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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. just awesome. Any info on when it will be released and price?
  2. http://www.sidetalking.com/index.html
  3. ATI is still pretty much on top at the moment, but Nvidia's offerings are nothing to sneeze at. According to Pricewatch.com, a Radeon 9800SE w/128 from Sapphire Technology can be had for $155 w/ free FedEx shipping at Newegg.com. Sapphire makes good, stable, reliable cards. The 9800 is clocked slightly higher than the 9700 and uses slightly faster RAM. I don't know what you'll be able to find locally, so perhaps there is a place that might have a better deal. If I were to upgrade from my GF4 Ti4400, I'd more than likely get at least a 9800. Sapphire's Product page I'll probably end up buying something from newegg.com, I usually buy from them. So you saying the Radeon 9800 SE w/128mb is better than the 9700 128mb(non-pro)?
  4. I got a Question, I need to upgrade my Video Card this Xmas, and I have $200 to blow on it, should I get an ATI Radeon 9700 128mb(non-pro) or a G-Force FX 9700 Ultra 128mb ? they are both worth about $200. But still unsure which one to pick.
  5. Mine is Made by my and my friend: Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2500+ (Barton) MoBo: ECS L7S7A2 SiS 746 Chipset ATX Motherboard Ram: 512mb PC-2700 Kingston Sound Card: Sound Blaster Live Video Card: Gainward G-Force 3 ti200 64mb HD 1: 40GB 7200rpm Maxtor HD 2: 20GB 5400rpm Maxtor Case: Antec Lanboy w/See thru window and 350watt PowerSupply CD-RW: Hitachi 8X/4X/32X DVD: Sony 8X
  6. I just saw my first episode today chapter 3, and it sucked.
  7. so when and at what times do they show them?
  8. Sailor Moon, was one of the worst shows I ever saw.
  9. it was a decent movie, and the ending as expected. My rating: 7/10
  10. thanks for the info guys. So far I'm leaning more towards the Toshiba. The dude that works at best buy told me I should pick up the Toshiba, and that 32mb vc on the Toshiba was better than the 64mb of the shared memory for the video on HP, is this true? if you have any more suggestions, keep em coming please.
  11. I know desktop is better, but the thing is my brother is gonna be moving around for the next 2 years, so he needs something he can carry with him. Sites Again: Toshiba: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?j=...43&type=product HP: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id...pe=product&cmp=
  12. Hi guys, I need help buying a laptop, and I'm no computer genious, so I'm not sure which is better, I have around $1200 to spend and I am going to buy it from Best Buy cause I need it by wednesday. I've norrowed my search to this 2 PC's, could someone tell me which one is better? It's for my brother and he will be using it mostly for gaming. Toshiba: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...43&type=product HP: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...duct&cmp=%20%20 thanks for any info
  13. In the afternoon its liek $6, at night like $8, but sometimes I go to the VIP section, it's $20 there.
  14. Amazing how ticket prices change from region to region. I pay 5.50 in Dallas to see great schlock like this in a digital stadium-seating theater....and there's an old shoebox theater down the road that has new movies at a matinee price of 2.00!! I've paid $20 (american) to see movies several times.
  15. This isn't actually and auction, but a feedback someone left this guy: The Buyer says: and the Seller Responds: LMAO, what kind of seller is that? here is link: http://cgi2.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?...magagamescomics
  16. already posted this http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...6&t=1580&st=180
  17. I think someone here bought this a few weeks ago. But it looks cool.
  18. I hope they fix the coloros on the Books, and make the background pic to the charaters green like the rest of the book and not blue. It looks weird.
  19. I think they were made in the 70's, but I saw them in South America in early 80's.
  20. hopefully one day they will release the dvd's.
  21. I had my first VHS in 1993, before that, it was all beta baby.
  22. LMAO!!
  23. Funny Badgers
  24. i think this game will turn out to be great, like the first one.
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