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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. the real covers are in: http://www.thedigitalbits.com/
  2. Awesome zombie movie. Third best of all time behind Night of the living dead, and the original dawn of the dead.
  3. Just buy whichever you find for cheaper.
  4. Sometimes, we just wanna forget about the plot and be entertained silly for 2 hours.
  5. Karateka f***ing owns, I remember playing it all the time.
  6. I like the one with the star destroyer the best. Star Wars is really about Anakins Rise, fall and Redemption.
  7. He deserves it.
  8. I have it, I like it for the price.
  9. Danny Elfman will forever be Batmans best music composer.
  10. Stuart Townsend(who was with charlize theron at the show) was originally supposed to be Aragorn, but was fired a few weeks into filming cause he looked too young. Here an early promo pic with him as Aragorn: http://www.cinecon.com/forums/attachment.p...ntid=1463&stc=1
  11. Graphics and Interface look dated.
  12. I Don't care how bad Yoda, Luke or the ewoks were in the OT, nothing will ever be as horrible as Jar Jar.
  13. Does anyone else remember this Arcade Video Game a LONG time ago that was 3D holographic, and you used a cowboy? I remember playing at disneyworld everytime I went.
  14. how much is that in US$?
  15. I had that dubbed version on tape, I couldn't finish watching it, until I got the FX version DVD.
  16. very cool, how much they selling for?
  17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3507531.stm
  18. ah, u mean this one? I had it, I remember my me and my dad buying this game for my brother for the Apple IIC, for many years we had to play this game without been able to save, cause we needad a second floppy disk drive to do so, lol. Also, at first when I played this game it was only on 3 colors, green, black, white(apple monitor), imagine my wonder, when I discovered I could hook it up to the tv and get like 8 different colors or something like that, lol. The map that it came with, was pretty cool too.
  19. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/sidpir...ws_6086103.html
  20. This thread needs a little:
  21. Ladic

    Got Money?

    you could always donate it to a charity.
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