる。2001年に陸軍(U.N.ARMY)、空軍(U.N.AIRFORCE)、海軍(U.N.NAVY)が設立され、2005年に宇宙軍(U.N.SPACY)が加わる。and elsewhere: メガロード-01率いる第1次超長距離移民船団は2012年9月に地球を出発し、人類の居住可能な惑星を探して銀河系中心方面へと旅立っていった。しかしながら、2016年7月頃、銀河系中心付近で新統合政府との連絡が途絶え、以後消息は確認されていない(未知のメロディーの正体を探るべくダークホール内に侵入し、別の銀河へ転移したとの非公式情報もある)。 ...I'm lost.
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
gamlin replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
ミハエル ブラン=>ブラン is the japanese transcription for the french word "BRUN", aka brown. The Egan Loo's "Buran" is not correct. -
It's not a question. If you read french, probably the most complete Macross Chronicle of the web, with all news entries. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronologie_Macross
After VF-1 Valkyrie, the name of the VF-25 is rationnaly... VF-25 Amazon.
http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~sieg/chronological_table.html 2005 ・第2次VFX計画発動。 ストンウェル/ベルコムにて開発コード:VF-X-3(社内コード:メデューサ)、オーテック社にて開発コード:VF-X-4(社内コード:セイレーン)開発開始。 2009 ・用途限定(専用機)運用構想に基づく第1次VSFX(支援戦闘機)計画発動。 ノースロム社にて開発コード:VF-X-5、開発開始。 2011 ・ストンウェル/ベルコムにて、VSFXの候補に名乗りを上げるべく、VF-1の改良型(社内コード:VF-1Evo(エボリューション))を開発開始(この段階では軍からの正式な開発コードは与えられず)。 2018 ・VF-5000、初飛行。 ・第2次VSFX計画発動。 ゼネラルギャラクシー社にて開発コード:VF-X-9、開発開始。 2022 ・第3次VFX計画、GVF(汎用可変戦闘機)計画(プロジェクトコード:Nova)として正式発動。 3チームの試作機の良いトコ採りをして、新星インダストリー社で正式に”YF-11”開発開始。 (たてまえ上、この機体より開発コードの”VF-X”ナンバーは廃止)。 2025 ・ゼネラルギャラクシー社、GVF計画で試作した”VF-X-12”をもとに、YF-11の対抗機種として次期主力機を目指した”YF-14”の開発を開始。 (競作そのものが軍事機密であったためか、公に”YF-12”のコードは与えられなかった) etc. Never heard before. Fake or real? (you can see same details with others in japanese web sites)
Hello. What the two VFSX programs are? The Nova project? And what about these strange Valkyries seen on japanese web sites?: VF-X-3 Medusa VF-X-4 Siren VF-X-5 VF-X-9 VF-1 Evol VF-X-10 VF-X-12 YF-1 YF-4 YF-5 YF-9 YF-14 YF-17... Fan supposition or official material?