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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. The beginning of the movie in HD: http://www.sendspace.com/file/75j3p6
  2. if you wanna see Two face and a few other pics click on the link, warning lots of spoilers http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b45/joma...era%20picutres/
  3. Michael Bay's rejected script http://my.spill.com/profiles/blog/show?id=...ogPost%3A355506
  4. One of my fave movies from vandamme is Never Retreat Never Surrender, although he plays a bad russian.
  5. not sure what this movie is about, but the trailer looks interesting.... http://www.thomasjane.com/mutantChronicles/ Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0490181/
  6. the problem with Gi Joe is that the director sucks.
  7. since november 07, but I didn't eve use that much.
  8. my ps3 stopped reading discs 2 days ago
  9. picture of scarlett http://www.aintitcool.com/node/36416
  10. can someone explain whats the difference between these 2 audio cards? Creative 7.1 Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer Fatal1ty Professional Series ($92) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16829102005 Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer 7.1 ($60) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16829102006 does one sound better than the other or something?
  11. the old sh!t was made to last.
  12. there is a picture of the skull, and it is an alien skull.
  13. is it just me or does SD channels look 10x worse on an LCD/Plasma rather than an old crt?
  14. Question, I havent played this game in over 2 years and have forgotten quite a lot about it, so I went to the warnsong gulch to fight several times. I have 8 warsung gulch mark of honor, where do I turn those in and to whom?? I am a human warrior from Alliance. I also remeber from doing pvp instances I could get some nifty trinkets, how do I get those?
  15. does that audio come after the credits?
  16. how do u leave a guild in WOW?
  17. I just finished Uncharted, nice game.
  18. if it fails out of the box, can't you return it to the store? I've done it with my xbox360, I returned it to Circuit City on the 28th day after the purchase, and I returned a PSP to Target the day after I bought because it had a stuck pixel. Most big chains, as long as you return withing 30 days, you can do an exchange no problem.
  19. AND a $25million budget doesnt help much either.
  20. not sure how much it can improve the game, I played it at a friends house it was probably the worst game I played last year.
  21. anyone knows the code to UNLOCK ALL SONGS for GH3?
  22. anyone liked space above and beyond?
  23. where can u order them?
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