Actually let me settle this and this all boils down to, having sidestories and prequels made after the original series has come and gone, and most of these newer offerings wheter gundam, macross, or whathave you are reflections of the times they are made, everything from the look of the characters, settings, vehicles, weapons etc.
all this happens and the timeline gets wre-written with each new release, look what happened with macross, and DYRL, after DYRL came out everything from the look of the characters to the VF-1's was brougth in line with the movie, and all the original stuff was thrown out the window, thats the reason for all current Macross artwork that we see has DYRLS movie stylings with the guys wearing the jumpsuits and Mynmay wearing her pink dress.
dont be surprised if after macross zero everyone is wearing some sort os hybrid navy style G-suit/ Tactical fligth suit, Top Gun style. that would be trippy .