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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. that new MPC is very nice looking.
  2. most of the changes are stupid. Anyways, you know how Mr Lucas is, all about the $$$$, so I bet they are first gonna release the Special Edition or whatever new edition he has in mind, and after a few years and a lot of DVD's sold, he is gonna release the Normal Versions again just to milk some more $$$.
  3. Ladic

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    that looks so sweet, is it a 1/60 with armor on? does it come the toy and the armor, or they gonna sell the armor separately?
  4. Latest on T3 from Darkhorizons.com:
  5. Arnie is sooo yesterday, this is Da Man!
  6. $33 mill in 2 weeks is pretty decent. Don't forget about overseas release, DVD sales and all that other junk.
  7. ditto is there a way to save them to my PC for future watching off line? I was wondering that too, anyone knows who to save them?
  8. I found this from another board:
  9. so is the Jack Archer MPC gonna come out before the Alphas or what?
  10. oops, my bad then, if you wish mod can lock this one up.
  11. http://www.msnbc.com/news/975464.asp not sure if this has been posted before.
  12. Badass Punisher Art from his Jim Lee era.
  13. They should hire Pat Lee, I like his stuff on transformers, and get a decent writer.
  14. how much is prime gonna cost? and when does it come out?
  15. nah, don't think they've decided yet.
  16. this would of made a great poster.
  17. Someone please explain me this: From what I've seen in the movies, Jedi's are not supposed to get married, have kids/families and stuff, but how can there be more jedis if the medicloreans are inherited?
  18. I liked the Turbo Express.
  19. I thought EQ was a really good game.
  20. Where is this pic from?! it's a fake.
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