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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. hopefully works with my modchip.
  2. cool, I hope I get mine soon, I ordered it over the weekend.
  3. I actually perefer when an Unkown or not some A star actor plays a superhero, makes it more believable.
  4. I would like to get a few cheaps 1/60's and MPC's if possible.
  5. I believe he also made a Cameo in the Comics.
  6. Since all it is is a different head sculpture and a different paint job, Toynami probably had this thing designed a while back. It is probably being released now in order to have something out for the Christmas season and to help keep interest in the MPC line until the Alphas are released. a smart move if you ask me.
  7. why thank you.
  8. getting back on topic, does anyone know if the fast packs for this thing have been confirmed? will it get its own fast packs or will it use Ricks fasta packs?
  9. 1/60=1
  10. I saw a clip of "Robotech 3000" and man, I was pissed! for someone that Hates Robotech and HG so much, why are you even watching Robotech 3000 in the first place?
  11. very nicely done.
  12. I hope they don't sold out, and I can snatch one of these, they look really nice.
  13. a picture I had, and I did some noob editing on paint, lol.
  14. I think like $150 at Electronics Boutique
  15. I think Christian Bale would of been perfect to play cyclops.
  16. as long as he doesn't star throwing around random ewoks on ep4 and 5.
  17. ANything but Rap and Country.
  18. I've got some Region 0 dvd's that don't work on my DVD player, but for some odd reason they work on my PS2, so the DVD playback still comes in handy.
  19. I doubt it will hit $99, I believe it will be more like $150 by Xmas.
  20. http://ps2.ign.com/articles/453/453967p1.h....html?fromint=1
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