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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I usually don't post much as you can probably tell, but I haven't seen this info posted yet so I'll post. I'm in the land of the Rising Sun now and came across this hobby mag at Haruya (Japanese Book store). I think you'll be pleased that a lot of fixes and improvements were made to the YF-29 mechanics probably (hopefully) fixing a lot of problems in the VF-25 and the few in the VF-27. Atleast that's what I'm guessing from the pics. Making this valk the ONE to get...sigh....too bad it's coming out 5 days after I leave this place.... anyways here are the posts...(sorry had to take pics...in-laws don't have a scanner.)
  2. If you can find someone to ship it to in Japan and then send it to you, amazon.co.jp i believe has if for like 9,000 or 10,000 yen which with the ever worsening exchange rate is now above $100 but under $120.
  3. Graham, is that the January 2010 copy of Dengeki Hobby? I was in Japan 3 days before you post and only was able to get the December 09 copy. Has great pics of the finished/painted VF-27 and the MQ as well, but that's another thread. [ed] Nevermind just found out that there's a new Dengeki Hobby mag 1/2010 that came out 11/25, just 2 days after I left. [/ed]
  4. I just got back from Japan last monday and finally got my RVF-25 and VF-25G DXs that I ordered on Amazon.co.jp back in March 09 and also ordered a Armored VF-25S while I was in Japan. I gotta say I'm a happy camper. I was expecting the boxes to be huge from everyone's pics, but I was surprised to see that the model kits have bigger footprints than the DXs. The Armored DX box was pretty big though. Good thing I brought the extra luggage. Amazon is awesome ships to any location in Japan in two days! Atleast they shipped to shikokou in 2 days. Unfortunately they don't ship to the US....sigh....b/c at 9,000-13,000 yen the toys are a great deal! My in-laws are awesome, they bought them for me and I paid them back....They found it funny that I'm 35 and getting toys. Well my parents find it funny too....well more like shame....I wonder if I can order more and get my in-laws to ship them over here via SAL or something.....I might now be allowed back in their house.... hahaha...doh! I also picked up the Macross Frontier movie Guide book from a book store there. I noticed that one page 47 where they show Luca's valk, both shoulders of the RVF-25 say 004 instead of one shoulder saying SMS like the other valk models, so maybe they didn't really screw up the toy. They kept true to the animation and the animation screwed up being consistent with the other valks? I wonder if anyone noticed that already.
  5. The VF-1 could probably fly. Someone has made an RC model (light depron foamie) and it flies. Not to say that it means that the VF-1 will fly, but the silouhette is a viable design. But given the right controls and thrust, you can make a flat plate fly. The concept is a variation of a V-Tail. The canted ventral fins add lateral stability, but the V-Tail albeit split V acts both as a conventional rudder and the elevator. Real planes demonstrate the V-Tail like the Bonanza, a gen av plane that doesn't have thurst vectoring since it's a single prop in the front. FBW - just means computerized flight controls. So instead of conventional control cables and rods connecting the flight stick and rudder to the control surfaces, there's a computer between the control surface and the flight stick. Let the flight computer do all the calculations and movements necessary to keep the plane stable and do exactly what the pilot wants. Less workload and lets the pilot do more meaningful tasks like selecting targets and weapons, vs keeping the plane upright and flying. The F-117 is another example of a V-Tail aircraft. Now, can the VF-1 fly past Mach 1? That, I doubt b/c the tail fins are not moving planes, but only control surfaces. I think Chuck Yeager in the Bell X1 has demonstrated that you need a fully moving tail surface in order to have control beyond mach 1. The shock wave that the tail leading edge makes would make the small control surface useless. Or was that because the shockwave of the main wing, that made the control surface of the tail useless? I can't remember.
  6. I think I prefer Miria over Klan. I guess I like older women. I was about to say the same thing about the head of the Prophecy. Looks like they have some appleseed flavor in the mix. Especially with that flat antennae on the side of the head.
  7. Nice review! You've definitely addressed the request for fightermode with the head extension peg on. BTW anyone noticed that amazon.com.jp is selling Luca and Michael for 9800 and 10100 yen? I noticed when I was looking to order The armored Ozuma. Man....I should have waited since I'm not picking these up from my in-laws till Nov. Too bad those places don't ship overseas. But definitely a lot cheaper than retail at all the guys that do ship overseas.
  8. So what is this oily finish that I keep reading once every one or two pages? Can it be cleaned off? Will the oil damage/mar the model if left unopened and uncleaned? Is it something they add to the bag in packaging so the paint doesn't come off in the bag? I have a DX Luca and Mikhail waiting for me in Japan at my in-laws right now. Maybe I'll wait till I bring them back to the states in a few months before opening them instead of unboxing them in Japan and start crying b/c of the bad QC I keep reading about. Do you guys think the supply of Ozma's will run out? Should I order and Armored Ozma now or wait till Oct/Nov when I visit my inlaws? I still see Luca's and Mikhail's on amazon.jp for order. Too bad they don't ship to the US. Man....I wonder if my wife will allow me to get one. I'm already in the hot seat for getting a Luca and Mikhail 1/72 model before telling her.
  9. Thanks for the tip! That looks great Cent! - ATM
  10. Thanks for showing us your progress step by step. I just got myself a 25G (yay for sales at HLJ) and I want to just slap the thing together and play b/c I'm impatient, but I do want to paint it at some point. So my question is, have you or anyone put it fully together first and then taken it apart again to paint? Is it hard to take apart the pieces after you're put them together? I haven't don't many snap together models before. My last one was a VF-2SS from Macross II and I don't think it wants to come apart. I did paint that one first where it made sense. Thanks in advance!
  11. I saw it in gizmodo article that I posted earlier in a different post. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...29541&st=78
  12. How about converting one of these to a DRYL or SDFM helmet? It looks like a really good start. http://gizmodo.com/5325853/scorpion-exo-90...torcycle-helmet
  13. TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! Now I don't want to build mine, b/c it'll look so crappy....can you build mine?
  14. Man....I might finally break down and get a PSP now. You guys think it'll play on the PSPgo when that comes out? Man I bought a Sega Saturn just to play the Macross DRYL game....then a Dreamcast just to play the Macross M3 game and yes I only have one game for each system. Sigh.....well the Dreamcast did come with Sonic, but that doesn't count. Macross....has cost me a lot of money....
  15. Actually Roy did get pancaked/bug stained when Kamjin was killed and fell on Roy with the chest plate removed. Then he got burnt to a crisp. so sad....
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