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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. My 5 Free HD (xbox hd player) and BR (ps3) discs arrived in under 2 months.
  2. i got a ps3 cause it came free with my brothers tv.
  3. wild arms was my first ps1 game
  4. why does ryu have a hardon?
  5. Try Sears, I got 2 harmony remotes (xbox360 versions) for $36 a piece, kept one and ebayed the other for 75 to cover my costs. I think ALL sears are selling them for that cheap, they are getting rid of them, the problem you might have is finding one, almost all have none left in stock. But if you go to a sears, see if they have any in stock.
  6. so with update we can play divx straight from a usb drive or cd/dvd?
  7. Anyone know if Xbox360 or PS3 games are region coded? I want Pro Evolution 2008 and cant wait till march for it.
  8. they should release Resident evil 1, 2 and 3 so I can play them on my psp
  9. ok, I got a free ps3 80gb with a tv my bro purchased. what are some good games that are unique to this console? (i have a 360 as well)
  10. megahouse looks better. how much will each of those 3 cost?
  11. because its not a store promotion, its a manufacturer promotion.
  12. I think circuit city is also selling it.
  13. grrrrr, waiting for Toys R us to get this in stock
  14. I bought this VGA cable for my xbox, hope its good quality. http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-de-49-en-70-178e.html
  15. thanks. so once I hook it up with VGA, do I need to do anything else in the settings?
  16. Ok I got the xbox HDdvd drive yesterday and have it all set up. Only think I cant figure out is how to open the tray to the hd drive with the remote? I can only open the tray for the xbox with it? any knows how to? Also, to upscale dvds do you have to do anything? or is automatically? And can it upscale thru either component or vga?
  17. anyone knows if Toys R Us will have this game in stock the same day of release?
  18. thanks. When and where can I buy them?
  19. what is cheapest place i can buy the hd dvd version for this?
  20. BB is having a sweet deal on the HD DVD player for the xbox on sunday and going to pick it up (includes heroes season 1 on hd dvd) Couple of questions. My TV is a Samsung LCD 32" 720p, will it be a noticeable difference compared to DVD? My TV supports both Component and VGA, which one will give me a better PQ thru the xbox360 for watching the hd dvds? or it is the same? Which HD DVD right are the best in the sense that look the best?
  21. how much will those retail for?
  22. thanks
  23. are those model kits?
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