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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest was the best of them all!
  2. very nice toy, will buy it once it drops down on price
  3. GL, is the mastermind behind my 2 favorite trilogies (SW: original Trilogy and Indiana Jones), so he kicks mucho ass.
  4. best company ever, MICROPROSE! Best Game Ever: Pirates and X-Com
  5. I don't think Lucas is a bad director, he just needs to find someone to write a good dialogue for his movies.
  6. IT would of been cool to see Spielberg do one and James Cameron another.
  7. Winning Eleleven 6 Final Evolution GTA: VIce CIty
  8. I thought Christiansen sucked acting, but he was great in shattered glass. I like Portman in Leon.
  9. nasty
  10. I used to be blue belt with 2 stripes in Tae kwon Do, but retired at the age of 8 due to knee injury.
  11. wow, more people like PM than ANH?
  12. 1-ESB 2-ANH 3-RoTJ 4-episode3 5-AotC 6-PM I rank episode 3 better than the last 2, because I don't seriously think it could get any worse.
  13. K, cool, Because when I was reading the instruction booklet, it said I should rotate so they all get XP, but when palying I notice when I swap them they would the XP, so that got me confused.
  14. I got a quick question about XP, do you have to rotate all your characters to make them all get XP, or if you leave them parked at the base do they get XP too?
  15. Top Gun, PWNS!
  16. K, just bought the game yesterday and started playing last night, how the hell do you get past the rancor?
  17. Sounds perfectly fine.... except for the video card. Don't know how a GF3 would handle this bad boy. thanks, I was thinking of picking up a new vid cards for Xmas anyways. I'm gonna trade in some PS2 games at electronics boutique and buy it tomorrow.
  18. I think I'll buy this game this weekend. What kind of system do you need to run it well for PC? I have XP 2500+ Barton 512mb pc2700 gforce 3 ti200 64mb is that enough?
  19. excatly
  20. one word: "Awesome"
  21. They will never be as Great as Everquest, muahahah.
  22. Is this game worth buying? I've been thinking of picking it up, but dunno.
  23. I think FPS on consoles sucks, I need a Keyboard and Mouse to play them right.
  24. Can't wait for this game. Are they using the BF1942 Engine for this Game? I can't wait for Republic commando either.
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