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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. according to the IMDB, the Melissa Newman that does the voice for Dana Sterling is not the daughter of Paul Newman. Voice of Dana Sterling Daughter of Paul Newman
  2. Jessica Alba made a few nude scenes (Breasts only) on a Idependent Film I saw on IFC a few months ago, I guess she wouldn't mind being nude again.
  3. you mean Paris?
  4. Turner is now doing the Covers for FLash.
  5. how you know there wont be anymore Xwing games?
  6. Nintendo DS, is up for preorder and Ebgames.com, for $199.99
  7. there is no THOR in the movie, just that Ajax uses a huge hammer.
  8. I enjoyed Troy alot, very good movie.
  9. They should make a GOOD Captain Tsubasa game, like they ones for SNES, but MUCH better.
  10. I have all the episodes. All he does is fight with his light saber, never forcepushes anyone, or lifts or throws objects. He is just very skilled with the saber, and he used up to 3 of them at a time.
  11. uh? Grivious didn't pull or throw anything, he only fought with his lightsaber.
  12. At the end of Clone Wars, Grivious was featured in the final episode. It showed him basically pwning the ass of the Jedi council. (I think they all died) and he had force powers like any other Jedi. He took them all at once and they didn't stand a chance. So yes, he is force sensitive. which force power he used? using a lightsaber, does not equal having force powers. When jango fought obiwan, I would consider it a tie, but that doesnt mean Jango was force sensitive.
  13. definitely, judging by the description and price i would guess it will have no extras, but that's normal, i have actually only seen 1 bootlegging group that also incorporated the extra sinto their dvds I usually don't care about the extras, since I almost never watch them, but as long as the whole movie is there in good quality, good enough for me.
  14. would this be it? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...4188535081&rd=1
  15. which one is the HK version? and do they sell it on ebay?
  16. When will this be released on DVD here in the states?
  17. Pics of PSP games:
  18. New Ninteendos DOuble Screen Portable:
  19. very cool, I'll probably just buy it at BestBUy, they usually release it sooner and cheapper.
  20. I Like those little toys that had magnets on their feet, they were tiny but cool, can't remember name right now.
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