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Super Ostrich

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  1. That is on the Earth! so NUN government is getting involved? Super Ostrich
  2. And I think there is still time left to play another Macross Zero homage: the NUN reinforcement shows up late and determine to annihilate Vajra to take all credit. Ranka and the Vajra fold away... Super Ostrich
  3. 但是,已确定最终的完结篇,将会以一部完整的电影的形式出现,初步定于2008圣诞之前放送 But, it is confirmed that the final episode will be presented in the form of feature film, tentatively scheduled to release before X'mas 2008 关于这个剧场版的具体信息,大家可以在第25话中了解. The detailed information about the theatrical release, you can find out in episode 25. Interesting, what Chinese forum you got it? Super Ostrich
  4. Yes, he is pulling the greatest kabuki ever. Even his father is admired, when he said "Alto, is this your dance?" Super Ostrich
  5. Exactly, Ranka was manipulated. Grace deliberately chose this song against Sheryl. She said "no better song can fit this situation." Super Ostrich
  6. Some interesting development during the first half of episode: 1. In her flashback, Ranka's bother told her not to tell anybody that her singing attracted Vajra after pushing her to escape pod. 2. Ranks think she is responsible for 117th's destruction. Grace uses Ranka's guilt to persuade her to defend Vajra home planet against intruder (Frontier). 3. On the wreck of Global they found the script from Grace about "super-dimensional network", by inserting implant to fold quartz. They also found the medical record for Ranshe, shown that she gave birth to Ranka while infected with V-type virus, which confirms the power source of Ranka. 4. Based on the Grace's theory, it is possible to create galaxy-wide real-time nerve network by using fold quartz as the core. The network will be hierarchical, meaning there are nodes above the others, with the one super-node dominate all. But to archive that all creature will have to be implanted, Wilder realizes that Vajra will be used as the mean to get the submission, because it is so powerful human cannot resist. And Ranka is the key to command Vajra. 5. They sent their finding to NUN government, realized that they have face Grace alone since reinforcement won't come in time due to distance and bureaucracy. 6. They also found a letter to Dr. Mao, which says, "...decided to give Mother's erring as gift to daughter..." ... I have to go to bed because my brain is fall asleep... Super Ostrich
  7. Chinese sub (POPGO) is out. Super Ostrich
  8. Wilder. not Wil"b"er, type too fast Super Ostrich
  9. Could anyone provide the link to2ch and 4ch sites? I like to go there to check out what is the fuss all about. Super Ostrich
  10. Actually, what Alto is buying into is the pep talk from Leon and Bilrer. They both told Alto that Vajra is using Ranka as a tool to annihilate human. And Alto believes in that. Super Ostrich
  11. Frontier has reached to the point where they can no longer self-supported due the heavy damage inflicted by Vajra. This can be seen when they abandoned more islands. In the assembly meeting a senator proposed to give up the journey and seek help from New U.N. government. Leon announced that there is a better solution for the crisis. Later they located the Vajra planet by tracking the fold wave from Ranka's singing. Based the data collected from the ghost probe, they determined that this planet is in human-habitable Class A. So, it is the Leon's goal: eliminate Vajra and take over their planet, sound familiar to what we human has been doing, uh? Super Ostrich
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