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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. Lets see how many people bitch if they pull a HG and realease them on DVD. Probably none, since it's name isn't Robotech.
  2. she has been back in clone form
  3. noone ever really dies in the marvel universe.
  4. I have this on tape, very good i agree.
  5. I tought arnie in T3 was a T-850? as oppossed a T-800 from T2?
  6. Anyone watch SilverHawks? that show was cool ass hell.
  7. Como estas Froy.
  8. they should release: Gaiking, Spaceketeers(Starzinger), Captain Future, Steel Jeeg, Magnetorobo Ga-Keen, Captain harlock, Space Legend Ulysses 31, The Queen of a Thousand Years, Space Cruiser Yamato, Candy Candy, Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger and all those other old robot stuff.
  9. Actually, X-Men came out on DVD, in the US, before Christmas of 2000, so it was 2 and a quarter to two and a half years between the releases. It's also been over 2 years since the first 2 Robotech DVD's came out.
  10. I hope that they don't change the OB1 vs Vader fight into CGI, and just leave it as it is.
  11. Let's all play with Ragdolls.
  12. I think Kill Bill is the best movie of the year so far, Quentin Tarantino is a Genious.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=41524 why is the S&H $50 for just DVD's? crazy
  14. good news indeed, it was alot funnier than the simpsons last few seasons.
  15. THis is what Tommy Yune Said over at Robotech.com: http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...0034&forumid=23
  16. the fact that this come with spanish dub, makes it all worth it, so I can finally see them again, like I originally watched them.
  17. How do you figure that one? When the most exciting part of the whole movie is a monkey smashing things with a bone. Lets also not forget the repair scene... *shudder* One of Kubrick's darkest hours. Then again, I don't like Kubrick. That said, I'd rather watch Robot Jox 3 times in a row than 2001 once. Hehe, the trailers on Robot Jox are the best. The Arena.... I wanna see that movie just so I can see how that guy's head catches on fire. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" dang, I feel sorry for you, missing the message on such a fantastic movie.
  18. First they bitch cause the quality of the DVD's suck, now they bitch because they are gonna remaster them. I guess people will always eat cheese.
  19. I don't get the bitching, if you don't want to pay more then don't, easy as that. Yes, I would of been ALOT better if they did this to begin with, but they didn't no point in crying about it now. Better to have the option, than none at all.
  20. awesome, altought I alread own the first dvd's I can't pass on this one. holy sh!t it also come dubbed in spanish? amazing!
  21. Any Star Trek or BF Earth.
  22. No, I alredy bought the regular version like a month ago.
  23. well, as cool as it is, I'll never spend $150 on a toy.
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