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    100% Pure BankofKev! Hey did you expect any less?<br>

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  1. I love 24! It is one of the best shows on TV! I agree that kims storyline last year was a liitle over the top (The Cougars anyone) but I like the fact she works in CTU now... Bankofkev
  2. Richard Hatch said to watch with a open mind. At the BG25 con I saw Ron Moore Present a reel. I thought it looked like a cheesy Farscape. Well having watched the who series I can say now its not that! Its a Cheesy Space Above and Beyond. Dont get me wrong i liked SAAB but it also had flaws. Here Ron Moore took the flaws of SAAB and made more pronouced. I can hear him thinknig that SAAB failed cause it did not have enough sex and beatiful people,catfights,backstabing,bickering and cheesy sets.... Sadly though the SAAB 2 hour pilot is far more enterinaing than this drek. One thing that stunned me was how sllllooooooooowwwwwwww the pacing was on the show. At least the orginal had great paicing. Another: The lack of battle sequences i mean most of the action occurs OFFscreen (saving $$$$$$). In the orginal you saw the fleet get destoryed you saw the glactica fights try to fight off the cylons. you saw the cylons lauch attacks on Caprica, you saw other battle stars get blown up. You saw people die on camera. Here thats all sanitized. or done off screen. What you do see is alot of people sitting around talking and talk they do...when they stop thet talk some more.... BORING! AREASEVEN: You asked if the cylons stilll have the mlving light for the eye. Yes they do. But they are RARELY seen! We see plenty of human cylons (a trick done in (Galacitca 1980) which is done to save money.... And they say the 1978 version is cheesy.... Bankofkev
  3. Ask and you shall recive.... I fixed it...Sorry about that.
  4. I'm so embarrased of the Robotech products in comparison to the quality of the Japanese products Which HG has tried to bring over (Macross 7 Trash) but Big West stopped them. The website is so unprofessional. Harmony Gold makes an effort to make Robotech look even more like a bootleg Now I'm interested. Exactly how does RT.com make robotech look like a bootleg? They rely completely on second hand information about the shows. Tatsunoko sends them no official information or materials if they even have or if Harmony Gold even asked for it Really? What second hand info are you referring to? Also what proof do you have that "Tatsunoko sends them no official information or materials if they even have or if Harmony Gold even asked for it." Why is the Infopedia still uncomplete and copied out of Robotech Art 3? Robotech Art 3 deals with the Sentinels there is very little if any Sentinels info on the infopeida....I'll assume your grief caused you to do a typo....(I'm just a bad typist...) Why should we care about this Jack Archer assclown and his ugly animation mistake ripped straight out of Macross, Which was apporved for air by SK himself....Oh yeah Hg gets slammed for not releasing any new merchandise but when they do something new its bad...You cant have it both ways.... when they haven't even released any enemy mecha yet? They are on the way.....From Valkyrie exhange.com.... Macross Saga Destroids and Enemy Mecha Toynami will be releasing Destroids and Zentradi enemy mecha using the existing molds that were also used by Matchbox and Playmates Robotech and Exosquad line, respectively. These figures stand about 5 inches in height and are made of ABS plastic. No changes are planned for these molds; however, Toynami plans to improve the paint job for its' versions of these figures. The company also has access to the Robotech action figures molds but indicated that if it decided to produce action figures, the designs would be brand new. MSRP prices are to be announced at a later date. I want a new CD! The soundtrack CDs are the best thing about Robotech of all time. Well the most complete robotech music CD is availble you can find it here.... http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=16 Its got 99% of the robotech music on it....As to your your next Statement... The artists have said they would like to make new music and Harmony Gold bastards say no. REALLY? I was at the Shrine 2002 where michael Bradley preformed. Yes he did say he would like to go back and re-do some songs...However he did not say that HG was stopping him. Legioss you better produce a quote on this one.... Tell me which HG "bastard" said no. Why all the secrecy about the new products when they should be promoting them while they're still behind the scenes? Lucasfilm makes money off selling behind the scenes looks at the new Star Wars. Yeah you got to buy TPM for $29.99 just to see a few minutes on rough footage.... So Lucasfilm is smart promoters for doing this yet when HG tries something similar they get reamed a new one.... Often Lucas just realaes a few photo's (often altered) out of contex... over a few months. He realses very little often the offical info you see on movie news websites are unauthorized realses and get a call from lucasfilm legal.... Its standard in development to give out little or nothing about a upcomming show. The only thing Harmony Gold has learned from Lucasfilm is the special edition. They'll release important information about their products in the forum or in the chat, but not announce it on the front page, and then you have to go digging with their useless search. Once again I'd like to know which products you are refering to.... Tokyopop deal was on the front page. YF-1R is on the front page. Robotech Comics have been on the front page. VT Armor on the front page. Alpha SP' on the front page. MPC bookends on the front page....Tell me what has been only talked about in the fourms... The TOS are totally unreasonable. Dont you mean the TOU. I'll just chalk it up to your grief ouver the death of Robotech.... They consider the creators of Macross to be their competitors... Once again I'd like to see where Steve,Tom and Tommy said anything like this? Defended your legal rights is not competition...Its just good business sense. ...and you can't even say "Yamato 1/48". What you cant is promote other product. Let me ask you this Legioss: At your place of emplyment, do you promote your other companies products with no benifit to you? Harmony Gold lures us in with low prices and munipulation of our nostalgia. They're also rude if they suspect you aren't kissing their asses. Once again I'd like to see some proof of this. edit: A good alternative to Robotech.com is the board we all posted at, even the HG people, before Robotech.com: RDF-HQ Harmony Gold staff hasn't posted in years and they have never controlled the board. You can have intelligent conversations there because it belongs to the old fans. Yeah its not a corporte site. Intellegent converstions happen at RT.com maybe you have to actully go there and participate in them. Hg staff is more open and communitive than most compaines. (anime Expo 2002,2003 and SDCC 2003 comes to mind) Legioss you made lots of allegations but very facts to back them up.... Bankofkev EDIT: For formatting....Do'H!
  5. Well I like to see that quote...People are runnig around saying that is what HG said but have yet to offer any proof. We've been hearing this for over week now yet no one can find the statment...Hmmmmm No one at HG is forcing you or me to buy this. Bankofkev.
  6. Exactly.... This just really shows how badly you can milk a product to the point where the cow is all bones. With my boot...up HG's ass. <_< Looks like neither of you have experience with video/film archives. It is very plausable and likely true that this stuff was buried some where, where no one knew where it was. WB and MGM might have meticulous logs from decades ago but I've never seen a small production company keep anything straight for more than a few years. To back up Wrylac's point here is a post I made on RT.com Enjoy: So has HG finally done it? Have they really screwed over their fans? No. Some of you are looking at this from a fan perspective and not a production/business/industry perspective. What Steve has posted in the forums ,and on the main page with Tommy, is what happens in this industry often until very recently. Want a non-HG example? In the 1980's Star Trek Fans were clamoring to see the original 1964 Star Trek pilot “The Cage” Since very few people outside of NBC or Paramount have ever seen it. Well Paramount sensing the demand released “The Cage” on VHS… Sadly due to sloppy vaulting procedures there was not a complete color print. So paramount released the The Cage in on VHS with a mix of color and B&W footage… ST Fans screamed at paramount for a full color version. Paramount told them that there was none and that there probably would never be one since despite exhaustive sereaches they simply could not find the missing color footage. Well somebody had that color footage and in early 1988 contacted Paramount and worked out a deal with them. Well Paramount was able to show The Cage in full color on television (via a TV Special The Star Trek Saga: From One Generation To The Next hosted by Patrick Stewart (he even says this is a “rare color print” on the special). Paramount then re-leased the cage on VHS in Dec. 1988. Now was Paramount screwing their fans? No. Another example of sloppy vaulting is The Abyss…All the production sound (carefully recorded by Lee Orloff) was lost and was a major hurdle for James Cameron when he released his Abyss Special Edition on LD in 1993…. Was 20th Century Fox screwing over its fans? No. A more recent example involves X-men… Look at the first DVD of the film? No Extra’s it’s just the film…. The came X-Men 1.5 a few months later…Now for those of you who want to invite a class action suit against HG no doubt you already succeed against 20TH Century Fox Home entertainment, New Line (for the LOTR DVD’s) and several others. Sadly folks when shows were made no one ever envisioned that there would be formats to view this material. Remember back in 1985 VHS home video was just starting to make its way into American households and that was only through rentals not sales… So often this material is forgotten, disgarded or misplaced or ruined in a flood…. And it costs lots of money to find/re-mix/restore to today’s Broadcast Standards. Having worked in post production , it costs quite alot to bring a mono mix to Dolby 5.1 … Bankofkev I made a edit on spelling...D'oH!
  7. The full quote...From animeondvd.com....
  8. While I do not agree with this statement I’m reposting it here as a illustration of the feelings shared by many in the purist movement on this issue. Well during the 2003 SDCC Robotech Panel it was disclosed by Tommy Yune that: Also here is the official Statement form Tokyopop: I thought this was a good deal for all parties involved in fact here is what I said at the time on 8/21/03 typos and all! I firmly believe this then and I still believe it now. HG staffers have repeatedly said that there door is open to a deal. Well we have seen that this is not idle chit chat but HG backs it up with actions! Great news for everyone…. Well just as things were starting to look good a new (or as could be the case old) monkey came in with a blowtorch to screw this up… Recently Tokyopop had taken down its press release about Macross 7 trash. White Drew Carey sent them a e-mail asking what was up well on 9/23/03 he got a response: I’m sure many of you have seen that HG has taken down the press release also. Now we do NOT know what the delay is. I suspect it is one of two things. 1. There are production problems with the manga. 2. BW has pulled the license from Tokyopop. Sadly my gut feeling is that it is number 2. Now I must point out that there has been NO official statement from any party (BW, HG , Tokyopop) as to why there is this delay and I ask that you keep this in mind as you read what I write below. I would love to be wrong on this one…. IF Big West has pulled the the M7Trash license from Tokyopop then this battle between Big West and Harmony Gold has taken a dark turn. Why? 1. There is no chance you will see a approved translation here in the US thanks to Big West. Folks Tokyopop is not going to to release this without HG approval. Why? Tokyopop knows who is the trademark owner of SDF:Macross here in the US and internationally (except Japan) and it is Harmony Gold. Why should Tokyopop risk a legal engagement with HG that Tokyopop would lose? After all we have seen that Big West will do nothing to help Tokyopop. Thin I’m wrong? Well does anyone remember Su-----ds in 2002? Which leads me to… 2. Big West has lost its chance to gain entry into the international market. HG controls the keys to the international kingdom. The Jan 2003 only strengthens HG argument. HG is the owner of SDF:Macross thus any macros derivative must get clearance from them to be released outside of Japan. BW gave up its international merchandising rights to Tatsunoko in 1982 (disclosed by HG at the 2002 AX RT panel). HG controls the keys to this kingdom and BW knows it. However BW has really hurt themselves because: 2. It is doubtful that any US company will do business with Big West to release new Macross products. Tokyopop has pretty much lost whatever money it has put into this deal. As I stated before Tokyopop cant release this without a legal challenge from HG, unless there is a agreement. Why should any company go out and pay money to BW to get rights for Macross merchandise if BW forbids them to work with HG? No US company is going to engage in a costly legal battle with HG for BW benefit when there is little chance of success. Which leads me to: 3.Big West has just lost millions in international revenue. Well no one was going to rake in millions off Macross 7 Trash. However this deal could have been a bridge for future deals that could have brought more products over (B---ai, Ya---to, Ha----ga, et. al.) which would have brought millions for Big West. Now its gone…. 4. Big West just screwed over its fans big time. Macross Purists (who have fought for BW here on line in the US) have lost their chance to get Macross products widely available at cheap prices thanks to BW. I ask the purists to explain to me how this action (if it was big west who pulled the plug) helps their cause? Just the opposite has occurred for reasons I stated above. HG is not affected if this does not happen but you are… If Big West has pulled the plug on this deal they have screwed Tokyopop, Macross Fans and any chance to end this war in the near future. Once again I must state that we do not know if Big West pulled the plug. There is NO official statement from anyone as to why this is happening. I personally would love for this to be a simple production distribution problem. If it is I will gladly say I was wrong. However if its not…. Harmony Gold answered the fans call…It appears Big West doesn’t want to listen. Bankofkev One of the resons why as to my lack of posting here is the fact that there has been a impostors using various SN's pretending to be other people. Well somebody Hijacked my Bok SN... However I knew that If I posted my thoughts over on RT.com you guys would know its really me... If you want to send me a PM this is the SN to do it at. Yes Roy even you too.... BankofKev. 100% pure BankofKev. But hey you knew that already!
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