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Everything posted by garoquel

  1. Guys here is a sample of my alternate coversfrom when i did the boxed set for Animeigo let me know what you guys think.
  2. 113 Tactital Figther Squadron Just Finished
  3. Heres my VF-11 done in Illustrator Garoquel
  4. garoquel

    VMF-235 AW

    French Navy F-8
  5. garoquel

    VMF-235 AW

    Still finishing, needs ordinance load and a few markings and color in the rear area GAROQUEL www.macrossmilcomnet.net
  6. garoquel

    VMF-235 AW

    F-8E Crusader The Last Gunfighter in the colors of VMF-235 All Weather MARINE Fighter Squadron. Let me know what you guYs think maybe ill make a valk in those colors GAROQUEL www.macrossmilcomnet.net
  7. ok so did you guys like them YES or NO? . As for the comments they are always welcome, the reason the are done at a 1000 pixels across is that there is a lot of detail in it and that detail would not really show through if it was smaller. plus everyone always asks is there a bigger one, and i dont think its up to the mods what size i make it since the attachment limit is over one megabyte. . garoquell
  8. Millia VF-1A with super packs in white DYRL Style garoquel
  9. Millia VF-1A with super packs in red trim TV Style garoquel
  10. Here are my 2 cents for this post SVF-184
  11. Actually let me settle this and this all boils down to, having sidestories and prequels made after the original series has come and gone, and most of these newer offerings wheter gundam, macross, or whathave you are reflections of the times they are made, everything from the look of the characters, settings, vehicles, weapons etc. all this happens and the timeline gets wre-written with each new release, look what happened with macross, and DYRL, after DYRL came out everything from the look of the characters to the VF-1's was brougth in line with the movie, and all the original stuff was thrown out the window, thats the reason for all current Macross artwork that we see has DYRLS movie stylings with the guys wearing the jumpsuits and Mynmay wearing her pink dress. dont be surprised if after macross zero everyone is wearing some sort os hybrid navy style G-suit/ Tactical fligth suit, Top Gun style. that would be trippy . Garoquel http://www.macrossmilcomnet.net
  12. nevermind the reasons, since the reasons for the UN wars were never defined in the first place, actually if you think about it were in the middle of WWIII and nobody is the wiser, although it wont be called that for many years to come.
  13. true but it's still kinda freaky isnt it?, even the time period, it wouldn't bother me if it was 20 years from now and this was happening. cmon think about it
  14. What do you guys think about this, we are in the middle of a war rigth now and in the Macross world it was the UN wars which if we really think about it its pretty much the start of that rigth now. the only hting were missing is a huge ship coming down from space. we already have a international space station, prototype figthers with 2 dimensional thrust vectoring (although they dont transform, yet ) a new generation aircraft carrier under construction, The War which is due to esacalate soon. I wonder what kind of crystal ball werre the studio Nue people were looking into in the early 80's. Tell me what you guys think. Garoquel Http://www.macrossmilcomnet.net
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