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Everything posted by Lt_Dan

  1. Here you go: You're welcome...
  2. Well he said it's going to be 4ft. SDF-1 is approximately 1210 m (before 2012). 4 ft = 1.2192 m ergo the scale is 1:993.
  3. Are these real? I got these pictures from this: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/ Scroll down until you see a black VF-22.
  4. Hi y'all! I'm originally from the Philippines but I'm in San Diego, CA now.
  5. Just out of curiosity, does the old 1/60 Armored Parts work with the 1/60 VF-1 version 2? Has anyone tried it?
  6. 1/48 - 5 1/60 - 10 1/72 - 0
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