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Everything posted by gamlin

  1. You're right, but VF-4A appears in some (un?)official pictures, isn't it? In japanese wiki VF-4 page there are VF-4B, C, D. I think i saw the original source but I can not remember what it is.
  2. I'm aware that type A appears in FB2012. The "A" denomination is an official information or not? What is the first publication in which it appears? I'm also seeking the original source for the types B, C and D. It seems that this is not in Macross Plus TIA, this time.
  3. Nice job, as usual.
  4. My god you're right, i'm blind Sorry to have said stupidities. gamlin vs Seto Kaiba 01-01 What about: "2002 May Construction of Earth U.N. Military Headquarters for anti-stellar-warfare begins in Alaska. On the same site, Grand Cannon System I is constructed. " Since the retcon is may 2001. source: MC timeline 00 and 01, world guide 01B, technology 08A.
  5. Great Another one, about VF-1: " Wing span Fully extended 20°: 14.78m" It must be an outdated information because Macross Chronicle, Macross Plus TIA (the part translated by Sketchley) and some others indicates 14.23m.
  6. just one example, it's not the good place for this: "December 1 Macross VF-X2 Mission 7: "Pinocchio" VF-X Ravens intercept Rorqual submarines on Planet Eden. " -->Good place is Eden 3. I am a specialist in the chronology and not mechas, which explains my questions. About Macross Plus TIA, it is necessary that I buy this book!
  7. I am aware of the Master Files but they are not sanctioned by SK. Thanks anyway. When I read something I like to know from which come the assertions in order to check by myself. As I said it before, there are also errors in the compendium.
  8. The Compendium says about the VF-1: “twelve MK-82 LDGB conventional bombs (three one each hardware not)”. Which source speaks about these bombs? No mention in Perfect Memory, DYRL TIA or Macross Chronicle. Maybe the same Macross Plus TIA Special?
  9. Thank you for your answer. What about the VF-X book (the first PS1 game)? Another question: (from compendium about VF-1): "Engines generate 17,680 PS during ground combat". What want to says PS?
  10. Please notice that the correct spelling is YF-27 SHAHAR...
  11. Yes, the history is rewritten. Many dates were modified (need to update period 1999-2009 about destroids in the Compendium). Modifications from MC: 2000 April (MC explains that march is correct too) Research on anti-giant combat weaponry systems Battroid and Destroid begins. (old entry) December Completion of the first specimen of anthropomorphic armament anti-extraterrestrial of Destroid type. (new entry) 2001 August First use of the Destroid in actual fight and against human. (new entry) *September Trial production of the anti-giant ground-combat weaponry system Destroid begins. (out of date entry, disappeared from MC) 2004 June The MBR-07 is upgraded by the addition of arm coming from the series of Destroid MBR-04. (new entry) 2005 *February Trial production of the MBR-07-Mk I begins. (old entry, disappeared from MC) 2006 The Anti-U.N forces develop the Destroid Octos. (new entry) June *Decision made to formally adopt the MBR-04 series of Destroids. Mass production begins. (old entry, disapperead from MC. Out of date?) 2007 February Rollout of HWR-00-MkIP Monster. (new entry) 2008 Rollout of ADR-03 Mk.III Cheyenne and use in actual fight. (new entry) June *MBR-07-Mk I Spartan upgraded to Mk II with improved TV searching system and added anti-air weaponry. (old entry, disapperead from MC) September Rollout of the first HWR-00 Mark II series model. (old entry but new content)
  12. and: DYRL (theatrical release, subbed, as part of "cycle Cinemanga" festival) Macross II "the movie" (DVD) Macross 7 Trash (2 versions) a special "Macross Plus the movie" broadcasted in TV (in fact the 4 OAV with new dub, not the real movie).
  13. My prediction: Mechanic: Zero: UNS 5: MonsterMkI etc1: Bird Human SDFM: probably UNS 3B (VF-1S) PLUS UNS 6: SDF-1 Macross SEVEN: UNS 11: Akusho Zentradi 1: Chlore fleet Varauta 2: Panzerzorene Varauta 3 B: ships of the fleet SEVEN MOVIE: Civil 1: Queadluun-Quilqua FRONTIER: NUNS 8: various ships including SDFN-4 DYRL: UNS4: VT-1/VE-1 MII: UNS 2: VF-2JA Icarus Characters SEVEN civil 9-13: City Office people? Guvava? Others? 7 movie: civil 1: Emilia Dynamite: UNS1: Gamlin Civil 7: Sazapie/Loschier etc1: Liza Hoylie DYRL UNS 8: Global civil 1: Kaifun MII: civil 3: Wendy Rider History: SDFM 16: Final battle SDFM 18: Quamzin rebellion M7 movie 1 MD7 1 MII 1 World: 2: Anti UN army 3: Protoculture 12: IA-cyborgs? 19 b: Ataria/Mayan 28: ? Technology: We need: -ghosts -IA/cyborgs -micloning technology -Varauta technology
  14. "反統合同盟軍 [編集] SV-51 VF-0より先に実戦投入された史上初の可変戦闘機。反統合同盟の陣営だった自治区では、VF-1ではなくSV-51の生産が続けられており、投入されたかは不明ながら第一次星間戦争を生き延びた。VF-11の本格採用まで生産された。 この機体をベースに後継機のSV-52が開発されたが、現在のところ設定デザインなどは存在しない。 (開発:スホーイ/イスラエル航空工廠/ドルニエ 生産:2008年-2030年代 型式:α、γ)" [production: 2008-2030's] Available on VF page from Japanese Wiki. An indication? (other informations of the page are correct)
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