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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/2007-08-16/ will we see gerard butler screaming I AM SNAAAAAAKE!
  2. here is the link to darkhorizons news, the director apparently left the project. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news07/070815j.php
  3. they want Marky Mark for Duke, and jason Statham for Action Man (no clue which Joe that is)
  4. cool, I will have my psp soon
  5. Am I the only fan of 32X?
  6. I uh concur, nice boobies
  7. cheap http://www.monoprice.com/products/subdepar...0201&style=
  8. cool, thanks. when is release date of new psp?
  9. for the cheapest cables, I always buy from this page, good quality stuff. http://www.monoprice.com/products/subdepar...0240&style=
  10. for those who know, what media types can be played on a psp? mov, wmv, avi, etc?????
  11. will the joysticks for the 360 version, work on PC games as well? or it only for the 360?
  12. the free MS points is very YMMV because some stores are claiming that it was a misprint. I got mine after some hassle but the manager told the chick at the cashier to send anyone else to him because it was a misprint. But some people are having succes by taking the add to either Walmart or BB and having pricematch.
  13. the trailer looks fantastic
  14. devastator was already in the movie, albeit not the same character, but the real devastator would be too big for the transformers movie, I don't think he would fit in.
  15. best thing about the psp slim, is finally TV - OUT, why couldnt this idiots have done it from the beginning? now I might actually buy one.
  16. screw blair witch, cannibal holocaust was better.
  17. Punisher under the guidance of Garth Ennis is pretty good. I can't get enough of the Marvel Zombies stuff.
  18. he doesnt say lion, he says alive. also he cant be a big budget movie, because this only will have a 20-30million budget.
  19. they now say rampage the movie
  20. GAMERA?
  21. are you kidding? John Torturro (sp?) was awesome.
  22. great fun movie, much better than they Shreks, Spider-Man 3 and Pirates movies for sure.
  23. review with minor spoilers http://www.darkhorizons.com/reviews/transformers.php
  24. if smauel jackson is playing fury, who is terrence howard playing?
  25. when will the complete family guy episode air?
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